Part 38 - "time I let you go"

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I smiled lightly at Justin as I watched him cook. We had been on tour for a long time and today was is last concert until he goes on a break I guess he deserves it, he does work a lot. I am moving in with him also. I am really happy with how things are working out between us. 

"Are you sad? It is your last concert." I said and he sighed and shrugged. 

"I guess but I mean, a new chapter" He said having a sip of his coffee. "This tour has made me realise who I am" He said and I smiled at him. 

"I am proud of who you have became Justin" I smiled lightly at him. "You are a good person" I said and he kissed my lips. 

"I love you" He said cuddling into me and I played with his hair.

"I love you too, so much" I said and rested my head on his. 

"Justin! Hurry you have rehearsals" Scooter ran in, Justin sat up off me and walked off with Scooter.

Did Justin ever see a future with me? We are young but we love each other a lot, I don't see why we wouldn't. I sighed and put an oversized hoodie on and walked out the door to see Selena Gomez. 

"Amelia" She said and smiled at me causing me to frown.

"What do you want Selena?" I asked her and she laughed.

"Amelia, Justin is mine" She said and I rolled my eyes. "He always will. I was his first love and I will always have a place in his heart, just leave him you aren't cut out for this world, you are a completely different person to him. He is Justin Bieber, you are Amelia." She said and I sighed.

"Me and Justin are happy Selena please leave us to be." I said and she shook her head.

"You will see Amelia" She said and I frowned but walked to meet Justin. 

I would not be telling Justin about Selena, he would be furious. I can't have him being upset and angry about Selena on his last tour concert. I could never. I sat down on the bench and waited for Justin's concert to start.

I was sat on the side of the stage as Justin was singing 'Believe' I smiled at how happy he was, he truly belong to the stage. 

"He has came a long way hasn't he?" Scooter said walking behind me and I nodded.

"He deserves the world" I smiled looking at him.

"'I'm Justin Bieber, thank you for believing in me!'" I heard Justin yell into the microphone making my heart jump.

"I just want him to be happy Amelia" Scooter said. 

"I do too." I sighed.

"Do you ever think about you and Justin?" He asked me and I nodded.

"All the time. I think about him first before me. It is not healthy but I don't know any other way" I shrugged and he patted my back. 

"Go see your boyfriend" He said I stood up and walked the dressing room.

"Justin we are meant to be!" I heard a voice say which made me stop in my path. 

"Selena, we are no longer together." Justin sighed. 

"You love me Justin, you don't love her" Selena said making me feel angry and nervous.

"Selena don't do this." Justin sighed then it went quiet so I walked around the corner to see Selena and Justin kissing. My heart stopped and my mouth went dry. Justin opened his eyes and looked at me pushing Selena away. 

"Carry on" I said laughing.

"Ame-" He said with guilt all over his face.  I shook my heard cutting him off.

Always you - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now