Chapter 4

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****Embry's POV ***

We were walking up to Jake's house to get him to go have some food before patrol and we already knew something wasn't right. Bella's truck was parked out front and We could hear her talking to Billy inside. We were about halfway across the yard when she came out screaming and yelling at Sam asking what he did to Jake. That's funny I wish it was something that simple. Before I even knew what was happening the crazy chick slapped Paul! Jared and I started backing up while Sam was trying to calm him down, but it was too late. He phased and started chasing after her, I can't say the Leech lover doesn't deserve a good scare, but Paul might kill her and that wouldn't be good for us. Jake quickly came running out and phased him and Paul fighting head on, I hope Jake gets a few good marks in on Paul serves him right.

Sam made us bring Bella back to Emily's place while he got the two bone heads calmed down. As soon as we got inside I had the weirdest sensation ever. It felt like my soul was pulling me upstairs, like the meaning to my every want and desire was somehow up there. Trying to shake it off I sat down with everyone else and starting eating Muffins. A few moments later the tugging was getting closer and stronger when suddenly a girl came out of nowhere and sat next to Jared. Is... Is that Mia?? I haven't seen her since I phased, she looks just as gorgeous as ever. As long as I can remember I've always thought she was the prettiest girl around here. It felt as though the more I looked at her, the more my soul was tugged. God I wish she would look at me! I feel like my soul will never be complete until she does! Where the heck are all these feelings coming from?! I mean I've always thought she was beautiful but I've never felt like this. After what felt like years of just sitting here staring at her, she finally blessed me with a glance. And in that glance I caught her eyes with mine and everything shifted, the world changed. It was no longer gravity holding me here but her. I will be everything and anything she ever needs, and protect her from anything, She is mine. I stayed frozen in place just staring at this gorgeous girl with new prospective for what seemed like forever, until I heard Paul ask her to leave with him. Before I could even process it I was on my feet, fists and jaw clenched as a loud growl escaped me. What the hell does he think he is doing! She's mine! The second I reacted Paul started laughing, why the hell is he laughing at me?! The only thing keeping me from phasing right now is Mia. Her beautiful, confused face is staring right at me. Slowly I start to calm down but keep a death glare on Paul until he tells me he wasn't going to actually take her anywhere. He knew, he knew and he just wanted to make sure everyone else did to. Thankfully Jared noticed and stopped him before he could tell her, but now she's leaving. I wanted to stop her, to leave with her, to never be without her again but Sam stopped me.

"Give her time, She's a seer remember she must be feeling the bond to, from what I've heard from the elders imprinting is one of the only things that they can't decipher for themselves. She is probably really confused, especially after Paul's damn outburst."

Sighing as I sit back down, he's probably right it's just.. Idk its like my soul already feels empty without her. Before I could think about it more Jared's voice broke through my voice, "Hey Embry you're gonna have so much fun on patrol with Jacob tonight!" Shiiittttt.... I forgot about Jake, he's going to kill me. As soon as we phase he's gonna see it happen and I'll be wolf meat. "Guys.... Come on can't anyone switch me?! He's going to kill me!!" They all just laughed and shook their heads no. "you guys are damn assholes!" Sam chuckled a bit, "No you're right but someone isn't going to trade you I'll just send someone with you to make sure you don't die. Hmm Jared go with them tonight and don't let Jake rough him up to bad okay?"

At that moment the door opened and closed as Jacob came in, "Who am I roughing up and why?" he sat down in front of me grabbing a muffin and laughing at everyone's faces. "Come on why does everyone seem so tense! Me and Paul are good!"

Of course Paul couldn't keep his mouth shut for long, "Oh no it's not me Jake, I believe Embry has something to tell you though." I couldn't help but to glare at the smirk on his face. What an ass!

"What's up Embry?" I took a deep breath and looked up at him, "Uhh well Jacob don't get mad, Mia was here earlier and everything was totally good, until she looked at me. Today was the first time I've seen her since I shifted." I could see the gears in his head processing what I was saying till it finally clicked. He was on his feet so fast I didn't even have time to move before he had me by the back of the neck taking me outside with him.

"MIA?! Really?! Out of every girl in the world you imprinted on my sister?!" He shifted the second the words came out of his mouth. Shit. I put my hands up in defense as he came up growling, "Jake you know I can't pick it! It just happens, I just want what's best for her! It's me Embry, your best friend, you know I would never hurt her, I can't." He sat there growling for a second then put his head down and phased back.

"You seriously better not hurt her Embry okay?"

"You know I couldn't but you have my word."

He just nodded and went back inside. Whew, that wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, plus at least he got stuck with me forever and not Paul. 

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now