Chapter 12

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The pack has had a couple more training sessions with the Cullen's the last few days, all of which ended with me and Alice talking about our gifts. With her help I've been able to concentrate more on different things and actually will myself to see a part of someone's future, As it stands now I can see us wining this fight but I haven't told anyone but Alice. I don't want anyone to think it's a sure thing and end up changing the future. Tomorrow is the day of the fight and I just can't bring myself to not be nervous, I'm staying with Emily tonight so we don't have to worry about coming In the morning. The other imprints are going to be here to just to make sure everyone is safe and together, Jake is spending the night on the mountain with Bella and her leech. I'm not sure why they think that's a good idea but it's what they decided. Alice let it slip that Bella and Edward are engaged... I couldn't bring myself to tell Jake and I promised her I wouldn't.

Sam had the guys out on one last patrol all together before tomorrow, I wish they would hurry I just want to spend the rest of the night cuddling Embry. "Mia calm down everything is going to be okay, why don't you come help me with dinner?" Emily smiled softly at me. I hadn't even realized I was pacing until she said something. With a sigh I agreed, "yeah... okay. I know it's going to be okay I have faith in them it just worries me." She handed me a bowl, "I know you're scared, I am to. That's both of our families out there sweetheart. Here put the salad together please? It's about the only time I can get your brothers to eat vegetables." I couldn't help but to chuckle at her, no matter how scared she is she still is always trying to take care of all of us as if we were her own.

The pack came in just in time for dinner, usually they are all laughing and play fighting when they came home but tonight they were quiet; tonight was different. Tonight could very well be our last night we spend together the whole family, minus Jacob. Come tomorrow some of my brothers or sister could be gone at the hands of a newborn and there's nothing I can do to change it. Embry walked over and wrapped me in his arms whispering sweet nothings in my ear, "you know you mean the world to me baby? I don't know what I would ever do without you, I'm glad you are staying home safe so I don't have to find out." Before I could say anything back to him he added, " and I'm gonna come home to you tomorrow so you will never have to find out either. I promise." I glanced around the room at everyone, the wolves and their imprints were all either cuddled together or just talking. Quil sat in the rocking chair with Claire holding her as she slept, Jared and Kim sat at the table talking with each other and the rest of the pack while Sam and Emily sat on the couch cuddled in each other's arms. I pulled Embry outside so we could have a few minutes away from the super wolf hearing and just be alone. Once we broke through the tree outline I stopped and wrapped my arms around him burying my face into his chest, "Embry... I have faith in you guys just please... please come home to me. It's more than just the imprint bond I have a feeling that I'm going to be needing you for something really important in the near future so please just come home to me." He grabbed my chin with his hand and pulled my face up to meet his in one swift motion his lips were crushing mine. He pulled away to soon and whispered, "Mia I promise you with all that I am that I will come home to you and be here for whatever else is about to come and more." We spent the next hour just sitting under the stars till Emily came out and told us we needed to come eat because Sam called a mandatory bedtime so everyone was well rested tomorrow. I'm not sure what time it was when I had finally fallen asleep last night but I felt like I hadn't slept at all this morning. Sam got everyone up at sunrise so the guys could eat and head out. Seth had left almost an hour before everyone else since he had to go up on the mountain and take Jacobs place to stay with Bella and Edward. Emily for once hadn't cooked breakfast and just let everyone eat what they could find. Sam fighting was taking a toll on her just like it was all of the imprints. Embry and I had shared our heartfelt moment together last night so when the time came for them to leave we shared just a soft kiss and a hug before he shifted and they were off. The future hadn't changed I could still see us winning but that still doesn't mean it's for sure, any decision can change it's course.

As soon as we went back inside I sat on the couch between Emily and Kim while Claire slept soundly upstairs. I linked into the packs mind but kept my own thoughts quiet so I didn't distract them, I promised Kim and Em that I would give them a play by play of the fight so we knew our boys were safe. "They just got to the clearing, the newborns are close but aren't there yet. Jacob isn't there yet either... " Emily squeezed my hand softly as to say he will be okay. Before I could reply the newborns emerged and the fight started. "It started... there's a lot of them but the leech was right the wolves scared them." We sat for what seemed like hours with me just telling them what was happening. Jacob had finally joined back in when suddenly I saw what was happening in Seth's eyes. "Oh my god... the red head she.. she knew they weren't with the others. She's found them! Seth is fighting that Riley kid." I hadn't seen this coming so it must mean that it doesn't change the future, we are still going to win. I'm pretty sure Emily and Kim had been holding their breathe until I told them Seth took the boy out, they both let out a sigh of relief. "The redhead is dead! Edward got her." Just as I finished my sentence my mind shifted to a vision, actually seeing things instead of just feeling them is something I still haven't mastered and something that still feels very weird. I saw the blurry shape of a newborn coming out of the forest behind Sam ready to attack. As soon as I came out of the vision I joined right back into the mind link. SAM! Behind you!! But it was a second to late, as Sam turned Leah pounced, The newborn was going to crush her. I'm sure I had a horrified look on my face because in the faint distance I could hear Emily and Kim worriedly asking what was wrong but they were far away in this moment. The newborn was trying to snap Leah's jaw in two when Jake tackled it off of her. Jake! No!! They wrestled for a few seconds but it all happened so fast, it got its arms around him and squeezed him. I'm not even sure who it was that got it off of him. I was so focused on Jacob, He shifted back and was rolling on the ground in pain. Before I knew what was happening the guys started phasing back one by one until I wasn't connected to any of them anymore. I stood and looked at the girls, "Jake...Jake got hurt I don't know how bad but I... I have to get home." Before they could say anything else I bolted out of the house and ran to mine. I was no where near being as fast as the wolves but I was fast enough and luckily my house wasn't that far from Emily's. When I got home all of the guys were outside, the only sound was Jacob screaming. I ran to Embry and he wrapped his arms around him. "The docs re-breaking his bones." I looked to Sam with tears in my eyes, " if I would have had that vision sooner you could have got him and Jake wouldn't of gotten hurt." He shook his head at me, "don't think like that Mia you know that the decisions people make change the future Jacob made a split second decision you couldn't have seen it coming." We sat there for hours, Bella showed up eventually but I couldn't bring myself to talk to her. I know it's not actually her fault but I couldn't help but to blame her. Especially when Carlisle came out and said Jacob wanted to see her instead of any of us. I'm not sure what happened between them that night but after she left... I could feel how broken he was. This girl seriously needs to stop breaking his heart.

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now