Chapter 10

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That stupid graduation party at the Cullen's is tonight and I have tried absolutely everything to get out of going but Jacob refuses to let me stay home. I'm so close to perfecting the mind link with the pack, I've been practicing for days and I can finally get linked in I just have trouble staying in and letting them hear me. I'm sure I would have it if Jake would just let me practice for a few more hours but he said if I'm not dressed in an hour than he's going to drag me there in my sweats. I don't even get why I have to go!!! I don't like Bella or her blood suckers and I don't know any of the people from their high school so I don't get why I have to go!! Embry and Quil both got sucked into going as well so at least I'll have my boyfriend and best friend there with me. I really would just rather stay home, Jake won't even accept that I've been feeling super nauseous all day today as a reason to stay home because, "you felt good enough to practice with the pack you can feel good enough to go to a party with me." I swear he drives me crazy. I know why he doesn't want to go alone, he hasn't seen Bella since he kissed her a few days ago, but that doesn't mean I have to go. Ugh I've got to be ready in 30 minutes and I haven't even gone home yet.
"Hey Em! Do you have anything I could borrow to go with Jake? I don't think I can make it home and get ready in 30 minutes."Emily came out of the kitchen smiling, "I have the perfect dress for you to wear I bought it forever ago and haven't had a chance to wear it yet. It'll look amazing come on!" Before I could object to wearing a dress she had my hand pulling me up the stairs and into her closet. " Em it's okay really, just jeans would work I don't need a dress." She just waved me off and kept digging until, "ah-hah! I knew it was here somewhere, Here ya go sweetie." She pulled a gorgeous floral high low dress out of the closet and handed it to me. "Emily this is beautiful, to beautiful I ca-" "none of that! It's beautiful and will look fantastic on you now come on you've only got 20 minutes to get ready or Jacob is going to have a fit." I couldn't help but to smile at her, she may not be all that much older than me but she is such a mother and I love her for it. She in most ways is the mother of the pack and treats us as such and I wouldn't have it any other way. I quickly slipped into the dress and curled the ends of my hair. I seriously think I broke the world record for fastest smokey eye ever done, I finished my last stroke of liquid liner right as the boys came through the door downstairs. You don't need super wolf hearing to know when they come home. "Mia get down here and got better be ready!" I rolled my eyes and hurried downstairs, luckily I do know how to walk in heels and Em is the same size as me. "Geez I'm coming Jake don't have a cow!" I walked over to Embry giving him a soft kiss, "well hello handsome." He smiles against my lips wrapping his arms around my waist as he leans over and whispers in my ear." You look beautiful baby." Before I can answer Jacob coughs," alright well enough of that let's go." Urge he always ruins the moment.
15 minutes later we pulled up to the Cullen's house and the party was in full swing, there was people everywhere. Jacob of course was only interested in finding one person in particular so that's what we set off to do. As we came up the staircase into a giant living room now decorated to look like a club Bella made her way over to us. Not wanting to intrude on their conversation I stepped back a little until I felt it. I hoped for the rest of my life I would never have to feel this again. The burning, my throats felt like it was on fire and I couldn't breath, the burning blurred my vision until all I could see was red. This was it, the last one the redhead was going to make, the battle would be soon. Luckily someone, I'm going to guess Embry, realized what was happening and guided me out of the room. When I can out of it we were in another room with some of the blood suckers all eyes on me and a little pixie looking girl. Embry spoke first but only to me, "Baby what was it? What did you see?" I took a deep breathe and told them," it was the burning again, the redhead she's made her last one. The battle will be soon." The pixies head snapped to me,"you have visions?!" It was Jacob who answered for me," she is a Seer, something nobody in our tribe has seen in centuries. She used to only feel emotions or sense something was happening but through the years it has grown and she is starting to have more vivid feelings and actually see the visions." The pale blonde one spoke next." So the army is being created by Victoria that explains the red top of Bella's you saw Alice." "Oh! The red makes sense now, I thought it was the burning making me see red, but it was her red shirt." The little one, I think her name was Alice, moved so she stood in front of me, "what do you mean the burning? I've never even meet another vampire who could see the future so for a human to be able to actually do it is extraordinary." I took in her words for a moment choosing mine carefully, I may not like them but I am in their home so I don't want to offend them. " the last two 'vision?' I guess you could call them, that I've had have been me feeling the redhead changing a human into a blo- one of you. It's a horrifying feeling as I'm sure you all know, but I can feel the venom flow through their veins, my veins, I feel my heart stop beating just as theirs does, I can feel the pain and the struggle to breath just as they do, and then it stops and all I can feel is the red hot burning in my thrower and the red blurred vision. That's how we knew something was coming and the redhead was starting it." Alice nods to me, something about the look on her face makes me think she isn't done talking to me about this just yet. But for now she speaks to everyone, "well the decision has been made." "You aren't going to Seattle." Bella didn't say it as a question since she already knew the answer, we all did. "No they're coming here." Everyone let out the breathe that they were holding in, not in relief but just in understanding. Jacob stood and shared a look with Quil and Embry, they both nodded. " the pack will fight, at least we will get to kill some vampires." To this of course Bella argued until the blonde one told her that it would a great asset to them. He doesn't look much older than the others but he has to be the father figure they all listen to him. The boys and the Cullen's agreed on a time and place to meet and go over a strategy. Just as we were leaving the little pixie caught my arm, "it's Mia right? I'm Alice. I would love to be able to talk to you some more about everything." I smiled a bit at her, this one I kinda like. " yeah uh sure we can talk soon." She smiled and nodded walking away, "strange that one is." I couldn't help but to laugh at my boyfriend. " lets just go home, it's been a long day and I still feel nauseous." They all nodded in agreement as we headed home.

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now