Chapter 27

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Three months seems like a long time, but when you are watching something as precious as your children grow and start to connect with the world it seems to just fly by. Time is something I don't envy the Cullens for, in the last three months I have got to watch my boys start developing their personalities along with the little milestones such as rolling over for the first time and holding their heads up. Bella has watched Renesmee go from holding her head up to crawling, walking and talking, In the same three month span she has went from a helpless baby to a toddler in the blink of an eye. Everyone tries to just enjoy their time with Ness because none of us are certain how long we will actually get with her, She absolutely loves the twins and spends every second we are there with them. Which is a lot, Esme refuses spend any more than 2 days apart from them so we come over quite often. Bella and I have also jumped into an odd new friendship that neither one of us really acknowledge is weird, it just feels like it was always supposed to have been this way. Jake and her are just as close as ever she got most of her anger against him out when she kicked his ass for imprinting on Nessie, I don't think her and even Edward would have it any other way though. There is no denying the connection between Ness and Jake, the pack has even accepted her just as anyother imprint is. Sam and Jake managed to put their small feud behind them and things are as back to as normal as they get around here.

"Awecome on Ness you've had Tuari all day can Auntie Alice please holdhim?" Ness smiled at Alice and snuggled into my sleeping soneven more and shook her head. I couldn't help but to chuckle watchingthem, "Alice I told you once she gets them it's almostimpossible to get them back, the only reason Esme got Takoda from her earlier is because she had to eat lunch." Alice sighed and sat on thecouch pouting, usually it's Alice who gets things exactly how shewants them but Renesmee has definitely been giving her a run for hermoney.

Jacob and Bella came in chatting casually to each other until their eyes landed on Renesmee. They both smiled at her sympathetically which could only mean that it's time for her hunting session. Shesighed and tried to close her eyes pretending to be asleep. "Comeon Ness, I bet I can catch a bigger one again." Jacob sat on thecouch next to her trying to appeal to her competitive side. Nesscould survive on human food or blood, she doesn't particularly like the taste of animal blood though. However she agrees with and understands the Cullen's rules about drinking from humans so she prefers the donor blood or human food. Renesmee is definitely special though, she drinks human blood a few times a week but she has no problem being around humans whatsoever. The twins and I usually even go along with them on their training trips if Ness is the only one hunting, I don't know if it's because she is a hybrid or if its apart of her gifts but she says that we don't smell like food to her. Alice still can't see Renesmee but I have no problems so far with holes in my visions, I haven't felt or seen any danger in going along on these training trips.

Finally Ness's little hand came up to Jacobs cheek a small but pleading smile on her lips. Jacob chuckled a bit and turned to Bella, "She will go but she wants Mia, Tuari and Takoda to go so she can show them snow flakes like last time." Bella smiled sitting on her other side, "alright honey as long as Mia doesn't care they can come but you actually have to hunt to, not just play okay?" Her little face lit up as she nodded, "Okay lets get going."

I think the greatest investment Alice got us for the boys was a baby wrap, they both are still small enough that they can fit together in it comfortably for both them and myself. It's the easiest way to bring them on these trips when it's just me going, Embry hates having to be away from us especially when he knows we come on these trips but sadly he has to work. He absolutely loves the shop he works in though, I think getting fired from his mom's store was the best thing for us he has been so much happier working there.

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