Chapter 16

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Suddenly it was like I was floating above a movie of my life, the day I was born my mother holding me and crying. My siblings meeting me for the first time, my first steps and first words. The day my mother died and the first time I ever had a vision. The days both of my sisters left us, the day I met Embry and started making Jake take me along with him and Quil. The day I started high school, all of these memories just playing through one after another until I got to ones I didn't recognize. A woman chasing after the two most gorgeous little boys I had ever seen. Then the same woman now with a swollen belly chasing after the same boys only a bit bigger. A man whose face I couldn't see grabbing both boys over his shoulders and wrestling with them. As they all turned to face me this beautiful movie came to a close, before I could see the identity of the couple my vision faded and I could hear hushed voices around me.

My eyes fluttered open as I took in the room around me everything still a bit hazy. I could hear a loud beeping and fluttering sounds coming from a machine to my left. Before I could say anything Embry jumped up and squeezed my hand, "oh thank god Mia you're awake!! I am so sorry baby I never meant to hurt you I really thought I lost you. Are you feeling okay?" After clearing my throat a few times I managed to speak, "Embry... what happened? The last thing I remember is taking you to the forest?" I looked around the room realizing it was my own with the addition of the machines I was hooked up to. Embry's eyes never left mine as he spoke to Quil who I just now realized was standing in my doorway, "Quil go get her dad and Dr. Cullen. Now." He took my hand between his and brought it up to his mouth leaving soft kisses on it. "Baby I'm so stupid, I was just so angry at my mom that I lost control before you moved away from me. I was so scared I lost you and the babies, I love you so much please forgive me." The memory came flooding back pulling him to the forests edge trying to get him out of sight and the blood curdling scream that could of only came from my lips but sounded inhuman, and then the horrible pain that pushed me into darkness. "Embry I-" before I could finish Carlisle and my dad came in,

" I'm glad to see that you're awake Mia how are you feeling?" "I'm pretty sore and a little light headed but I think I'm okay. Are my babies okay??" In the haze of just waking up I hadn't even thought that something could have happened to my babies. "Yes they are both doing perfect actually, and we were finally able to see them both at the same time confirming it is twins, but they are both very healthy and growing right on schedule. We were worried when they first brought you in that his claws had punctured your abdomen deep enough to hurt the babies but luckily it was just a few layers away and didn't affect them. You however lost a lot of blood and hit your head pretty hard when you fell. We were able to get the bleeding stopped after awhile but you lost a considerable amount. I left you in a comatose state for the past 3 days to give your body time to produce more and heal a bit before you got up and moved around to much. You seem to be doing very well now that I'll just need to check your vitals to make sure." I sat and processed everything he said for a moment, my babies were okay and so was I but I almost wasn't. I've missed 3 whole days of my life but it seemed like I was just out for a few minutes. "thank you for everything Carlisle without you my babies and I wouldn't be here right now." He smiled and asked everyone else to leave so that he could check all of my vitals and decided I was doing great. "well I think I'm just going to leave you hooked up to the monitors for tonight just to make sure everything is okay and tomorrow I will come back and take you off okay? Oh and I already showed Embry how to change the dressing and clean your wounds so let him do it okay? It needs to be done at least once a day but if it starts bleeding so much it needs to be done any more than twice you need to call me." I nodded softly trying to keep in everything he said still a little woozy, " I got it thank you again for everything." He smiled and walked out of my room allowing everyone else to come back in.

We spent the next few hours just talking and laughing with everyone trying to keep the mood light, after awhile the pack decided to let me get some rest so they headed out. Sam gave Embry some time off of patrols to be with me and help take care of me. He knows more than anyone how hard it is when you hurt your imprint. After everyone left my dad came over and kissed my forehead, " I love you princess, I'm so glad that you are okay goodnight." He rolled himself out of the room leaving just me and Embry together. He must feel so guilty and think that I hate him, "Embry.... you know I don't hate you right? Hell I don't even blame you I should've known better than to be that close to you midshift let alone try and drag you somewhere by myself." He shook his head and stood up turning away from me, "Don't do that! Don't blame yourself for something I did, I should've been in control. I could have killed you and our children just because my mom pissed me off." He smacked his hand against the wall, how he didn't put a hole in it is beyond me. "Babe.... come lay with me please. I don't blame you, it was an accident and the babies and I are fine. Listen to their heartbeats they sound strong as ever. I promise I'm okay and I could never hate you, I love you Embry Call." He sighed and came to lay carefully next to me grabbing my hand in his. "You should hate me, but I know you wont. I will never stop trying to make this up to you, I promise you that." I couldn't help but roll my eyes and laugh, " you are so stubborn, but okay if it will make you feel better. Oh!! I almost forgot, while I was asleep I had I don't know if it was a dream or a vision or what, it felt so real but it also felt like I was watching a movie. I saw my whole life from birth till now just playing in front of me, then it went to things I've never seen before. A woman chasing these beautiful boys around the yard laughing and playing. Then again the same woman and boys only now she was pregnant again and the boys were a bit bigger, then a man grabbed them and was wrestling them, before I could see who they were I woke up But it seemed almost magical." "Embry's eyes lit up and he gently squeezed me, "well I think I know who they were, I wasn't going to say anything to you just yet but when Carlisle was checking the babies he saw what they were and asked if I wanted to know and he told me.. We're having two boys baby! That must have been a vision or your subconscious telling you. But its twin boys!"

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now