Part 37 - "who wants to be my baby?"

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I stood on the stage as I had just finished my third song and was now onto Whitey Houston. I was so tired and out of breath. I am such a bad shape. I went quick with the songs and I had to waste time. 

"So, because this is my first time performing do you guy have any questions?" I asked and some girl with brown hair stood out, she had bright pink 'JB' paint on her forehead and tears running down her face when I looked at her. "Yeah sweetie?" I said and she took the microphone. 

"Is Justin better now? Is he happy again?" She asked and my heart fluttered as his fans really cared about him.

"Justin is well better now, he was always okay just in a confused space. But it is part of growing up. He is really happy with his life at the minute" I smiled. "I will tell him you care" She blew a kiss at me. I picked another girl who was also crying.

"Why did Justin do the things he did?" She said I sighed. 

"I think one time in life. Everyone goes through a stage of growing up. They need to figure themselves out. People have different ways of doing that" I sighed. "For most teenagers, they all do it maybe not so much because they don't have as much accessibility. However, Justin was in the spotlight giving the Media what he wanted. He was in a  bad place so the Media made a confused upset fragile boy who was figuring himself out and the Media created him into some he isn't" I sighed. "I know Justin he is a kind person who had no intention to be made into this person." I smiled and the crowd screamed. 

"You" I said and a little girl was begging for my attention.

"What would you say to people going through a lot?"

"I would tell them to stay strong, because I promise it gets better. God put us on the earth for a reason. We all have a purpose to be here. I understand life is not easy and there are different ways to get over things. But my advice is to be nice to everyone, because you never know what is going on with that person they maybe acting happy but could be hurting. so always be kind" I begged the audience and they cheered me on. "Yeah sweetie?" I pointed at  little girl who had two pony tails in her hair.

"How do you know Justin?" She asked me and I smiled.

"Me and Justin have been best friends since we was babies. We grew up together. He is my best friend." I smiled.

"Do you love him? He is your boyfriend!" She gasped and I nodded.

"I love him more than anything in the world. I would be lost with out him" I said and the crowd 'awed' 

"Don't hurt him!" A girl in the crowd screamed and I blew a kiss to her.

"I could never hurt him, if I hurt him I would be hurting myself!" I said and she began to cry in happiness which made my heart jump. "Okay, for the last song we will slow things down a bit, this is my last song of the night and was sung by my inspiration." I said and sat on the piano. "This song is called 'I Have Nothing' By the amazing Whitney Houston." I said and the crowd cheered.

Once I finished the crowd was screaming loud and I smiled in happiness as I over came my fear. 

"Thank you so much tonight guys!" I shouted. "Now next is the amazing Justin Bieber! Hope you guys have a great night! I love you guys!" I said running off the stage and too see the crew with there mouths open.

"Amelia" Scooter said. "You do realise that song is one of the hardest songs to sing?" He said and I nodded. 

"I guess" I played with my nails.

"You absolutely stole the show!" He said in amazement making my eyes grow wide. 

"Thank you" I blushed not knowing what to say because I was still in shock about this whole situation.

"Will you do me a favour?" Scooter said and I frowned. "Will you open for most of his shows?" He asked me and my eyes widened.

"Scooter it is a dream of mine, but I don't want to be famous. I am not cut out for this this life style" I said and his mouth dropped.

"Amelia are you serious? You was born to be on that stage" He said and I sighed.

"Becoming a star means being independent. I would rather act or something" I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"I will see what I can do for you" I hugged him and waited for Justin to finish his show. 

I watched as he put so much passion into his voice he looked so loved and happy. He is in a good place right now I am proud of him. I guess things come unexpected. I have never felt this type of love before.  I guess that is the thing when you are with someone. You love them and they know it and they love you and you know it but it is a part and you're both talking to other people and you look across the room and catch each others eyes. But not because you are possesive or it is seuxal just because that person is in your life.

Before Justin, when I was depressed I felt so down. I felt like no one understood me and was judging me I felt horrible in myself and depressed I have never been like that before. I hated myself. I was so insecure all I wanted was someone who loved me and cared for me and didn't care what I looked like. I only ever wanted someone who would always there.

It may have took a while but I know Justin is the one. He wouldn't hurt me or have any intention on doing so. He was immature and a child he didn't understand. I am better now like I always wanted to be. I was finally happy with my life.

"I would like to ask a special girl in my life to come on stage" I heard Justin's voice scream through the audience. "Amelia, come on stage please" Justin said and I slyly walked on the stage. "I would like to say, this girl means the world to me. I have put her through hell and back and she is still here with me." He turned to look at me. "I have said it so many times, but this will show how sorry I am" He said.

"I'm sorry for messing it up the first time" He said his voiced filled with regret. "I know I can't take it back what I did to you. I know I can't take it back what I said to you and especially how much I hurt you" He said and my eyes filled with tears "But Amelia, every day I wish I could. I can't look at you with out wondering what would have happened if I didn't screw up" He fiddled with the microphone. "I know we have been through a lot lately and I have been feeling bad. But I want a chance, to start over. I promise I won't hurt you, because I love you" The whole crowd was screaming.

"I love you too" I mouthed and ran up to him and kissed him on the lips as the whole crowd began to sing. 

'Let me tell you a story, about a girl and a boy. He fell in love with his best friend, when she's around, he feels nothing but joy. But she was already broken, and it made her blind. But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right'

The crowd sung and I began to cry as the lights of there phones were all lit up.

'Did you know that I loved you or were you not aware? You're the smile on my face and ain't going nowhere. I'm here to make you happy, I'm here to see you smile, I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while'

I let out a sob as I watched the audience, I looked up at Justin and he was smiling at the crowd with tears in his eyes. 

'What's gonna make you fall in love? I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart. Don't have to be scared at all, oh, my love but you can't fly unless you let yourself, you can't fly unless you let yourself fall'

"I love you guys" Justin said. "You guys are my family" He said wiping his eyes and I felt happy for Justin. His Beliebers were everything to him. "Now who wants to be my baby?" Justin shouted and the crowd screamed and Justin began to sing and I danced on stage with him.

I love this boy.


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