Part 33 - "Jake?"

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I am not writing the song title thing now, ran out of idea's for the lyric ones and I think it might be getting boring:), let me know under the comments below. 

I am writing another book! Comment if you would read it, also this book only has a few chapters, HOWEVER! I might be doing a second book, so comment and like if you would like a second book and if you would read my new book, I will be pub fishing the first chapter today maybe and the trailer, I will post the intro of the book in this book in a few hours to give you guys a preview.

Anyways hope you enjoy this book it ends soon:( 


We arrived in the new city about an hour ago and Scooter put us and all the crew in a hotel, which was beautiful. We was not on the top floor because someone in the crew is scared of height. Justin and me are sharing a room after Pattie gave us the eye. Chaz and Ryan are in a room and I am thinking of how much the damage will be after they are done with the room.

"This hotel is nice" I said and Justin agreed and walked towards me. "Look at the view, isn't is amazing" I smiled in awe and he hugged me from behind resting his chin on my shoulder causing me to smile. 

"I prefer my view a lot better" He said into my neck and kissing it a lightly causing me to blush and felt the hairs on my neck stand up. I turned around and kissed him. I was am amazed by the effect he had on me.

"What are you doing today?" I asked him and he sighed and fixed his hat, he looked uneasy about the topic but I didn't want to act upon it because I do trust him. 

"I have a few things to do, nothing special, then I will spend my day with my girl, until the concert." He said and I nodded.

"Productive day" I chuckled and he nodded and shrugged. 

"Okay, well I best get going I will be back soon I promise" Justin said and kissed my forehead. I blushed lightly and watched him walk out the door.

I grabbed turned on Netflix and watched 'Remember Me' it is my all time best film I could watch it forever! I looked to my right and seen mine and Justin's song book. We really have wrote a lot of songs and have had some really good times making them. I know Justin loves me, he has changed for me and because of me, everyone see's it and I am finally happy.

Just as the sad part of my film came on the hotel door rang. Justin must be back already I slowly walked to the door, he has only been gone twenty minutes, he can't be done already? I opened the door with a smile on my face but it suddenly dropped.

"Jake?" I said in shock and worry incase Justin was around and he would think the worse I looked back at Jake and he smiled. 

"Hey" He went to hug me but I slightly pushed him away before he made any sort of contact with me.

"What do you want?" I asked him rudely and he frowned in confusion at me. 

"What?" He said surprised.

"Why are you here Jake?" I spat he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in defeat.

"Listen. I need to show you something" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Bullshit." I spat.

"No Amelia-"

"I don't want to see anything Jake" I said cutting him off and rolled his eyes.

"No. You need to see this" He sighed and I shook my head.

"Jake, I don't need to see anything, especially not with you" I frowned and went to shut the door but he put his foot in between the wall and the door.

"No Amelia, it is about Justin" I sighed as he caught my attention and opened the door again. "I promise it is about him, put a pair of shoe's on quick" He said and I rolled my eyes but put shoe's on.

"Jake it best be about Justin or I will kick you in the balls so hard you will never have children" I said and he sighed but nodded his head understanding.

"Why did you run away?" He asked me and I frowned. "After that night?

"You took my virginity Jake, I didn't even know you and you used me. You took advantage of a young girl who was broken hearted and drunk" I spat "You should've had respect for me"

"I was going to but you wanted to, I weren't going to say no to you Amelia, I mean look at you" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Keep your eyes to yourself Jake" I spat.

"Sorry" He mumbled. The lift opened and we walked out and stood outside of a door and he smirked. "So Bieber boy is your boyfriend?" He asked me and I nodded happily.

"Yes" I said. "I love him" Jake shook his head and opened the door to see Justin and Selena, Selena in her sexy underwear. My mouth went dry and I couldn't feel my heat beat and I felt my skin turn ice cold. Justin's attention was brought to me.

"Ame-" I cut him off and turned to Jake.

"Why did you bring me here?" I spat.

"Too show you the type of man you love, an ungrateful, selfish, untalented. blind-" I punched him in the noise and the stood over him.

"Listen you bitch, I may know what he has done. I maybe on the verge of ripping his balls off. But don't you ever speak of him like that again. He is more talented, more grateful, and I will never love you" I screamed at him. "You done this to hurt me Jake? What was your sick plan! You was a mistake! I wish you never happened I regretted it five minutes after we done it! Get over yourself." I spat then turned to Selena. "You best wipe that fucking smirk of your face before I do."

"Hunny, I always win" She said which made me jump on her.

"Win this then bitch" I screamed while pulling her hair I felt Justin pull me off her and walk out the room but before he shut the door he yelled at Selena.

"Fuck off out my life Selena. I don't fucking love you" I had so much anger in my body I began to hit Justin's back in anger. I seen Jake on the floor I spat on him.

"You stupid prick!" We got in the lift and Justin sighed.

"Amelia, I would never cheat on you" I ignored him waiting for him to carry on. "Selena kept texting me asking me too meet her. I agreed only to tell her to leave me alone Amelia. I love you and only you. Always" He said. "I promise" He said.

"Justin, you should have told me. A relationship is meant to be built full of love and honesty. I asked you where you was going and you lied to me. If you would have said I would have told you to tell that bitch to leave" I spat and Justin nodded.

"I know but I just weren't sure" He said. I kissed his cheek. "Do you forgive me?" He asked and I chuckled.

"Of course" I said I went to kiss him but the lift stopped and everything went black. "Justin" I said in panic. "The lift has broke" I said terrified then a light came on and Justin was crying in the corner. "Justin!" I gasped, oh my God "You are claustrophobic" I gasped. Shit.

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