Chapter 9

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Those were the words written in blood on the wall of the now crowded hallway.

Percy and Draco pushed their way to the front of the crowd to get a better view and they too stared at the display. Filch's cat Mrs. Norris was hung up beside the bloody wall and what was most surprising was finding Potter and his sidekicks in front of it, at least it will get the suspicion away from him.

"Enemies of the heir beware? You'll be next mudblood!" Draco spat viciously, a grin spreading across his pointed face. Percy threw a look at his friend and returned his gaze towards the wall, making sure to widen his eyes to seem shocked. Casting a curious glance towards Potter who was now spluttering and staring here and there Percy felt a surge of adrenaline go through him as the professors finally came and took control of the situation.

The game was on.


"Come in Mr. Riddle!" the voice from inside the office called out, Percy pushed open the door and looked around with slight wonder at the circular office of the one and only Dumbledore. There were curious trinkets and silver instruments puffing up smoke, the walls were covered in the moving paintings of previous headmasters and Percy could even see the legendary sorting hat sitting on a shelf and hold up a minute- is that a phoenix!? tearing his gaze away from the rare bird he fixed his sight towards the headmaster. 

Dumbledore was sitting behind his large desk, his eyes ever twinkling. Walking cautiously inside Percy could feel the slight intrusion of legilimency prodding his mind and resist the urge to raise his eyebrows and instead averted his glance, so that's how its going to be is it. 

"Please take a seat Perseus, may I call you Perseus? I hope I'm not taking you from anything important" Dumbledore said offhandedly in that grandfatherly tone of his. Percy graciously took a seat and smiled lopsidedly hiding his displeasure at being called by full name "please professor I insist you call me Percy, Perseus just seems too pretentious at times" Dumbledore chuckled goodheartedly "of course Percy, would you like a lemon drop?" the headmaster picked up a bowl of the lemon treats and popped one into his mouth.

"I must decline professor after all I just had dinner not so long ago" said the raven haired boy, waving off the sweets "I don't mean to be rude professor but why am I here?" he asked politely after awhile.

Dumbledore sighed in a sort of sad manner "its quite alright Percy but I do apologize for not trying to speak to you in your first year, your mother was one of my best students" trying not to stiffen at the mention of his mother Percy tilted his head slightly "you knew my mother?" the professor nodded  "Sally was one of the most brightest witches of her generation, she was even a seeker for her house like yourself! when I heard of her passing after the war I was simply devastated" smiling slightly at the mention of his mother being a seeker he shook his head sadly "I'm afraid I hadn't the pleasure of meeting her myself, she died not long after my birth because of some freak accident" Percy says in steady tone having come to terms with his mother's death long ago.

Dumbledore nodded solemnly "yes I heard, though I must admit I didn't even know Sally had married! or had a child for that matter" the old man exclaimed, chuckling lightly. Percy wanted to roll his eyes, the old man had practically straight up asked him who his father was. Shrugging he answered with a fake smile "the wizarding world was at war sir I'm sure you had other matters to worry about at that time" chuckling again the headmaster smiled "true but I do worry about the safety of many of my students at that time, your mother had left quite abruptly" Percy carefully called up the cover story he and his father had constructed and relayed it as best as he can without sounding as if it was rehearsed.

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