Chapter 30

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In the days leading up to the arrival of the Volturi the wolves, Edward and Carlisle stayed in the clearing from Alice's vision. We couldn't be completely sure what day they would be here but we knew it would be soon. This was the same clearing where the newborns had attacked last summer. I'm sure to them it all felt repetitive but I was as far away as physically possible last time, this was going to be all new to me. Even Bella has met with the Volturi before so she some what knows what to expect, I just hope that my presence will be enough for Aro.

It was the night before New Years Eve when the snow started to stick. I sat in front of the fire place with Emily both of my boys cuddled into my arms sound asleep. I couldn't bring myself to stay at home with my dad the last few days, every time he looked at me I couldn't help but see the sadness in them like he was wondering if this would be the last time he saw me alive.

"Mia. It's sticking, the snow it's sticking to the ground." Emily sounded distraught as she stared out into the night.
I didn't bother looking, what once was such a beautiful thing now was the call of our demise and I couldn't look at it. "I know I felt it earlier I was just hoping we had a little more time."
I cuddled my boys closer trying not to let any tears fall. "Em.. promise me something?"
"Of course Mia, anything?"
"Pr-promise me that you will tell them all about me? How much I love to just hold them and that I could stare at them for hours and never.. never get bored. Just make sure they know I didn't leave them because I didn't want them please." My voice cracked as the last word came out my eyes betrayed me letting tears run down my checks.

Emily came over and wrapped her arms around the three of us, "There will be no need to tell them because you aren't leaving them. Mia you will come home everyone will make sure of it. But yes for the sake of making you feel better I promise."

I squeezed my babies one more time before handing them over to Emily to take them to bed, If I don't do it quick I know I won't be able
to leave them. The snow is sticking which means its time for me to go to the clearing with everyone else so we can prepare for tomorrow. I hurried out the door and into my brothers car, which I had claimed as my own since he phased, and headed towards the clearing trying my hardest to see through all the tears. It doesn't matter what anyone says I know I'm not coming back from this fight, I've felt it. Aro will want me, I doubt he's ever met a human who can see the future, my gifts as one of them would only be heightened. When he demands I come with them I'll go willingly, I don't want my family dying for me, my boys need them. They might have to grow up without their mom but at least this way they will still have the rest of their families. Maybe one day I'll be able to come back and watch them grow up from afar. I don't think Embry will ever forgive me after tomorrow but I'm hoping he will. Who knows maybe after years apart our imprint bond will fade and he can find someone to love again who will love our boys just as much.

I let out one last sob as I pull up to the clearing, I'm sure they've all heard my cries by now but I don't care, I'm scared. Before I can open my door Embry has it ripped open and me in his arms. "Oh baby it's okay. We're gonna make it through this I promise. Were the boys asleep when you left?"
I wiped my face and put on a fake smile, "I know we will, it's going to be okay. Yes Emily was laying them down when I left so they should be good to sleep through the night with her."

I tried to keep my thoughts on everything and anything but what I knew was to come so Edward couldn't try to stop me. "Come on sweetness I have us a tent set up over here I know you have to be exhausted."

I followed Embry silently to the tent hoping he would take my silence for sleep deprivation, but in all reality I doubt I will get any sleep tonight. "Here you go baby, you should have enough blankets to stay warm but I'll be back to sleep with you soon, I just need to go around the perimeter with Jake and Paul."
"Embry? Can you stay with me please? I-I I just need to cuddle you tonight."
He smiled and came to lay down with me, "Of course I can, they can handle the perimeter without me."
We laid there talking well into the night. We talked about everything, our lives before the shift and my visions. Before we imprinted, before we had the twins. Everything seemed so simple back then, now I was willing to give up my life to make sure my kids had a future, and I wouldn't change a thing. I wish I could tell him, I almost slipped up but luckily he was fast asleep when the words escaped my lips. "I'll miss you Embry." That was the last thought before I slipped into a dreamless sleep.

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now