Part 15 - "Don't flatter yourself"

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Did not want to leave the day on a sad note, so here is a chapter:) enjoy

Also, chapters have been randomly publishing so if you read a chapter like 25 or something just leave it, it won't make sense xxx


"Are you ready?" Scooter asked Justin for his first concert of his tour. I couldn't be prouder of him he has came so far, but I knew he was nervous about it. We all stood in a circle and prayed. I imagined my mom dad and sister cheering Justin on and telling them how proud they would be of him and how well he is doing. 

I walked over to Justin before he was about to go on and I hugged him. Like I was afraid of ever letting him go. Which was true in many ways, I couldn't cope with out Justin in my life and I never will be able to. But I know there will be one time in my life where I will have to let go and live on my own. Fresh start is the aim. I am unable to live independently I don't know how to live life on my own.

"Goodluck Justin" I whispered into his neck and I felt him relax. "I will be watching in the crowd, your family is here. You will do amazing" I said and kissed his cheek before him smiling at me.

"Thank you Amelia, means a lot" He said and walked off to get ready to for his show, when he was out of my sight I walked away. Closing my eyes and sighing before I felt someone walk into me and I fell on the floor.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry" A voice said I looked up and seen Selena Gomez, she was beautiful. Her long brown hair and brown eyes. She was so naturally pretty. Once she helped me up I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say. "You are Amelia aren't you?" She asked causing me to frown in confusion.

"Yeah, how do you know?" I asked suspicious and worried about the answer because I had a feeling and my anxiety was coming up. 

"Justin told me" She giggled. "Could you do me a favour?" I nodded slightly. "Put a good word in for me" My face dropped as well as my stomach. "I know you have a thing for him, he tells me all the time, he has told me everything." I could feel my heart beating fast, and my breathing rate decreasing as I swallowed a lump in my throat to get rid of the tears. "But, he will be mine now Amelia, we are going on a date after this, so Justin won't talk to you that much okay?" She snapped.

"Excuse me?" I gasped in shock wondering who the fuck this girl thinks she is. "You don't know me" I spat.

"Justin will be mine, I mean why would he want you?" She laughed and looked me up and down and I looked down at myself also. "He told me about your mental breakdown, and how he will never love you. I mean you are suicidal." She evilly laughed as I went red in the face as the anger and sadness was building up. "Embarrassing" She chuckled, "What else did he mention?" She pretended to think. "Oh yer, how could I forget" She shrugged. "Your poor family left you. All of them are dead" That was it.

I swung my fist and punched her in the nose. Once I started I didn't stop punching her even when she fell on the ground I was still kicking and pulling her hair. This bitch, she was screaming for me to stop but I couldn't she mentioned all of my worst fears. I felt someone pick me up and all the anger was still there.

"You stupid bitch, don't mention my fucking family. You know nothing you whore." I screamed as I seen Justin pull Selena back, causing my face to drop. Why is he helping her? I calmed down as Selena was crying I shook my head and walked to the bus. I don't care if I ruined Justin's concert I mean I do but that bitch mentioned my family. 

I was sitting in the bedroom just re thinking everything and wondering if I could've handled the situation better, or did she deserve it? I felt like I was sticking up for myself. I heard a sigh and a door close causing me to sit up and my heart beat increase. Scared was an understatement. I seen Justin walk in the bus and he shook his head at me.

"Really Amelia?" He asked me causing me to frown and look at him. 

"What?" I said confused. Justin always told me to stick up for myself, he would always have my back. He slammed his fist on the table causing me to flinch, this isn't Justin, he never gets angry at me.

"What?" He chuckled. "Are you fucking serious right now Amelia?" He yelled scaring me. "You had a fucking fight with a girl because I am talking to her! Amelia this is too far I don't care if you love me and you don't want me to have anyone else but that is too far!" He yelled and my mouth dropped as I stood up. "You are a psychopath!" My heart dropped slightly but I didn't show him he had upset me.

"You think I fought over you?" I spat at him shaking my head in disbelief. "Don't flatter yourself Justin, if a bitch comes up to me, looking me up and down like I am worthless, telling me you will drop me and talking how I will never be loved by you and talking about my family and the death of them!" I gasped "You expect me not to say anything?" I screamed at him. I went to walk away but anger was building up. "By the way" He looked me in the eye. "It is good to know that my best friend of many many years tells a girl about my breakdowns, my secrets the way I am fucking suicidal, and my family issues, and how I will never be loved by someone who fucking told me they would try and never hurt me!" His face dropped. "But at least I find out things about my best friends before I get hurt, again" I hissed. "Oh wait, my ex best friend already did hurt me." I snapped and slammed the door shut and cried all my problems away.

I have no one to talk to. I waited for Justin's door to shut then I grabbed my phone and walked out the bus. I needed fresh air. I found a park and swings so I sat on them and gently pushed myself. I took my phone out and failed Chaz. It rung a few times and my anxiety getting worse. I haven't spoke to him in a long time what if he doesn't want to talk?

"Hello? Amelia?" Chaz's voice said through the phone.

"Chaz? You answered!" I gasped as I held the tears in and he chuckled slightly.

"Of course, what is wrong?" He asked and I let out a sob. 

"It is horrible Chaz" I said down the phone. "The whole thing, my life I have no one to talk to because the person I tell everything to is the one slowly killing me" I sniffed.

"What's happened?" He asked worried I explained the whole situation about Selena and my argument with Justin on the bus.

"Do you think I shouldn't have hit her? Chaz I don't care, well I do but I am happy if he is happy. If she makes him happy because there is something between them I can tell. I fought her because she mentioned personal stuff. She touched all the sensitive parts Chaz I had nothing on her" I cried. 

"You didn't do anything wrong Amelia, you stuck up for yourself, Justin is just stupid" He spat. "If he tires to talk to you tomorrow which he will because he loves you let him explain I am sure everything will be okay" I took a shaky breath and nodded.

"Thank you Chaz, I hope I see you soon" I said and he mumbled a 'you too' and the phone call ended.

I stood up and wiped my tears as I walked up to the bus and quietly went in I checked the time to see it was three am so I decided to go asleep.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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