Chapter 4

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Percy slid the door of the compartment shut and sat by the window, his father had long since disapparated and he was finally alone. Reaching down his coat (as he has yet to change into his school robes) he took out a slightly rumpled piece of paper and smoothed it down on his knee. This new letter from Annabeth had arrived just before he was about to leave for King's Cross and he hadn't found the perfect opportunity to read it yet.

Dear Percy,

Based on the seven letters you've already sent me since my last one I'm going to have to take a wild shot and say that your quite worried (getting soft now are we seaweed brain?).

Scoffing Percy rolled his eyes, it wasn't as if he misses her or anything he was just worried for the safety his two friends and camp. Right, yes. That was definitely the reason.

It's been a few days since Clarisse and I set sail on our quest and it's been-

Slam! The compartment door opened with a flourish and in came his royal highness himself  "Percy! Where've you been? We were all looking for you!" The young Malfoy heir exclaimed gesturing vaguely behind him where two burly kids were lingering- Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, two Slytherins who acted like Draco's own personal body guards.

The blondes eye's snapped towards the letter Percy was hastily stuffing into his coat pocket and smirked "is that your girlfriend Riddle? The one from America? What was her name again.. Annabeth?" Mock glaring at his friend Percy tried not to noticed the heat that was creeping up his cheeks.

"Oi! You two! what are you doing standing around? Make yourselves useful and go get the others" Shutting the door on the two lumbering figures already walking away Draco plopped on the seat in front of him "exited for second year Riddle? those Gryffindor fools won't know what'll hit them.." Percy tuned out his friends rambling for a second and couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed, all he wanted to do was to read the letter (was that seriously to much to ask?).

After awhile the compartment door opened again to reveal an exasperated Theodore Nott and a grumbling Blaise Zabini.

"Percy mate if your really that inconsiderate to make us walk all over the train just to find you then I'm very much reconsidering our friendship" groaned Blaise, slumping into a seat next to Draco. Theo rolled his eyes and calmly took a seat next to Percy who nodded at him and sent a small wave towards the two girls watching the scene with amusement.

Draco waved Daphne and Pansy over "don't just hover around now the trains about to leave" when the door slid closed once again the compartment was full with chatter about the summer. "Percy how was your trip to America?" Daphne inquired politely and everybody turned to him, none of them having ever visited the country themselves.

Percy gave a small shrug "it was different" he says vaguely and glared at Draco who smirked and spoke up "he met a girl there" and the rest grinned and turned to tease him "do tell" Pansy says with a mischievous glint in her eyes that rang warning bells in his mind. Pansy was known to spread rumors that travels as quickly as fire in a forest. The last thing Percy wanted was whispers going around the Slytherin common room about him dating some American girl (well excuse him he's twelve! he simply does not want his life to be complicated more then it already is because of girls).

Long after the train left the station Percy founds himself the only one still awake. The others (excluding Theo who seem to be completely immersed with a book he was reading) having fallen asleep after snacking on the sweets they bought from the trolley. Quietly taking out the letter out of his coat pocket he smoothed it down once more and started to read it again.

-busy as you probably can guess. I don't have much time to respond to any letters but I'll write whenever I can. There's so many things I've got to tell you and I just don't know where to start. We ran (well not ran but you know what I mean) into Luke and Percy he's changed so much, Long story short he's got a boat full of monsters and he's trying to revive Kronos.

Percy almost banged his head on the widow if it wasn't for the group of people surrounding him. So not only did he have to worry about the basilisk living in the secret chambers in Hogwarts and a diary which oh yeah got a piece of his father's soul in it he now also had to worry about the 16 year old demigod who has severe daddy issues and is trying to revive the king of titans (who would probably wipe out humanity as we know it).

Sounds like fun.

He felt like groaning in frustration, the year hadn't even started yet and it feels like he's already gotten a bunch of homework (is there a book somewhere about releasing the basilisk in Hogwarts? Or maybe one about defeating Greek Titan overlords? No? Shame). Not to mention that he felt absolutely helpless to do anything for camp or Annabeth and Grover as he was so far away.

Percy couldn't help but wonder though, if Annabeth was able to send this letter they must've escaped so the question is how? Glancing back down to the letter he fervently hoped that the next thing he reads won't make him want to rip his hair out.

-we manage to escape with the help of (please don't panic) your half brother who happens to be a cyclops.

Merlin's beard.

Aw poor Percy.

So here's another chapter done and finished (I'll probably edit more later) and I hope you liked it! Tell me if anything needs fixing and whatnot I'll really appreciate the feedback.

Anyway thank you for reading as usual! And the next update will be hopefully sooner so yeah until the next chapter.


Percy Jackson, Heir Of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now