Part 35 - "I know you deserve better"

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The elevator doors burst open and I sprinted out and the whole crew was here as they looked in panic and I was almost in tears of happiness to be out of that tight small space.

"Oh my God!" I gasped as I wiped the sweat of my head and took a deep breath to let go of all my anxiety. I fell on my knee's to the floor and felt the carpet. "I love you" I whispered hearing Justin laugh behind me.

"You okay Amelia?" Chaz and Ryan ran over to me in worry and I stood up hugging him and nodding as I let off a sigh in relief letting my nerves go.

"I thought I was going to die!" I gasped and Justin hugged me from behind and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "It was so scary. The walls where going to close in!" I gasped and Justin chuckled behind me. "You scared me to death!" I said hitting him lightly on the arm.

"What you done for me in there, was amazing" He mumbled. "I care and love you so much Amelia I am so lucky. I didn't realise how special you was to me until that. I know you care about me." He said I kissed his lips and smiled wide. "If you all don't mind I am taking Amelia somewhere for a few hours." Justin said and everyone mumbled an 'okay'

"Where are we going?" I asked him and he smiled lightly causing my stomach to flutter, but to roll my eyes because I knew that he wouldn't tell me which is very frustrating.

"For me to know and you to find out" He said opening his car door and letting me in then walking round to let him in. The silence was comforting. I was still pretty shaken up from before but I am okay now and feel healthy. 

I looked at Justin and he was so pretty he was wearing sunglasses so the sun wouldn't get in his eyes and he began to lightly sing the song in a bad voice making me giggled and I took a video of him. He pulled a funny face at me causing me to giggle and raise my middle finger in a joking manner causing him to burst out laughing.

"Are we there yet?" I asked after sitting in the car for half an hour my ass was starting to go numb so I moved around slightly which caused Justin to laugh and me to giggle.

"We are actually, sorry if your bum is numb. Want me to massage it?" He asked as he parked up and ran to my side of the car and opened the door making me laugh and gasp in shock.

"Justin!" I said laughing and he gave me an innocent look. "You are such a dork." I giggled and he held my hand and we walked in the woods.

I knew he liked the woods, it is an isolated area. I know he felt better being in places like this because I know that is where people would never find him and pester him. I guess traveling the world and people taking pictures can get a lot sometimes, but I am sure he will live. We stopped walking when we reached the cliff, which had an amazing view and left me star struck. Justin didn't have a concert tonight so we had all the time in the world. We sat down and Justin took a deep breath in.

"Why are we here?" I asked in confusion and frowned slightly.

"I want you to know, how I feel" He said and I nodded letting him continue. "When you left, I left. I felt like nothing was there anymore. I was heartbroken. I have never loved anyone before I have never had a connection before i didn't know what it was like. I knew there was something with you but I put a wall up and didn't let myself fall for my best friend, but Amelia it is by far the best choice I have ever made.  I love all of you, your laugh, your smile, the way you play with your nails when you get nervous and the face you pull when you are about to cry" He said causing me to blush. "I love how you love me, care for me. I love how no matter how bad I mess up you will be there when I need you" He said and I smiled "I really love you Amelia, I am in love with you" He said and I blushed hard.

"Justin, I am in love with you too you know I am" I smiled and he returned it making me awkwardly look down at my nails like he said I done.

"I hate the way I know you deserve better though Amelia, sometimes I don't know what to do" He shrugged and I sighed.

"Justin, how do you think I would feel knowing the boy who I love had to let me go because he didn't think I deserved him? You could have more than anything, but because of these barriers and feelings you have, you couldn't. You know I deserve to be happy but you make me happy! You setting me free will make me miserable. I am happy we are talking because if you kept feeling like this, you would end up hurting me." I sighed "I love you Justin, I don't care what I deserve or who I should have and all that bullshit because I only want you" He kissed my lips.

We sat in silence again a comfortable one. I wonder what Justin thought the feelings for me were? He said he felt something but was confused what it was? 

"What you thinking about?" Justin asked snapping me from my thoughts bringing me back to reality.

"Did you think you was in love with me back then?" I asked curious and he looked in thought but then he shook his head.

"I didn't know what love was. We was kids Amelia, I thought love was about red roses and expensive dinners. But now I realise love is giving your loved one your fries even though they said they weren't hungry. It is waking up at four in the morning listening to your slight snores trying to not attack you in kisses. It is us joking around and shoving one enough trying to embarrass ourselves. It is going on adventures like this and making fun out of each other. It's our silly fights and our rememberable make ups."

"Justin that is so sweet" I said admiring him and he chuckled and blushed slightly but I didn't bring it up because I knew we was having a cute moment.

"I learnt that love isn't just pretty and romantic" He looked me in the eye and I went close to him and rested my head on his shoulder looking at the view. "Love is stumbling through life with my best friend" He kissed my forehead and my cheeks were on fire.

"I love you" I said

"I love you too" He mumbled. "So, much" 

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