Part 6 - "I fucking love you!"

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I woke up with dry tears down my face and me hugging my pillow, like I was scared to let go. I laid in bed for half an hour debating on leaving Justin, and letting go of him and maybe one day when I am over him we can become friends again. Or stay being friends with him and carry on being hurt. I guess if I stop talking to him the pain will only be there for a few months but the pain I am feeling now in my situation will be there forever. I sighed and looked at the time. Shit it's ten o'clock. I rung a taxi and ran down stairs. Biting my nails as the nerves caved in making anxiety come over me.

"Rough night?" The taxi man asked me and I chuckled obviously I looked rough and my eyes must've been puffy, did I really look that bad? This will be so embarrassing having to say why I left.

"Major" I giggled. I could go home, and not give them a reason? But I think I need to go home. I can't stay here for four more days and be like this, constantly weak. I need to be on my own and not talk to Justin Ryan or Chaz for a while, clear my head. I know it is selfish but for once I need to try and think about myself. "Thank you" I whispered and got out the taxi after paying him and walked to my hotel room and knocked on the door, my heart pounding out my chest. As I seen a upset and scared Chaz.

"Amelia?" He gasped and I smiled and walked in the room. "Where have you been?" He shouted at me, as Ryan ran behind him and Justin slowly walking towards me, they all looked so angry.

"I went another hotel for a night" I said calmly, I began to pack my bag. "Sorry, I forgot my phone and you was all drunk." I said and Justin spoke up making my heart race fast.

"Where the fuck have you been!" He shouted at me. My face went hot as I could feel anger build up, stay calm Amelia, I have a very bad temper, I tend to snap or cry. I will not let Justin see me cry, I am stronger than he thinks.

"I went another hotel, I didnt want to hear all of you guys have sex all night while I was in bed on my own, it isn't my cup of tea thanks" I said and sarcastically smiled at him. "I felt uncomfortable so I got another hotel, I am fine aren't I? Nothing bad happened to me." I said with an attitude making Justin scoff.

"We are on holiday Amelia, it's what we do. Next time tell us where you are going and what your doing, instead of leaving your phone and not telling us where you are! Don't you realise how scary that is!" He shouted.

"Well don't do it in front of me!" I screamed "Or don't bring them home! Go somewhere else! Why should I sit there and watch you all have fun! I thought this would be a holiday to enjoy not to be left for some whores!" I screamed as Ryan and Chaz stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say or do.

"Why can't I in front of you Amelia, why not?" He snapped "You knew it would happen if it makes you uncomfortable don't come with us next time! Why do you even care? It is none of your business!" He screamed and all my adrenaline came out of me as my face went bright red and I zoned out not thinking about what I was saying.

"Because I fucking love you!" I screamed and the colour fell from his face as he shut his mouth. "I always fucking have! You are so fucking blind and selfish to not see that. Have you ever thought why I get in a bad mood every fucking time you pull a girl or tell me shit about another whore you are sleeping with, can't you tell it is slowly killing me! You say you care, but you don't you have led me on, you are selfish you are hurting me over and over again. 

I am so in love with you it hurts me Justin get it through your fucking head. You are so blinded by your fucking ego you can't see what is in front of you. It is you, you are the boy who fucks my life up! Go ahead fuck a slag who doesn't give a fuck about you, because I am telling you now Justin I won't give a fuck anymore!" I spat and the room went silent.

Always you - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now