Chapter 15

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The next morning Embry and I decided telling my dad would be an easier task than telling his mom right now. We've been sitting on my couch for almost 15 minutes waiting for my dad to get up when his door softly closed, the sound of his chair coming down the hall. Embry could feel me tense beside him as he squeezed my hand and smiled. "It's going to be okay baby girl."

"Oh! I didn't know you two were home, what a nice surprise." He wheeled himself in front of us smiling tiredly. "Dad we actually have something we need to tell you." His eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a moment, "oh well I was actually going go fishing with Charlie in just a bit but I can cancel if you need me sweetheart?" I took a deep breathe ready to dive right in but it was Embry who answered my father. "No sir, it won't take that long we just uh we have something important to tell you." The look on his face told me he was concerned but he just nodded for us to continue. "Well dad I don't really know how else to say this other than to just say it. I'm pregnant.... with twins..." He stared at us for a moment his eyes flashing between the two of us down to my belly and back up as he processed what I told him. "You're... you're pregnant?! Mia you're only 16! I know you think you are all grown up but you both are still children yourselves! What were you thinking??" My dad wasn't ever a violent man but I'm pretty sure if he could reach something to throw right now he would.

"We weren't thinking... it was right around when we found out about the army of leeches coming and we just needed each other and it just happened...I'm not going to say I'm sorry because I'm not. We might be young but this is why the universe put us together remember? To have babies and make the strongest blood lines. I'm almost 4 months along with two healthy little babies." Embry placed his hand on my belly and smiled at my dad. "Billy sir with all due respect, I love your daughter and I love our children already. We might be young but we are going to give these babies the best lives they can possibly have." My dads face softened a bit and he still didn't look very happy but he nodded, "I can see how much you love each other. I might not be extremely happy about this but I don't have a choice and I'm going to love them either way. Now do we know if i have grandsons or granddaughters yet?" I smiled and stood from the couch hugging my father. "I love you so much, thank you for accepting this. As for the babies no we get to find out in a few days hopefully when we go to my next appointment with Carlisle."

We stayed talking with my dad for about 20 more minutes before Charlie came to get him. Now for the real challenge, Embry's mom, I know she loves us but I'm not sure how she's going to feel after we tell her. I squeezed Embry's hand as we walked to his house, "who knows baby she might be completely okay with this and just love us even more." He chuckled at me and pulled me up the stairs, "yeah hopefully that's exactly what happens. Mom are you home? Mia and I are here!" As soon as the words were out of his mouth we heard his moms heavy footsteps coming down the hall. "Embry Call where the hell have you been all night?! You don't remotely respect my authority, you never even call anymore when you are staying with Mia!" He sighed and let go of my hand and went to hug his mom, "I know I know I'm sorry mom, we've had it kind of crazy lately. I know the drill I'm grounded for life. But we have something really important to tell you so can we please go sit down and talk?" She looked up at her son for a moment then hugged him back, "we aren't done talking about punishment yet mister but okay what do you have to tell me?" I followed them to the living room and sat down, " Well Miss Call... we uh.." Embry squeezed my hand and interrupted me, "Mom Mia's pregnant.... surprise you're gonna be a grandma!" I chuckled softly at his cute expression but both of our smiles quickly faded when we looked at her. Miss Call's face was beat red and I'm pretty sure she was in shock. "please tell me you did not just tell me that my 17 year old son got his high school girlfriend pregnant?! You thought that I would be happy about this?! What the hell Embry I taught you better than this! You get the first girlfriend you've ever had pregnant at 17 at you just thought 'surprise' was the best way to tell me?! You had such a bright future then you started missing school and sneaking out and then you bring this one home and I thought wow this sweet little girl is going to keep you out of trouble but no she just causes more!!" I could feel Embry starting to shake next to me I grabbed his hand trying to calm him down, " mom you have no idea wha-" "NO!! don't even tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about you have no idea!! You know what?! You both want to be adults?? GET OUT. Embry get your stuff and leave now. I don't want you here and I don't want either of you working at my store. You think you know so much about life DO IT ON YOUR OWN I'M NOT PLAYING GRANDMA TO A BABY THAT SHOULDN'T EVEN EXIST!!!" Embry was going to explode on his mom at given moment it took all of my might to push him outside, with tears streaming down my face I yelled to his mom that someone would be back for his stuff. Once we got outside I wrapped my arms around him trying to calm him down. "Embry you have to calm down you are going to end up hurting someone, please." His moms house wasn't to far from the forests edge if I could just get him there we would be safe and I could call for Sam. I grabbed his arm pulling him the best I could with him shaking so badly. As soon as we got into the forests edge Embry phased, unable to control it anymore. A sharp scream echoed through my ears before I realized it was my own. I turned to see his big eyes searching me full of concern, his howl erupted through the trees. My head started feeling light as my legs crumbled beneath me and I landed on the forest floor. Before everything went black I noticed my shirt ripped into the shape of claw marks on my belly soaking it in blood then the world spun and went black.

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now