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They say your first true love should be someone who you will want to never forget, but I wish I never met him he ruined my life. They told me not to get involved with him but I never listened, I was so attached to him, everything I ever wanted. But, he's the schools player, he doesn't care about anyone, never has. He's never had a girlfriend. He doesn't want one he just wants girls to fuck. Sadly Im not one of those girls he doesn't want me but I wouldn't ever let him. If I ever had sex with him my heart wouldn't be able to take it, because I love him.

It's true when they say you can't help who you fall in love with, because if I had a choice. He wouldn't be the one to love, but I guess thats what happens when a girl falls in love with her best friend, who is the biggest player in the city.

How can you hold so much hate and love for your best friend? How can you love someone who breaks you every single day with out doing anything? How could I be so stupid and think someone like him, could ever love someone like me? He led me on, he ruined me, I love him. I can't see the day that I won't ever not love him.

'"I love you" His face dropped "I have told you before, and I will tell you again" I gulped "My whole life I have been afraid of rejection, the fear of never being loved. You have brought my fear to life Justin!" I shouted "You ruined me! You have made me feel so little and fragile! What does she give you that I wouldn't?" Tears came in my eyes "Is it because she is prettier? Or skinnier than me Justin?" I sobbed "What is it!" I screamed.

"I don't know!" He yelled back punching a wall. "We never tried anything Amelia! How can I control how I feel, what do you want me to do?" He asked I sniffed and I decided something I should've done a long time ago.

"Tell me how you feel, if you want me to go, and if you don't love me and you want her I will go, and not come back ever" I crossed my arms holding tears back

"Amelia" He said sadly.

"Who is it Justin, me? Or her" I asked wanting to be sick over my choice of words but I needed to know where I stood with my best friend and the boy who will forever own my heart'

My name is Amelia Evens, this is my story of a girl, who fell in a one way love friendship. Yep, this is the story on how I fell in love with my best friend.

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