Chapter 31

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Instead of Aro rejoining his guard on the other side of the clearing he waved them forward. Edward backed up immediately pulling Bella and Emmett along with him. My brother was the slowest to retreat, his fur was standing straight up as he bared his fangs. Little Nessie grabbed his tail like a leash and pulling him back with her.
There was now just fifty feet between us and the black coats surrounding Aro. Caius and Aro began arguing again in such fast whispers I couldn't keep up. After just seconds Cauis went from angry to cold to nervous. He started to frown deep in thought before he murmured loud enough for me to hear, "the werewolves."
"Will you defend that alliance too Aro?" Caius demanded. "The children of the moon have been our bitter enemies from the dawn of time. We have hunted them to near extinction in Europe and Asia. Yet Carlisle encourages a familiar relationship with this enormous infestation no doubt in an attempt to overthrow us. The better to protect his warped lifestyle."

Edward cleared his throat to gain Caius's attention, he turned his hard glare in Edwards direction.
"Caius it's the middle of the day. These are not children of the moon clearly, they bear no relation to your enemies on the other side of the world."
"You breed mutants here," caius spat.
Edward calmly answered back, "They aren't even werewolves. Aro csn trll you all about it if you don't believe me."

Looks of confusion filled everyone on our side Embry shrugged his big shoulders at my questioning face.

"Dear Caius, I would have warned you not to press this point if you had told me your thoughts," Aro murmured. "Though the creatures think of themselves as werewolves, they are not. The more accurate name for them would be shape-shifters. The choice of a wolf form was purely chance. It could have been a bear or a hawk or a panther when the first change was made. These creatures truly have nothing to do with the children of the moon they have merely inherited this skill from their fathers. It's genetic they do not continued their species by infections others the way true werewolves do."

Caius didn't seem impressed and continued down the list of reasons why we weren't safe, all of which Aro or Edward had an answer for. Frustrated with the direction of this argument Caius abruptly announced, "I want to talk to the informant."
She wasn't paying attention though, she was staring across the field to her sisters. "Irina." Caius snapped his fingers and she hesitantly mover to stand in front of him.
"So you appear to have been mistaken in your allegations."
"I'm so sorry," she whispered. " I should have made sure of what I was seeing. But I had no idea."
Caius continued to question her motives in coming to see the Cullens in first place. Trying to find any reason to start this fight, he just kept ticking down the list.
"If you would like to make a formal complaint against the shape-shifters and the Cullen's for supporting their actions now would be the time." He smiled the cruelest smile waiting for her to give him his next excuse.
"No I have no complaint against the wolves, or the cullens. You came here today to destroy an immortal child. No immortal child exists. This was my mistake and I take full responsibility for it. But the Cullens are innocent and you have no reason to still he here. I'm so sorry." She said to us and then she turned to face toward the Volturi witnesses. " there's no valid reason for you to continue here."
In seconds the scene before me was a gray blur, it wasn't until I heard Tanya and Kate's screams that I registered what had just happened. Caius burned Irina, he knew Kate and Tonya would start this and so did Edward.
"Stop them!" He jumped toward to grab her, Carlisle was there in seconds helping his son Restrain her. It was Kate that was hard to contain her. Rose was the closest to her but before she could get her in a headlock, Kate shocked her so violently that Rose crumpled to the ground. It was Garrett that stoped her he threw himself on top of her pinning her to the ground as she shocked him intensely.
"Zafrina." Edward shouted.
Quickly Kate and tonya quieted. "Give me my sight back!"
Carlisle spoke to them to low for me to hear but whatever he said worked they slowly stood back up and moved back into their original positions.

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