Part 20 - "Is that Justin?"

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'Pop star Justin Bieber still a mess after his break up with Selena Gomez one year ago, he was seen in LA smoking pot with his friends and walking out of a club with a girl three weeks ago. However, Justin Bieber has started his second US Leg of the tour and is starting in Atlanta then he is visiting here in NY next week! All you Beliebers buy your tickets-'

I turned the TV off and threw the remote on the floor in frustration. It has been one year since I left Justin standing there crying. To say I am now over him is a complete lie. But I have sorted myself out a lot and now I have a job, in a shop and live with my friend Kate. She has been really good friends we met on the plane and she didn't know anyone either after being friends for a few weeks we thought we would move in together. We get on very well. 

"Hey!" I heard Kate moaning because I turned the TV off. "I know you hate him but come on Amelia, why don't you go see him he is a mess" She sighed

"I don't hate him Kate" I sighed "I needed time" I sighed.

"It has been over a year now, I think you have had enough i mean if you still love him you are never getting over him." She shrugged. "We should go see him I mean look at him" She said causing me to look at her. "He is broken obviously needs help, in my opinion it is because you left" I laughed.

"Piss off" I said and she giggled.

"I am serious, you said he was crying and pushing Selena away maybe he has realised." She shrugged. "You are better now Amelia, you are healthy" She sat next to me.

"I don't know, I can't see him" I sighed. "What if he hates me for leaving? I haven't even spoke to him" I crossed him arms and legs.

"Because you changed your number and deleted social media" She said in an obvious tone causing me to roll my eyes and push her slightly.

"I don't know" I sighed and she shrugged. 

"What ever, up to you lets go out for tea" She said standing up and grabbing a purse. "We will go on a walk, New York is amazing we should embrace it." She said making me laugh.

"Come on" I said walking out the door.

We arrived at some face restaurant which was mine and Kate's best place, we always came here for a few drinks. I am nineteen now but Kate looks well older so she gets served. I looked at my surroundings and it was a pretty city New York. I don't regret moving here at all. In one year I have had no contact with, none of Justin's team, Justin, Chaz, Ryan, Pattie. No one. I looked different my hair had grew. I looked healthy again and I was actually happy. 

"So, I have a confession" Kate said. I took my glass and slipped the cocktail. I raised my eyebrow at her and she cleared her throat. "The other day, in work. I met a guy" my mouth dropped. Kate always wanted a man. "I have been on a few dates with him"

"I wasn't told!" I gasped.

"No, Amelia. I always tell people and it never goes right. I kept it quiet but now he is my boyfriend. I think you have to know."

"Boyfriend!" I said excited and she nodded smiling, she was happy, she deserved it. "I am happy for you Kate you deserve this" I smiled and she returned it. 

"He has a friend. He fancies you" I shook my head quickly.

"No, I don't think I want one just yet" I giggled. 

"When will you want one? You are nineteen Amelia. You are a stunning girl, I mean are you a virgin still" I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Are you?"

"No I am not" I said and her eyes went wide.

"What the fuck Amelia!" She laughed and I felt my face get hot. "Who?" She frowned. 

"Before we moved in together I was in a  hotel. I was a sad lonely eighteen year old girl who just had her heartbroken." I said and she nodded understanding. "One drink too many the guy is coming my house and you know what goes on from then on" I said and she giggled.

"I understand" She smiled and the song Overboard came on in the background of the restaurant. I felt like the air had been sucked out of me as I sighed but ignored the fact it brought back memories. 

We sat talking for hours about life. Kate was someone I could never get board of, she told me about her boyfriend a lot she seems really happy which is what she deserves because she is a really good person. We was talking ready to pay the bill when I heard paparazzi outside and Kate gasp and look in a direction I frowned and turned to where she was looking.

A boy with sunglasses, so I couldn't see his eyes. A quiff and perfect pumped lips. We was with two men. I frowned he looked so different. He was so attractive. But reality clicked in that Justin was sat less than thirty steps away from him. My heart beat increased as the fear of him seeing me crawled up me. Why is he in New York? He isn't meant to be here for another three weeks. Kate was checking her phone wondering the same thing as me.

"Kate is that Justin?" I asked trying to catch my breath. 

"His concert in Atlanta was cancelled, he is having a break in New York." She whispered while reading the news on her phone and my mouth went dry. 

He was sat right next to the door, he would see me maybe if I walked out there. I ran to he bar and looked at the man for help. 

"Excuse me" I said. "Is there another way I can get out of here?" I asked desperately but he shook his head indicating no. "Shit" I whispered.

"Be confident that it is not you." Kate whispered and I nodded. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door praying that he didn't see me. 

I know it has been a year but maybe I am not ready to face him yet. He was my first love and my best friend who broke me to the point of wanting to kill myself, I hope he doesn't hate me for leaving. I did lie to him. I told him I would always be there for him but I lied. I left him. 

"You Okay?" Kate asked as she yelled for a cab. I nodded slightly. 

"Just a bit scared." I said and she nodded understanding and let me think on my own. Did I want to see Justin or am I just scared of a reaction. I know I would love to talk to him. But would it be too soon.

"Goodnight Amelia" Kate shouted and I said it back and my dreams where all about situations of what I wanted and where I wanted to be. I have changed now, I am stronger. I know what is good for me and i am happy now. Very happy. I am fixed, so maybe I am ready.

Always you - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now