Part 7 - "Come with me!"

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The next day I woke up with Justin's arm around my body, I sighed. I am so weak. He caused me to do this and I still let him back. He broke me and I still talk and look at him as if he puts the stars in the sky and the beat in my heart. Falling in love is the biggest emotion, the feeling of love is amazing knowing you have someone but through out love there is fear, fear of being hurt, betrayed or broke. I think falling in love with your best friend is the worst because, you love them as a friend and also more. So the person you normal go to when you have problems isn't there because he is the problem. You cant let them go because you will have no one. 

He has made me into this woman who is strong but when it comes to him, I am weak, I don't know how to act when he is near me I get nervous. My heart beats and my emotions climb up the wall I love the feeling, but I don't love, loving him. Pain hurts a lot. I heard him sigh and I turned to face him. He was an art work. How was it possible to be so beautiful the thing is I don't even love him for his looks, his personality and the way we both click makes my heart flutter. I smiled lightly looking at him. I seen his phone as Pattie was ringing him. 

"Hello?" I answered quietly trying not to wake Justin up although I know he is a heavy sleeper.

"Amelia?" She asked reassuring it was me.

"Yeah, Justin is asleep what is wrong" I asked

"Oh my Lord! Amelia, wake him up and come home soon, someone wants to sign Justin!" She gasped "They seen his video's" My eyes went wide as the doctor ran in "Honey, I have to go, tell him when he wakes up!" 

"I will do!" I said to Pattie as I couldn't stop smiling with how proud I was of him.

"So Amelia how are you feeling?" The doctor asked me and I nodded smiling as I was telling the truth.

"Perfect, well better than before." I sighed "My head was sore but it is okay now" I said and he nodded.

"Now, I want you to attend some king of therapy," I nodded "So when you are home please sign up for one" He asked me 

"I will do thanks doctor" I smiled but I knew I properly wouldn't attend a therapy.

"You can go when you want." I nodded thanking him quietly as the reality of Justin came back to my mind. 

"Justin!" I shouted he woke up wide eyed "You got signed! A record deal they have seen you. You need to go to Atlanta quick!" I shouted and he jumped out the bed.

"Are you kidding me?" He screamed and tears came to my eyes and I shook my head. "Are you serious right now Amelia!" He said with excitement. I nodded quickly.

"I am so proud of you!" I screamed and he hugged me and grabbed his hair. As I felt his heart beat go fast, so was mine. I pulled away from him and his mouth dropped but he soon closed it.

"Come with me!" He shouted as my eyes opened wide and then I frowned as I thought I misheard him. 

"What?" I gasped.

"I cant do this with out you, please come with me!" He gasped and I nodded. "You're dad will let you, we can have fun, they are going away for the whole summer we can spend everyday together!" He yelled and I began to cry.

"Justin, I am so proud, lets go pack we will get a plane ticket for tomorrow" I said smiling as I grabbed my things and put them in my bag rushing. We was so excited. 

Once we signed myself out the hospital, we got a taxi to the hotel and I was so excited, for the next journey in Justin's life. I wonder if my mom and dad would let me travel and go with him. Would be exciting. I smiled at the thought of me helping Justin along the way of his career, I hope it works. 

"Amelia?" Justin shouted me in to Chaz and Ryan's room. I smiled lightly as he was going to tell them "Okay, a man has rung my mom, about my singing" Ryan face dropped as Chaz put his hand over his mouth. "He wants me to go Atlanta, and play music to him" Justin smiled big. "He might want to sign me"

"Dude! Are you kidding me right now!" Ryan jumped on Justin. 

"That's amazing Justin!" Chaz joined the hug as I smiled before being pulled in. 

"My mom wants me and Amelia to get a plane tonight or tomorrow morning to Atlanta. You guys can stay here if you guys want?" Justin said as Chaz's eyes lit up. Ryan and Chaz are like brothers.

"Yeah dude!" Ryan high fived Chaz and jumped in the air and I giggled.

"Me and Amelia are going to head the airport now then." Justin said as we hugged them goodbye "Hope you guys have fun, we will ring you and tell you what is going on" We said goodbye and got a cab to the airport. "Amelia?" 

"Yeah?" I asked

"What if I am not good enough?" He asked worried. I smiled lightly and sat closer to him holding his hand. 

"Justin, you are good enough for anything if you Believe. I believe you can do this. Ashley will be watching you and praying this happens for you. Justin you can do anything you want if you set your mind to it. You can do this" I smiled and he hugged me. 

"I dont know what I would do with out you, thank you so much. I am so sorry" He hugged me and I smiled lightly.

"It is okay, I promise" I smiled

"Love you" He said and I smiled knowing he meant it as he told me he cared but he doesn't want a relationship.

"Love you too Justin" I said "Always" I hugged him tight. 

We paid the cab man and ran into the airport. 

"Two tickets to Atlanta please" Justin said needly making me giggle. "Thank you" He said as we got our tickets and make our way the airport and went through security. "I am so worried." He said.

"Justin let's put all our faith in God and Ashley" I said as I held his hand as we sat down on the plane. "Dear God, please let Justin's dreams come true, I pray for ever lasting happiness and good deed to come out of every possibility. I pray you keep my sister safe. I pray for you to let us achieve anything we Believe in" I whispered as Justin squeezed my hand "Amen" I smiled and put my head on Justin's shoulder closing my eyes as he put his head on mine soon falling asleep.

Always you - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now