Chapter 1

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 I plopped down on the chair in my room and let out a heavy sigh. It was Friday night and I was stuck at home because my brother decided to cancel our plans with our cousin to go to the movies with his precious Bella. Don't get me wrong I like the girl but she isn't healthy for him, she's only been using him to get over that blood sucker. I wish I could tell Jake what he and all his family were but Jacob thinks the legends are just that, legends. My dad tried his hardest to keep it from me till it mattered but I've always had this weird way of knowing things. The tribe elders say that it was a special gift that nobody in our tribe has shown signs of having in many years. It's not like I can see the future or anything I just get these feelings about things or overwhelming emotions that don't belong to myself. Typically I can decipher what they mean and what's going to happen or what is happening when I get them. 

Now normally I would still go hang out with Quill even without Jake, but their friend Embry shifted last month and has been with Sam ever since. Poor Jake and Quill think that he's just decided to leave them, if only they knew how much he misses them. Hanging out with just Quill is okay but we never really know what to do without Jacob or Embry, We're both the quiet awkward ones. So now I get to sit in my room and read 'Legends and Myths Through the Ages'. I laughed a bit thinking of my book, Jacob has always teased me and saying that I'm going to become one of the Myths one day, I've had this book since I was a little girl. My mom bought it for me just before she passed away and It's my favorite memory of her. I think I have read it at least a million times through and through. Now I usually just pick out my favorites and read them, Our tribe legends are in here to.

This book actually helped me understand the first time I felt a shift, I was thirteen at the time. All of my toys were scattered around my room, Rachel and I had just finished playing. I bent down to pick up my stuffed wolf when It suddenly felt as though I had nothing but anger built up inside me, It was a strange feeling but I somehow knew that it wasn't my own. I started to read through my book until I came across the Quileute legend of being decedents of wolves. I read about how the change happened and what it felt like to shift for the first time. I didn't understand at the time how I knew what I knew or why I felt like I had to tell my dad but that's what I did. Quill's grandfather, Old Quill, happened to go over to the Ulley's sometime later that week and when he met Sam he knew immediately that he was the one I felt shift. The elders had been taught to see the signs of a new werewolf or one who is about to phase. That was when I got to know the truth behind our tribe, that we really were descendants of wolves and when a vampire was in the area for to long it triggered wolves to start shifting. Although I was the one who confirmed it for them, the elders knew it was only a matter of time. When Sam shifted, that was when the Cullen's moved back into Forks.

But that was over two years ago, now they are gone again because of the only girl my brother thinks he can't live without, Bella. She actually was dating one of them. I laughed out loud to myself and shook my head, Gah the thought of dating a blood sucking monster. Something happened though because they left and left her here, she's been a wreck ever since and sadly she started using my brother to try and make herself feel better. I love my brother I really do but I wish he would listen to reason and realize she is never going to love him the way he thinks he loves her.

"You know I think I've sat here long enough and I need to see the stars" I smiled to myself and got up heading to the door. As I reached the hall it hit me, the feeling I've been dreading. Slowly I took deep breaths trying not to let the anger that's not my own fill me up, I ran to find my dad.

"Daddy!!....Da...Daddy!" I manage to yell out between flows of anger. He quickly wheeled himself out of the kitchen and into the living room,

"What?!? What is it Mia??"

I slowly took deep breaths and as the anger started to subside, New feelings of confusion and dread set in. "Dad its Jacob, it has to be Jacob nobody else has been that strong, He shifted."

His eyes widened and he quickly wheeled himself to the phone, as I turned and dropped myself onto the couch mentally exhausted.

Great! Just Great! I've been hoping for so long that this moment would never come, it was naïve thinking but I still had hope that it would skip my brother. Jake's life would never be the same now, he was and will forever be a werewolf.  

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now