Chapter 2

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*** A Few Weeks Later ***

Everything has been so different since Jake first shifted, He was so mad at me for not telling him that I knew it was going to happen to him but I honestly didn't know for sure. Well that was a lie, I knew it every single time I looked into his face. He is the Great Grandson of Ephraim Black, of course he would shift, he was destined to be the chief. He didn't want that though, he let Sam keep that responsibility. I just still had hope that he could prove our genes wrong and just be a normal Quileute boy, but genes never lie. He hasn't seen Quill or Bella since he shifted, I think my dad told them he has Mono or at least that's what he told Bella. Quill thinks that he just left him to join the "Hall Monitors on Steroids", just like Embry. I've seen him a few times but it's just too hard to have to lie to him so I've been staying home and as far away from him as possible. Bella calls all the time, she even came by the other but dad wouldn't let her in. 

I went and met Sam and his fiancé Emily a few days ago. I've kind of met Sam before but not really, he was just there when old Quill was explaining what I was the the rest of the tribe Elders. My phone loudly started ringing interrupting my thoughts, 

"Hello?" I answered slightly more annoyed than I meant to be. The voice on the end stuttered a bit, she sounded broken. Sighing I answered her question before she even got it out.

"No Bella he isn't up for talking or seeing anyone, he could still be contagious and he's pretty under the weather."

She just sighed and whispered, "okay bye," before hanging up the phone. I did feel slightly bad for the girl, but she was just using him anyway at least this way he actually had a chance at love. I've felt it before, the imprint bond. It was such an immense feeling at first it overwhelmed me, I felt it one day when Jacob was whining about missing Bella. It wasn't for her, but I knew it was going to be for him one day. I wish I knew when or with who so I could tell him and he could go find her. Sadly my stupid "All Knowing Powers", as Jake calls them, don't ever give me to many details. I would feel awful if I told him it was going to happen some day but be able to tell him when. Plus knowing my brother he would drive himself mad looking for her. Thinking of my brother though, huh, I wondered where he was. I didn't even consider looking for him when Bella called. He was either in his bed or out on patrol, Sam had him patrolling all the time now. There's this redheaded bloodsucker running a muck through La Push and Forks so they doubled up on patrol trying to figure out what she's after. I've been trying to help and feel something about her but it just doesn't work like that. I've tried for many years and no matter how hard I try I can't control the things I get to feel and the things I never will.

My phone Buzzed in my pocket and I hoped it wouldn't be Bella again.

Quilly- "Hey.. haven't seen you in awhile.. Wanna do something?"

I sighed as I read the message over and over, I love my cousin I really do but I didn't know what to do. If I meet him he will ask me about Jake and I don't have the answers. After what felt like hours of staring at the blank message box I decided to say yes.

Mia- "Of course Quilly I'll meet you at the beach in 15?"

Quilly- "See you there."

It really only took 5 minutes more or less to get to the beach from my house but I needed time to mentally prepare myself to answer his questions. Lying to him was so hard, I wished he would just shift already and I wouldn't have to lie to him anymore. I know he will, I've felt it, sadly his wasn't a close feeling. After almost a full 10 minutes thinking of answers to all the questions I could come up with that he would ask, I quickly threw on my favorite bikini and a half shirt to go over it and headed down to the beach not bothering to even put shoes on.

The closer I got the less nervous I felt, Quill is my family and he loves us he just misses his best friends. My smile grew the second I spotted him sitting on a log by the water, grabbing a handful of wet squishy sand I threw it at his head. The second it made contact with him I fell over laughing, "I....I'm.... so .... not... even... sorry," I managed to squeeze out in between giggles. He was trying so hard not to laugh as he came up and picked me up.

"Oh yeah kiddo? you think you can just throw sand at me and I won't get even? " I looked up just in time to see his evil grin and take a deep breathe before he threw me into the icy water. I resurfaced laughing just as hard as before when I saw Quill sitting there still picking sand out of his hair with a smile on his face.

"thanks I wanted to come swimming anyway jerk." 

He chuckled and helped me back onto the beach, we spent the next hour just catching up on everything. I knew that I missed him, but I never realized how much until I had him back. There has never been a time in my life that Quill hasn't been there with me and Jake. I felt awful for excluding him but it's not my secret to tell. I just hoped he could forgive me when he does shift. Another hour went by and I watched as his face fell as he started to rub the back of his neck nervously. Oh god this is what I was hoping we would avoid.

"Mia... what's going on? Honestly, Billy won't tell me anything Jacob won't even look at me or return any of my texts or my calls and you. This is the first time I've seen you in weeks. Why is everyone avoiding me? Did I do something? Is this just about Sam and his cult? I just need to know what happen to everything."

I sighed and looked at him with sorrow filled eyes, "Quill... can you just trust me that everyone is okay and we all love you. Nobody wants to avoid you it's just... it's just how it has to be for awhile but I promise you one day soon you will understand and I really hope you can forgive us when you're back with us all.... I love you Quilly but that's all I can say... It's not my secret to keep...  I've got to go..." Quickly I grabbed my wet shirt throwing it back on me as I took off sprinting towards the house tears softly streaming down my face. I'm an awful person, I just hope he can forgive me when this is all over. 

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now