Chapter 14

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Embrys pov
Pregnant. That word rang in my mind over and over. I stared down at this girl who I love with all of my heart but I couldn't make any words come out of my mouth. Was I upset? Angry? Happy? Sad? I couldn't feel anything but the pain in her eyes as she read my expressionless face. "I... I don't know what to... i-I've got to go." I ran. I know I shouldn't of ran, but I did. It took ever fiber of my being to run away from the girl I love whose heart I could feel breaking. Why am I scared?! I love her! she's my imprint! Imprint.... the word played over and over again. I loved her because my genes made me. Would they make me love this child at 17 to? I didn't even realize I had phased until I heard Jared thoughts. Woah dude... heavy stuff.. are you okay? Am I okay? I didn't even know myself. I need to phase back and be alone but Before I could phase I heard Jared one more time. Remember Embry you loved her before the imprint happened, it just made it stronger. You know what's right and what's wrong. You'll make the right decision.
He was right and in my heart I had already made my decision I was just waiting till my head caught up. I loved Mia with all of me and now we would have a small piece of both of us to love.

Mia's POV

I stood there for what felt like forever trying to read his face it was completely empty of all emotion. At first I thought maybe he didn't hear me but before I could repeat myself he looked down at the ground, "I... I don't know what to... i-I've got to go." And he ran. He ran away from me, leaving me at the tree line in the dark. I didn't want to cry, I didn't want to feel broken because I know that he loves me and in the end we will be a family but as of right now I just felt confused and sad. I could feel his emotions as he went through a million different ones at once. It was times like this that I really just wanted to sit and cry in my moms lap but since I didn't have her I would go cry to the next best thing. Emily. I walked back to the house trying to focus on Embry to see if I could find his thoughts but he either had already phased back or never phased to begin with. Taking a deep breathe I opened the front door and put on a fake smile as everyone laughed at some joke Paul told. "Hey Em... would you mind if I stayed here tonight?" Just as I had hoped, she caught on to the crack in my voice and the glossy sheen to my eyes. " oh of course honey come on i'll get you some blankets and get the guest room made up." The moment she closed the door behind us I broke down on the bed, " I told him Em... I told him and he took off running. I know everything will be okay in the end but... I just hate that he left and couldn't talk to me about how he was feeling." "Oh baby it's gonna be okay, you know he loves you he will be back he just needed to be alone to process everything, it's a lot to take In a baby at 16 and 17." I laid my head in her lap sniffling and hiccuping as I tried to calm myself down. I'm not sure when I fell asleep in her lap but I woke up at around 3am tucked into bed just as the door creaked open, "baby... Mia.. are you awake?" I sat up and saw Embry standing in the doorway through my puffy eyes. "Yeah... I'm awake, are you ready to talk to me now?" He sighed deeply as he came and sat down on the bed next to me. "I'm so sorry I took off baby I just needed time to think.. I didn't even consider the fact that you
Could get pregnant when we had sex so to hear those words come out of your mouth was a complete shock to me. But I love you and I'm going to love this baby just as much. I promise I won't go anywhere." I took a deep breathe and looked up at him with sad eyes. " I believe you and I'm sorry for getting upset that you left I know you just needed time but stupid pregnancy hormones have me all out of wack. I love you to but before you make that promise I have one more thing to tell you... I've been going to Carlisle for appointments just because I'm not sure if my Anatomy is normal or messed up like you guys but he's pretty sure that we're having twins because he can hear two heartbeats but they are hiding behind each other every time we do an ultrasound so we can't see both of them." I said the last part so quickly I'm surprised he could even understand me but I watched him take a deep breathe and surprisingly he smiled. He definitely didn't hear me right...
"Twins... okay, a bit more shocking than just one but I'm going to be ready baby. I promise you I'm not gonna run again." He placed his hand on my belly feeling just how big it actually is. "Well this explains why you haven't let me touch you lately, and why you've been stealing all of shirts. Honestly though I'm not sure how I didn't notice before no offense babe but I mean your kinda big." I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute he was, "well I mean I'm the one who didn't know she was almost 3 months pregnant to say we were a bit distracted is an understatement. But yeah I know that was one of the other reasons we were pretty certain it's twins I'm almost double the regular size you should be for 4 months and I don't hit 4 months for a few more days." He smiled and grabbed my hand, "well I guess we should probably tell everyone. Does anyone besides the leeches know?" I nodded sheepishly, "I wanted you to be the first one to know but Alice is pretty much the one who told me, and she had to tell Carlisle for him to prepare for me. All the other ones I'm sure know just from their super hearing, and Emily figured it out right before dinner but you are the only one I have directly told." Embry nods squeezing my hand, "I'm not mad baby, although I didn't even think about my mom. She's going to kill us, as far as she knows we are just two love struck teenagers who probably won't make it passed senior year." I think he saw the hurt flash in my eyes for a second because he quickly recovered his statement. " not that we are baby, we're soulmates and I don't know about you but I can't even look at another girl anymore I just don't see their faces. We were literally made for each other, but she doesn't know about any of this! I know Billy will probably mad for a minute but this is what the universe wanted from us when it picked you to be my imprint and he gets that! I ju-" I smashed my lips on his before the vein his in forehead could explode from the stress. It took a second but he slowly kissed me back and I could feel him start to relax beside me. "I know your mom probably isn't going to be very happy at first but she will come around knowing about the imprint or not, but it's almost 4:30 we should probably sleep I believe you have afternoon patrol with Seth, and we need to tell our family. Embry nodded and kissed my head before snuggling into the bed next to me as he rubbed my belly, "goodnight sweetheart, and goodnight my little wolves." I couldn't help but smile, Gah I just love him. "Goodnight Embry."

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now