Chapter 6

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It's been a few days since Embry told me about our imprint, things have changed but for the better. I see him every day and we're taking things slow. We have eternity to be together so why rush things? I've mostly been over at his house; his mom likes the idea of us together she thinks I can keep him out of trouble. She still doesn't know about the pack so he's grounded pretty much for life for sneaking out every night. Luckily she still lets him be with me during the day.

Jake is back to spending every waking moment with the leach lover. I don't know if its just the fact that shes using my brother or if it's the fact that shes a danger magnet that makes me dislike her so much but I cant stand the girl. I know its going to break his heart when her leech comes back. Jake refuses to believe me when I tell him that I know the leeches will be back, he says that I must just be feeling victoria, I think thats what the red haired leeches name was. But this feeling isn't of the leech, it's of his completely broken heart when she chooses and its not him. It's not that I don't want him to be happy, but I know that it isn't real. He didn't imprint on her, and she doesn't love him the way he needs to be loved. I can't force him though it's his own life, I on the other hand have a handsome imprint waiting for me at his house.

As I walked up the now familiar stairs to his front door I couldn't help but get the same nervous butterflies I've had since day one. What if the imprint wears off one day and he doesn't love me anymore? I know in my heart that it wont and cant happen, but my head always gets in the way. Like usual as soon as I got up the last step the front door opened and there he was, Embry Call, My Soulmate, that was still hard to wrap my head around.

"Hey there beautiful, you're late" He smirked at me as his large arms pulled me into an embrace.

"oh shush, im late everyday", I hugged him back and pulled back only to look up at his face, his gorgeous brown eyes stared back down at me so full of love.

"what would you like to do today? Your mom actually gave me permission to take you out of solitary confinement today!"

His smile seemed to brighten a bit then he smirked, " it's not like you've needed her permission every other day." And with that remark He got a smack to the arm, which really only hurt my hand.

"ughhhhhh! but anyways! today we don't have to sneak we actually be out and about without worrying she will find out, so again what would you like to do today?"

"hmm, idk why dont we go down to the beach? I'd love to see you in that bikini again" he chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I laughed and pretended to be offended, "Embry Call! how dare you want to see your, very attractive I might add, Girlfriend in a bikini! Im shocked!" He just chuckled again and pulled me in for a kiss whispering softly into my lips, " I love you Beautiful." I still hadn't told him I loved him yet, it's not that i didn't because i knew I would and I probably already did but like i said we have forever together so I want to take things slow, but I still love hearing him say it.

I smiled and kissed him again then pulled him out the door and back towards the beach. He usually wanted to go to the beach so I came prepared today with my bikini under my dress. We walked hand in hand till we reached the beach where it just so happens Paul, Jared, Sam and Emily are all hanging out laughing and talking.

"Hey guys! I didn't know you were here!" I smiled as we ran towards them.

Paul laughed and looked at me, "you? didnt know something?! thats shocking! you know everything!"

I stuck my tongue out at him and threw sand in his direction, "I don't know everything I just have the best sixth sense ever, get it right!" Everyone was laughing at our exhange then went back to talking. Sam was telling the guys that they need to start widening their patrols at night because Victoria was still managing to sneak by them. I sat on log near Emily as I listened to their plans all of them deep in thought and conversation.

I leaned over and whispered to Emily, "Hey Em, any sign of Jake today? I just have a bad feeling about something."

She shook her head no, "Mia what is it? You know when you sense things about the pack the elders what the hear about it."

"No no, it's nothing about him or the pack being in danger. I just idk I have a feeling of pain and sorrow and I just know its going to be Jake. I think the Leech is going to be coming back soon or she's going to drop him for the Missing link or something idk."

Em couldn't help but to chuckle at my comment then smiled sympatheticly at me, "You've warned him all you can sweetie, he just has to make his own mistakes."

I sighed and nodded , "I know he does, and who knows it's not that strong yet maybe it will change they do sometimes." And with that we went back to just mindless small talk listening to the boys, but I knew in my heart that this was going to happen. My brother was about to get his heartbroken by a girl in love with a Vampire.

Later that night we decided that we should stay the night at my house, and luckily his mom said yes just as long as my dad kept an eye on him and he didn't sneak out. Billy told her she had nothing to worry about and he would watch us. Not that he actually did, but he told her he would. Most parents would be against letting their 15 year old daughter and her 16 year old boyfriend spend the night together but our case was different. Even if my dad wanted to keep us apart he couldn't because of the Imprint so he just goes with it, after all we're soulmates. we spent most of the evening just watching TV in the living room, Billy was over at the Clearwater's helping anyway he could, Harry Clearwater had a heart attack earlier and didn't make it. We went over and gave our condolences and cried, Harry was a great man and one of my dads best friends. After we got home I made us some pizza, yes I know how to cook slightly, and we've just been watching a random show Embry found. It was around 9'oclock when it set in, the complete heartbreaking agony I had been dreading all day. I had told Embry what was going on earlier just so he would be prepared, which is actually why he stayed the night. This though, was such a horrible feeling, it felt as though my heart had been ripped out of my chest and I was left there to rot alone. Not even die, just rot without a soul. I didn't realize how much Jacob actually cared for this girl until I felt this. I managed to control it a bit and make it subside enough to be functional and decided we had to find Jake. I can't imagine him going through this alone.

We got to her house as fast as Embry could run, I got to go piggy back style, and once we caught his scent we were off again to find him. He was sitting on the forest floor when we got to him, I could hear his sniffs from where I was standing and slowly walked over to him.

"Jake... are you okay?... I.... I know she left..."

He didn't want to talk to me at first but he finally told us everything, "and after I told her the other leech came in saying that he was going to some royalty crap that he wanted to die to and they left. I tried so hard to get her to stay, to choose me, but all she wanted was him."

My heart broke for him, I wouldn't say I told you so because that would just be pouring salt in an open wound. Instead I got down in front of him and hugged him as tight as I could. " No matter what happens Jake, you are going to be okay. We are all here for you and Will support you in anything you decide later down the road. for now though she has made her choice and I know its painful, I felt my heart break the second yours did, but you will get through this. Let's go home please"

Jacob didn't say anything, he hugged me back stood up and took off into the forest, as he phased we heard the most heartbroken howl I think I've ever heard.

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now