Other Stories?

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First off thank you to everyone for reading this book <3 It has been amazing seeing all the feedback on it! Secondly, I don't think their stories are over, but I'm just stuck on where to go with it now. So for that reason I'm going to mark it completed but I'm not sure when or if the next update is going to come out.

 I do have 2 other stories in the works Let me know if you are interested in me publishing what I have from them so far!

The first one is called The First Human Cullen 

What if Bella wasn't the only human in the The Cullen's life? 16 years before they moved back to Forks Washington Carlisle and Rosalie were hunting when they came across a deserted camp ground on a mountain in Colorado. The smell of fresh human blood was all around them, a mile down the trail laid the source, a mountain lion attack. Unable to save the very pregnant woman they found, they were able to save her baby. Rose convinced Carlisle to let her raise the baby as her own and that's how Ariella Cullen came to be the first human In the Cullen Clan. Now at 16 Ariella wants nothing more than to be an Immortal and Rosalie wants her to stay human forever with ever human experience she can have. 

After 16 years being the only one how is Ariella going to react to having another human around?

With Bella Swan causing all kinds of mayhem Ariella's usual calm world is flipped upside down. Her family is forced to make decisions they never wanted to make.

Could she find love? 

 Will she survive her new way of life caused by Bella? 

How will her family react when a certain wolf takes one look at her and changes everything? Life for Ariella will never be the same.

Paul Lahote Imprint story.

The second is called Lilith Evangeline Potter - The Eighth Weasley Child

Lilith Evangeline Potter was 2 years older than her brother, Harry Potter. She was the spitting image of their mother, and about had the name to match. This is probably why her Aunt Petunia couldn't stand the sight of her. Right before her 12th birthday her aunt and uncle made the decision to send her off to a year round all girls boarding school. Now they would only have to look at her one week out of the year. On July 31, 1990, Her brothers 10th birthday, She sat out on her balcony when a loud crack echoed around her and a strange woman appeared in the streets below. A while later her headmistress came knocking on her door with the same strange woman in tow. The woman told her she was a teacher, Professor Mcgonagall from Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry to which she had been accepted. After accepting the truth about hers and her brothers lives she was told that she was going to be taken to stay with a wizarding family until school started. She was not allowed to mention any of it to her brother or return to her aunt and uncles house except for the week that they thought she was home for summer. The schools headmaster, Professor Dumbledore didn't think that Lilith's family could handle having two "freaks" in the family and it was better this way. 

How will Lilith handle living in the wizarding world with a certain family of redheads?

How will Harry react when he finds out where Lilith has actually been?

Follow along the life of Lilith Evangeline Potter as she tries to help her brother vanquish the Dark lord and Pull as many Pranks with her favorite twins as possible.  

Let me know what ya'll think! (:

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now