Chapter 24

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I watch out the window as the wolves start to follow Sam and leave as my eyes finally land on my big Gray wolf. He's standing at the forests edge staring up at the house searching for something when our eyes meet. He starts whining and pawing at the ground begging me to go down to him.It doesn't take much for me to agree and head carefully down the stairs trying to quietly avoid getting caught up and moving around since I am supposed to be on bed rest but I think everyone is far to busy with the baby to notice me slip out the door. Once outside I look around my heart dropping a bit with Embry nowhere in site. I turn to head back inside when finally I hear his voice, "Mia." I almost break down with the amount heartache that comes out with just my name. I turn back and once I see him I can't stop the tears any longer, "Embry. I'm so sorry." I stay in place tears streaming down my face waiting for him to tell me he hates me like he should. To my surprise he comes up and wraps me in his arms burying my face into his neck, "Don't be sorry, I'm so incredibly proud of you for standing up for what you believe in, but don't ever leave me for that long again got it? I'm just so happy that you are safe." His hands go around my giant belly as he gets down on his knees and kisses it softly. "Jake called Billy and informed us on what happened, Baby I'm so sorry you had to go through that alone. I wish I could have been here but I hope you know fighting or not fighting I would have crossed that imaginary boarder to be here for the birth of our boys." I smile and wipe away more tears from my eyes and take a deep breathe as the babies start wiggling around. "I don't think I'm the only one happy to hear that, But I need to-" Before I can finish my sentence Emmett comes out the front door interrupting our moment. "Embry right? You can come in with Mia but Docs orders shes been up to long and it's gonna stress the pups out. She needs to get back to resting." I chuckle a bit at Emmett calling the boys pups, if it weren't for them absolutely hating each other I think him and Paul would be great friends. "Alright alright I'm coming." Smiling a bit I turn back to Embry, "come inside with me? I've been on strict bed rest since that last incident, other than going to the bathroom one of them usually has to carry me anywhere I want to go and I have to sit back down as soon as we get there." Emmett smirks and walks a few steps forward, "It's usually my job to carry prego aro-" A low growl escapes Embry's lips as he steps closer to me and carefully lifts me into his arms. "Look not that I don't appreciate everything you've done, but I've had to sit out here and watch you carrying my girlfriend around for days and I'd like to do it myself now." Emmett puts his hands up in surrender his smirk never leaving his lips, "she's all yours just get her inside quit before Carlisle comes to do it himself." Embry kisses my cheek softly as he effortlessly carries me inside. "Does this mean we can't go home yet?" It's Carlisle that answers his question for him as we reach the living room and he carefully deposits me onto the couch. "I'm sorry Embry but no I really would rather keep Mia here under my supervision until she gives birth. I'm hoping with the extreme bed rest, apart from today that is, and the the medicine I gave her to stop her labor before she will make it closer to 35 weeks but I honestly don't see her making it to 34. 35 is the average that most twin pregnancies make it to but even then the babies usually need to spend some time in the NICU, we have one set up and prepared to take care of both babies if needed. You are more than welcome to stay along with her but I think that the safest option for all involved is to keep them here." Embry sighs and sits down next to me pulling me close to him. "As much as I would rather go home I think the docs right babe. I'm not leaving you though not for a second." I smiled and lay my head on his chest. "I love the sound of that but do you think you could leave me long enough to go home and get me some more clothes? Alice has been buying me maternity clothes and I'm super grateful but I really just want one of your shirts and my sweats." His hand comes up and caresses my face his thumb softly trailing across my lips. "how about I call Quil and have him run some clothes up here instead? I'm not going anywhere babe." I chuckle and nod. "Sure if Quil will bring his loving cousin some clothes I will be a happy camper." He pulls out his phone and makes a quick call to Emily's figuring it's easier to catch him there than on his cellphone. I smile and realize I have no reason to not have my phone on anymore. I look around and the only two people left in the room are Carlisle and Emmett. The others I assume are either with the baby or hunting now that the threat is gone. "Emmett would it be completely awful of me to ask you to run grab my phone off of my bedside table please?" He smiles and before I can blink is back with my phone, "here you go squirt" "thank you kind sir." I chuckle and turn back to Embry as he hangs up his phone and wraps his arms around me the best he can. "I could have gotten your phone babe." Rolling my eyes I cuddle back into him, "I know you could have but you were on the phone and it barley took a second for him to grab it and come back." I stare at his smug face for a moment before a smirk makes it way onto my lips, "Embry Call are you Jealous?" He turns his head to face out the window pouting, "I don't know what you're talking about." I giggle and poke his cheek, "yes you are, you're jealous! Baby I'm literally gonna pop at any moment with our children. I'm pretty sure there is absolutely nothing to be jealous about. I promise, you are the only man for me." A smile flashes across his face as he buries his face into my neck " God I love you." "I love you to Handsome."


The next morning I wake up to the sound of coos and giggles as I slowly sit up and look around. Jacob is sitting in the chair next to the couch holding the baby as she giggles at him. " on earth is she that big? She was just born last night and shes already like 2 months old." He never takes his eyes off of her as he answers me, concern flashing in his eyes a little but its gone the moment she smiles at him. "We don't know. Doc said she's progressing way faster than a normal baby should but she is super healthy." He finally takes his eyes off of her and smiles at me, "I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you sooner about having an imprint. And I'm sorry for the way I treated you guys, I finally get it." Jake turns her around to face me and I gasp at just how beautiful she is. "oh my gosh is it even possible to be that beautiful? Whats her name?" Jake smiles down at her as he talks unable to keep his attention on much else for very long. " Her name is Renesme Carlie Cullen but I've been calling her Nessie. She is gifted to, show her Ness." The small baby moves her hand up and touches my face as images of Embry and myself sleeping flash across my eyes and then its gone as she retracts her hand. "Wow, was that her memory?" Jake smiles and nods, "she can show you any memory with the touch of her hand. Granted she doesn't have very many yet but that's her first memory of you." I smile and look at my brother, this is the first time in many years that I've seen him be genuinely happy. Staring at the baby my eyes drift into a different moment, it's blurry but I feel the fear running through my body as blurry black hooded figures stand across the field. All of them feel angry and scared of the unknown. I gasp and come back with the worst feeling of dread. Jake looks at me concerned as Embry stirs beside me but doesn't wake. "What'd you see Mia?" I shook my head unsure myself. "I'm honestly not sure, black hooded figures and fear and anger. I don't think it was anything happening soon it felt blurry and far away that usually happens when the vision isn't near." He shrugged and turned his attention back to the beautiful baby in his arms, "whatever it was we will deal with it when it comes." Renesme leans towards me and places her little hand back on my face as images of Bella flash across my eyes and when I regain vision she is staring at me patiently. "Your mom? I'm not sure when she will wake up but it should be soon sweet girl. I think that's what you wanted to know?" It seems as though she almost sighs but I don't think that's even possible, "Jake her mind is far beyond a newborn this is crazy." Before he can answer Rosalie comes in smiling with fresh glowing golden eyes, "alright mongrel it's my turn, Hand my niece over." She smiles holding out her arms as Jacob reluctantly sighs and gives her the baby watching as she whisks her away to the kitchen. I cuddle back into Embry trying to get some more sleep, everything is far from normal but I feel so much better having him back at my side. As if on cue he rolls over in his sleep and wraps his arm around me pulling me closer a soft snore escaping his lips. "I love you handsome." I whisper before falling back into a comfortable slumber.

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now