Chapter 18

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My dad and Sue had been roped into going for Charlies sake, Seth didn't even have to be asked if he would go he has some weird connection with Edward, all of them really but mostly Edward. Leah wouldn't step foot anywhere near that direction and Sue wouldn't push her on the subject, she understood her daughters hatred. I could probably get out of going if it was just for my dads sake but Alice wouldn't hear of it and I've learned not to cross her it's easier for everyone to give her what she wants. Embry was ecstatic when I told him he didn't have to go, he had to be with Sam to help wrangle in Jacob anyways.

I had absolutely no idea what I was going to wear, I wasn't someone to keep formal attire on hand but as usual Alice is always prepared. Laying on my bed was a gorgeous floor length gown with a silver gray top and purple skirt. After about an hour of getting ready and debating on if I could survive wearing the heals Alice paired with the dress I settled on flats and left with my dad and Sue. We got to the wedding almost 20 minutes before it was supposed to start, Sue refused to let us be late and I had to tell someone about my vision so they could be prepared. "Dad I'm going to find Alice I saw something earlier I need to tell her about save me a seat?" He eyed me suspiciously but nodded, "I'll save you a seat but I want to hear about what you saw later got it?" "yes Sir," I smiled and headed for the house. Bella was the last person I wanted to see right now but I'm sure Alice is still getting her ready. I started up the stairs and could hear voices coming from one of the bathrooms, before I made it to the top Rosalie came out and smiled at me. She doesn't like humans and she especially doesn't like my pack but we get along quite well. I'm not sure if its completely because of me or the babies but I don't mind just more people to love my boys. "Hello Mia, I'm assuming you want Alice but she's with Bella and her parents right now is there anything I can do for you?" I smiled as she greeted me with a hug, "Wow Rose you look stunning, but yes there is actually. I had a vision earlier today my Idiot brother is going to wedding crash and him and Bella have a good dance together behind the house but then they start arguing, Edward and Sam step in before anything can happen but I just wanted at least someone to be aware of what is coming since its a blind spot in Alice's visions." She freezes for a moment but then recovers, "Thank you Mia, I will relay the information to Edward after the ceremony. You look quite stunning yourself, Alice got the size just right. But the wedding is going to start soon so why don't you let me walk you to your seat?" I nodded and took her arm in mine and we made our way back outside.

The ceremony was quite beautiful if it hadn't of been for Bella I probably would have enjoyed it more. Before we went to say our "congratulations" I told my dad and Sue what I saw. "Aye that boy needs to just stop worrying about her she is married now, I knew this would hurt him but I figured it was just the thing to break the hold she had on him." I sighed and leaned against my dad wrapping my arm around his shoulders, "I know dad I did to, but all we can do now is be there for him. Come on lets go say our congratulations and then I think we should get some food I'm starving." We met up with Charlie and the five of us made our way to the newlyweds. Seth ran up to greet them first with a smile on his face as him and Edward shook hands,  "Hey man good to see you! I'm happy for you." Edward smiled, "thank you Seth." As we joined them my dad was the first to speak, "I hope you'll be happy Bella." She nodded back at him, "Thank you Billy, have you uh have you heard from him?" Dad looked at her a little bit of sympathy in his eyes, " I'm sure Jacob wishes you the best." Before I could say anything about him Charlie spoke up " Well I plan on getting drunk. They're serving up some pretty fancy champagne, Sue can I get you a glass?" Charlie and Harry were the best of friends but I think that him and Sue definitely have something going on. Which I honestly don't think Harry would be mad but my dad however is trying to keep them apart considering he answered for her and pushed himself between them. I just giggled and grabbed Seth, and followed our parents. "You know I still think you should name one of the babies after me, he would grow up and be the bestest just like his uncle Seth!" I laughed and ruffled his hair, " you are to cute but I don't think we need another Seth around here." He was about to say something when we felt eyes on us, we looked up at Edward and Bella to see three very pale blonde bloodsuckers staring at us, one was particularly upset. "Seth whats wrong with her? Can you hear them?" He frowns and looks at me with sad eyes, "shes upset because we're here. That vampire with the dreads that we killed was a friend of hers and she doesn't believe we killed him so he wouldn't hurt Bella. She's upset that we're 'Breeding' and making more wolves." My eyes flashed with anger as I looked back the blonde bloodsucker. How dare she have anything mean to say about my boys they are innocent little babies! I started to move towards them when Edward heard my thoughts and ushered  them away and sent Alice my way. She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away without causing a scene, "Mia you need to calm down stress isn't good for the boys. Don't worry about Irina she is just upset about Laurent she doesn't understand." I sighed and took a deep breath and calmed down, " I don't know why I got so angry so fast but that really ticked me off." She smiled and rolled her eyes, "Mia you have wolf blood running through your veins, especially now since your hormones are all out of wack you need to be careful not to get to angry we don't know if you can shift and I don't think it would be good for the boys to find out while you're still pregnant." Alice was right, as usual I didn't want to risk my boys lives just because I lost my temper. " you're right Alice I'm sorry." She smiled, "Come on its time for the toasts!"

The wedding stuff lasted almost another hour longer, All of the Cullen's except Rose and Jasper spoke, both of Bella's parents and her "best" friend. I don't even know if she could be considered that? Her whole speech sounded pretty condescending to me plus Seth said that she thinks they are getting married because Bella's pregnant how wrong she is.
It was almost time I could feel Jake was getting closer. I know tonight isn't going to be a great night but I haven't seen my brother in months I can't help but to be excited. Seth nudged me and pointed towards the house Edward and Bella were sneaking away to the other side. We decided to give them a few minutes to themselves before we started walking over there, "well here goes nothing. Be ready Seth if my vision stays right then we're gonna need you." He smiles and links arms with me, "I'm as ready as I can be! Let's go."

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