Part 26 - "The Feeling"

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Me and Justin were board watching films on the sofa, he done a concert yesterday and we are now on our way to North Carolina which he had another concert tonight he must be so exhausted, but I am excited. I looked up at Justin, and I still can't believe that he is my boyfriend. I smiled at the thought. 

I wonder if he really did love Selena? Maybe she was just something to told onto. I love being in love. I love the idea of it. I love the feeling of it. Everything. I felt like everything was going okay and we was really getting along with each other in a really good place at the minute. I hope everything stayed like this.

"What you thinking about?" Justin asked me bringing me out of my thoughts I sat up straight. 

"Love" I smiled and he chuckled. "I just hope we can be happy forever and we last." I put my head on his shoulder and he sighed.

"Same Amelia, I am sure we will have ups and downs but we will get through it." He said playing with my hair making my heart flutter. I grabbed my notebook and pen. 

"Justin? Did you love Selena?" I asked him and he frowned and shook his head and running his fingers threw his hair, he answered quickly as if he was certain on the answer. "Why did you stay with her, if you didn't love her?"

"It was more lust than love." He shrugged "I liked the feelings she gave me. But I love the feeling with you I guess it is different. Selena made my dick have feelings where you make my heart and dick have feelings" He winked and my whole face wed red and I smiled and began to laugh as he joined in.

"You are such a teenager" I giggled and he kissed my temple still laughing. Once I calmed dow I picked the pen up and wrote. 'The Feeling' on the top of the page. "Song time" I sung in a weird way and he giggled. We hadn't told anyone we are dating or nothing yet we are going to wait till things out settled down then we are. 

"Have you got any idea's?" He asked. "Because the best ones start from you singing them and talking about how you feel." Justin shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"The feeling." I whispered. "I wrote down a verse already last night. Read it." I said.

"You are to me, a part like anatomy, you're pulling me, you're pulling me in like you're gravity'" He gently sung and I nodded smiling lightly and he nodded. "I like it, any other idea's?" He asked.

"Yeah, this one to be a duet, so I will highlight the other parts the other person will sing, that verse you just sung will be you singing." I said and he nodded agreeing. 

"The last word was gravity, so we could say 'I'm notorious for thinking you are beautiful and hollow'" He said and I frowned and giggled slightly.

"It doesn't rhyme" I said and he shrugged and let out a chuckle.

"So? Sing it, you can feel the meaning of the song it sounds more personal." I sung it in my head with the beat Justin was tapping on his leg with his hand and smiled as it all flowed into one. "You like it?" He asked and I rapidly nodded. 

"I like it so far, I had been wanting to put this in somewhere, it is an amazing line 'Sugar on your lips, it starts to kill, jagged like a pill as it is hard to swallow'" I mumbled writing it down as Justin mumbled the words after me then nodding in approval. "I like this one, it is more chilled out but I would still like it upbeat." I said and he nodded.

"Same, now the chorus" Justin said. "The Feeling," He mumbled. "Well I didn't know if I loved you or not but I had a weird feeling when you was around." Justin said making it from prison reasons again I nodded biting on the pen. "So try make it into something relatable and personal" He coughed and I nodded.

"This would be where you and the second singer will sing. It could go" I closed my eyes and began to sing. "'Am I in love with you' and you say that twice, I put a X2 by the line 'Or am I in love with the feeling' Because you was confused about your feelings" I said and he nodded. "And you don't know how you felt at the time, you was in a weird place" I said and he nodded agreeing with me.

"Yeah" He sighed. "'trying to find the truth, trying to find the truth, sometimes the heart is deceiving, can't get out of my head, I need you to save me, if I am delusional then maybe I'm crazy'" I gasped at his powerful words. "Do you like it?" He asked me nervously. 

"Justin it is so powerful. Is that how you felt?" I asked and he nodded I kissed his lips gently and smiled at him reassuring him that it is okay. He kissed my temple making me blush. "Okay back to the song, you go back to the 'am I in love with you' two lines" I made notes. "'You give to me, everything, anything that I could dream, and at least that's what it seems, could it be I don't know what's good for me?'" I sung the next verse.

"Then go back to the hallow verse and then the chorus" Justin said and I nodded and made notes again. "The chorus will be the longest part of the song, because it is the most meaning." I said in an obvious tone as I scribbled and made nots on the page. "How else did you feel?" I asked and he moved uncomfortably.

"Felt like I had to feel the pain I put your pain. I felt depressed, like I was falling into something I couldn't get out of and I felt like everything was my fault" He said quietly and I kissed his cheek and he blushed.

"It is okay Justin, we are happy now" I smiled. "Well if this part is about being upset, make it about depression sort of. So it is like something you can't get out so it could go. 'I'm sinking faster and faster. Between heaven and disaster'" I wrote down and he nodded kissing my temple. 

"'Sorry if I made you feel like. I'm standing on the borderline'" He sung and I smiled lightly but not showing him how happy he makes me. I am so in love with him it is shocking. "Then the chorus again" He said and I nodded and read over the song in my head and Justin sung it.

"It is a beautiful song" I sighed and he nodded agreeing with me.

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