Chapter 7

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***first off I'm so so so sorry for not writing, I've always told myself I wasn't going to be the kind of author that doesn't upload months at a time but I have been and I'm so sorry! But I'm going to try to start getting into an uploading schedule***
It's been about two weeks since Bella took off to the rescue of her leech, poor Jake has been a wreck. The stupid leech lover can't even take a hint that he's hurt and doesn't want to talk to her. She's been calling his phone, the house phone, and even my phone repeatedly, she doesn't understand how much she actually hurt him
It breaks my heart for my brother to be hurting so bad, like literally I've been feeling all his pain and I can't stand it! Not only has he been down and moody but he's making me down and moody. Embry has been amazing though. No matter how many times I've snapped at him or broke down crying for no reason other than Jake was pissed off or hurting, he's been right there with me smiling and telling me it's okay. I'm not sure how I got so lucky, but I'm glad I did! For some reason, I'm guessing it's since we share the same DNA, I can feel Jake's emotions so much more than anyone else and in times like this I wish I couldn't.
I've been working very closely with the tribe elders lately trying to decipher a new feeling I've been having. At first I thought it solely had to do with Jacob, but lately it's been more prominent than just him. I still don't understand exactly what all of my seeing means but I know whatever this is it is going to involve everyone. And by everyone I even mean Bella's leeches. Whatever is going to happen it's going to be huge and feels dangerous, it would have to be for the wolves to work with the leeches.

When Sam told everyone what I had been feeling they all thought I was absolutely losing my mind. Leah especially, Her and her little brother Seth phased the night that Harry died, which is why she is completely against working with the leeches, Victoria caused her dads death. She is a prime example that I don't see everything, Leah is the first female wolf in Quileute history and I never felt a single thing about her phasing. This thing coming up though, it's got such a different feeling to it than anything else I've ever felt. As far back as I can remember I have only ever been able to sense the future, never actually see anything but with this feeling its different. I've been getting flashes of colors and blurred images with these feelings, something I have never experienced. The elders think it has to be because this is the most dangerous situation I've ever felt, I just wish I could feel or see more to tell them what's actually coming.

Embry opening the door snapped me out of my thoughts his gorgeous face smiling down at me. "Well hey there beautiful, are you okay? You look like I interrupted some important thought?"

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, "well hello handsome, no no I'm okay just thinking about everything."

He brought his hand up to my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb, "well no more of that we have a fun filled day of watching movies and eating junk food." With that I nodded, grabbed his hand and went inside. Embry promised me yesterday that he got the day off from patrol today and we were going to relax and not think about the horrible unknown things to come. we plopped down on his couch as he grabbed the remote and started scanning through the movie channels. It's crazy to me how strong the imprint bond is, I still haven't told Embry I love him but I know I do. We were made for each other in every sense of the word, our bodies morph to fit together perfectly like puzzle pieces. Laying here on the couch with him with his arm around me is one of the greatest feelings I've ever had.

Embry chuckles and nudges me slightly, "you know staring isn't nice right?" I smirked and rolled my eyes, "oh shush you love it and you know it." He just flashed me that amazing grin of his and settled on watching some random stand up comedy movie. I actually hadn't realized I was staring at him until he said something, He was just so perfect I couldn't be more thankful to the universe for picking him as my soulmate. We stayed cuddled on the couch for a few hours just laughing and enjoying each others company. At around 5:30 I shot up from the couch with an all to familiar rage pulsing through my body along with agonizing pain. Embry grabbed me into his arms and was trying to calm me down and figure out what was going on. "Mia? Mia what is it? What's wrong??"  I took a few deep breaths trying to calm myself down, there's only one other person who could possibly be this strong. "'s....Q.....Quil..." I finally got out between waves of pain. It was slowly fading out and before I could catch my breath Embry was on the phone with Sam pulling me out of his house with him. By the time we got to the edge of the woods Embry was off the phone and stripping down ready to shift. " Sam wants everyone to meet up with him and Quil right now, He said he was pretty sure he knew where Quil would be so for the rest of us meet at Emily's. You're gonna ride on my back if that's okay?" I just nodded and waited for him to shift making sure to keep my eyes everywhere except for on him while he stripped. Just because we are going to be together forever doesn't mean I need to watch him get naked right now. I could tell he was still kind of hesitant of shifting and being in his wolf form around me, I guess just worried that I would get scared and leave him. Not that I actually could even if I wanted to, the imprint effected me just as much as it did him. My heart hurt anytime we were apart for to long, It's like I didn't even see guys faces anymore, just his. A soft growl brought me out of my thoughts, Embry's gorgeous white and gray wolf towering before me. "oh right sorry let's go!" I blushed a bit and climbed up onto his back my arms wrapped halfway around his neck, my hands holding his fur lightly. The closer we got to Emily's the more a weight was lifted off of my shoulders, Quil now will know everything and I wont have anyone to keep secrets from anymore.

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now