Part 16 - "You are a joke"

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I was on the bus watching TV when I felt tension rise all of a sudden and my stomach turn as I felt another presence in the room. I turned around and seen Justin I sighed and rolled my eyes at him and just turned around not giving him any of my time because he doesn't deserve none of it.

It had been two days and we had not said a word to each other and I don't plan on talking to him. I don't want to talk to him with out an apology he told a girl my secrets, my insecurities, my personal life. He broke my trust. Something he will never get back. I loved him I truly did. I still love him. But I only love my Justin and this isn't my Justin this is a boy trying to impress a bitch who is ruining him as a person.

"Still not talking to me?" He chuckled as if it was a joke, he had been acting weird lately for the past few months before the tour, and we had been on tour for a few months and I was turning eighteen in a few months which is when I want to complete my dream but I want to leave now. Justin cut his hair shorter because 'Selena thinks it looks better and more mature' I felt like laughing at him what a joke. 

"How long you guys been dating?" I asked turning my body to face him, the question had been replaying in my mind for a long time. "If you don't mind me asking" I said and he looked down and licked his lips.

"I began talking to her on the funeral" My mouth dropped as my anger began to rise. "I didn't want to tell you incase you got upset, you had a lot going on at the time" He sighed. "I know I should've told you instead of saying shit to you, but I never" He shrugged with an attitude which I felt like slapping out of him. "Nothing I can do" He shrugged and acted like he never cared, but I knew this was an act.

"Justin, that was about six months ago! Are you guys together now?" I asked afraid for the answer but he nodded. "So when you said you might be able to love me you lied? You dragged me along like I was some sort of doll?" I gasped and he nodded with a guilty look. I scoffed at him. "Wow" I chuckled 

"Why is it a big deal?" He asked raising his voice. "I didn't mean none of this to happen"

"The big deal is that, you are meant to be my best fucking friend you asshole. I feel used! Like a charity case, I feel like you never did care about me and you still don't give a flying shit about me! You never have! You are a liar! You have been brain washed into someone I don't want nothing to do with Justin you are a horrible person!" I gasped "All along I have been led on, why did you act like you cared about me when you never?" I cried. "Why lead me on when you have no intentions of loving me back?" I shouted.

"Amelia! You was going through hard stuff you was hurt-" I cut him off.

"That is no excuse Justin! You think any of that pain compares to what I feel now?" I let out a sob. "I don't know where my Justin is, I can't see him. I am meant to be your best friend Justin" I said and I looked him up and down as I noticed I still had a necklace and he never I began to laugh shaking my head. "You broke my trust, heart and friendship. You broke me Justin" I cried and he looked down.

When my sister died and me and Justin were at our strongest. He bought us necklaces to make me feel better and get my mind off the passing to show he was there for me. It was when I was thinking and wondering what my feelings for him were. But I thought I really cared about him as a friend.

'"We will never take it off okay?" Justin said pulling his pinky promise out and I nodded linking it. "This necklace shows our friendship, no matter what happens I will keep it on" He said. "If it comes off something bad has happened but I doubt it" He shrugged making me giggle

"Even on our wedding days?" I asked looking at the necklace. "Will you take yours off for another girl" He frowned at me.

"Amelia, don't you understand? This is never coming off, for no one, not even my wife." He chuckled making me smile "You're my number one girl Amelia. My best friend, no one will ever take your place okay?" I nodded and hugged him. "I will always be here"

"What?" Justin snapped me back to the present.

"You took it off" I mumbled and guilt filled his face.

"Selena didn't want me to-" I raised my hand.

"I don't care about fucking Selena!" I spat. "You are a joke. You promised, you said you wouldn't do this and you would. You have told her my feelings, my past, you have let her ruin an amazing friendship. The necklace shows you don't give a fuck about me anymore." I shook my head. "If you wanted nothing to do with me fucking tell me how you feel I am sick of this." I cried. 

"Amelia. I care okay?" He said calmly trying to stop my panic attack. "This is the first girl I like, it may be hard for you but please, don't leave me." He hugged me tight. "I am trying I really am but my feelings are strong I don't know what to do" He shrugged. "You mean a lot to me okay? You always will but now I need to think about me" He sighed and I frowned.

"If you thinking about yourself is causing me pain and being hurt. Don't talk to me" I took a deep breath. "You think a speech will make this okay?" I said and he went quiet not being able to look me in the eye as I slightly laughed. "You are so wrong Justin, you have hurt me, you have always thought about yourself never once have you thought about me! So don't give me bull shit."

"Amelia" He sighed but I cut him off before he could carry on.

"Thank you Justin. But from now on. You ignore me and I will certainly ignore you. If you want to try something new, do it because I am not coming back" I hissed. "You have my word on that one" I went to walk away and he grabbed my wrist.

"Amelia please" He begged I pulled my wrist away from him and snarled him.

"Fuck off" I said and his face dropped as I walked into my room. I pulled my phone out and texted Chaz.

'Justin being a nob again, lol, had another argument I think that is it now I cba with his bs. You will be asleep, but thanks for listening. Miss you'

Cant wait to leave this place. I sighed and let darkness and my dreams come in my mind.

Always you - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now