Chapter 9

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We've been back at my house for hours now neither one of us saying much just laying in each other's arms in my bed. Embry called his mom when we first got back letting her know Billy was here with us and that he was staying the night. My dad wasn't actually here but his mom believe him just the same. I'm not sure how long we laid there for till he finally broke the silence but it seemed like forever, "Mia, I know that was hard for you but it helped us. I hope you never have to go through that again though." His soft voice echoed through my mind and I smiled bringing my lips to his. " I love you Embry." I watched the smile slowly spread on his face as he takes in my words, " I love you Mia, more than you will ever understand." With that his lips were back on mine moving slowly together, his tongue trailed my lip softly asking for entrance to which I granted. He moved his body over mine never taking his lips away from me, my hands came up to tangle with his hair as our kiss became more heated. Normally this is when we pulled away from each other, panting but satisfied with our kiss. Tonight was different, tonight neither one of us pulled away.

Embry falls to my side both of us trying to catch our breath, I turned and smiled at him running my hand down his bare chest," that was perfect in every single way." His tired face smiled as he pulls me close " I've thought about that a million times but I could have never imagined it would be as perfect as it was, thank you for being mine Mia Black." He nuzzled his face close to mine and fell asleep, " thank you for being mine Embry Call."

It's been a few weeks since my vampire vision and my amazing night with Embry, things have been kinda tense around Jake. He's been bringing Bella around a lot more, he made some kind of agreement with her leech that she needs to be protected at all times. I guess there was some unknown leech in her house so now the the guys have to take turns with the Cullen's guarding her at her house every night it's not the most amazing arrangement ever and they take every opportunity to let Jake know. Plus when the leech goes hunting she comes here with Jake. Dad even let him bring her to the council meeting a few nights back, she's the only outsider to ever hear our tribes histories. Dad said he hoped the stories would be insightful to her, he just wants her to leave Cullen which isn't a bad idea. She is pretty much the reason for everything that has gone wrong lately. I don't know where they are right now but Jacob took her out somewhere, the guys said he's going to confess his love for her it's all he's been thinking about when they go out on patrol. I've been spending most of my time at Emily's helping her cook for all the wolves, she's in the kitchen with Sue Clearwater sharing recipes right now. Sue came over with a book for me, Harry had told me years ago that he thought he had a book on the history of our tribe somewhere that had a few chapters about Seers but he had never been able to find it. I guess when Sue was going through the attic for a garage sale she found it hidden away in an old box. I've been reading it for hours, there's so much information about myself in here that not even the elders knew. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a roar of laughter as Embry, Jared, and Paul came in. Embry makes a straight bee line for me and kisses the top of my head , " hey there beautiful, Watcha got there?" He nods towards the book in my hands. " hey there, remember that book I was telling you about that Harry said he had? Sue found it for me!" My voice squeaked a bit at the end showing my excitement. He smiles and comes to sit down next to me as the rest of the guys join us in the living room.
"Well does it say you are completely loony like we all already knew?" Paul laughs at his own comment and dodges the pillow I threw at him. " haha you're soooo funny Paul! But no it actually is amazing, I learned that I have a stronger connection to the pack then we thought. The first original seers dedicated their lives to helping the pack protect the tribe. They trained themselves to be able to link into the minds of the wolves so just like their wolf telepathy the Seers had a direct link to their thoughts and could talked to them and warn them of any new visions they had. Oh! And the elders thought it wasn't possible but apparently I have the ability to search for things, like if the Seers had a vision of a certain person or event they could channel all of their energy into that and try to find out more. The book says that young Seers, like myself, only get feelings or flashing of color and emotions but the older and more trained the seer becomes the more they see and the more they become actual visions instead of just feelings." I stared at all of their faces completely taking in every word I said. Jared looks the most confused as he asks " so wait how do you get trained? There's no other Seers around to teach you?" I shrug and shake the book, " I guess I just use the tips that are in the book and teach myself, I mean the first Seers didn't have anyone to teach them so I'll just have to figure it out. I at least want to try and figure out the mind link before this crazy battle comes up." They all agreed that it would be helpful for me to know.

Jared and Embry left about an hour ago to patrol and then take their shift guarding precious bella. At that moment Jacob came in and looked super peeved. " hey Jake:.. are you okay?" He looked over at me and put on a smile, fake but a smile. " hey kiddo, I'm alright just, just a long day." I set my book down and shook my head at him, "one I'm not a kid, I'm literally a year younger than you, and two you know you can't really lie to someone who feels a lot of your emotions. You're hurting Jake what happened?" He sighs and sits down next to me. "Well first off we got invited to a graduation party at the Cullen's" Gross. " and well I told her. I told her I'm in love with her and I kissed her. Then she broke her hand, punching my face." I hate seeing him like this it's not healthy. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged my big brother. " awe Jake I'm so sorry, I wish I could say I didn't expect it but I did. I've told you a million times she is always going to choose him. I know that isn't what you want to hear but it's the truth. The girl for you is out there and she will find you eventually but she isn't going to be Bella Swan. I've felt it, I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to go crazy trying to find her but you do have imprint out there, I've felt it for you." He pulled away from me and just stared blank face at me for a long awhile and shook his head. " you're wrong, she will choose me she just doesn't know it yet." With that he got up and ran out of the house and phased. I don't know what the magical grip she has on him is but I wish his imprint would just hurry up so we didn't have to deal with the Edward, Bella, Jacob triangle anymore.

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now