Chapter 28

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"We followed her scent for miles but it disappeared into the water. Carlisle even went around the other side of the island to see if it picked back up but it was gone."

"I just wish I could have spoken to her."

"We all do Bella but Tonya and Kate said they haven't seen her since the wedding. She must have come to apologize but seeing Jacob had to of been too much for her. "

"Hang on, Sorry for intruding but it was just hard to ignore, Mia what were you just thinking about?"

I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of my name, "huh? Sorry I was lost in thought."

Edward softly chuckled, "yeah I know that's what I was asking about, what were you thinking?"

A blush crept its way onto my face "oh sorry, I was just thinking about a vision I had while we were out there. I've had it before but this time it was a little clearer. I still can't completely make out what was going on though." Edward stared off to the distance as I ran over my vision a few more times both of us trying to make heads or tails of it.

"Let it go Alice; she's not our concern." Silence filled the room before Alice stuck her tongue out at Jasper. She must have been searching for Irina again, having so many wolves and Nessie around has been causing a lot of blind spots in her visions. She grabbed her crystal vase filled with white and red roses from the table, to the naked eye they seemed perfect but I'm sure there must be some form of wilt or quiver in one of the flowers; Alice wants absolute perfection. My eyes flickered back to my sleeping children one in their fathers arms and the other in Esme's but just as quickly as I looked away my head was snapped back to Alice as the sound of glass shattering filled the room. At first I thought it had to be a joke on Jasper for making fun of her a moment ago, I've never seen a vampire drop anything especially not Alice. Then she turned to face us moving so fast I'm not even sure if the eye of a supernatural could catch her. She seemed to be half here and half locked in a vision, staring so blankly it twisted her beautiful face into one of horror and agony.

Edward let out a half chocked broken gasp as Jasper growled jumping to her side in a movement so fast I couldn't process it. "What Alice??" Emmett moved in close his eyes darting from the window back to us, he could only be preparing for an attack; what else could it be? The rest of us were silent as we stared waiting for Alice or Edward to tell us whats going on.

Jasper shook Alice's shoulders. "what is it?"

"They're coming for us," Edward and Alice whispered together "All of them."

I'm not sure about the others but finally I understood my strange vision. As soon as the words left their mouths it played again this time as clear as day. Black and red coats walking across the snow, scarlet red eyes shinning against their pale skin. They had a glint of arrogance in their eyes, like they knew exactly what they were about to do.

"The Volturi," Alice moaned.

"All of them," Edward whispered.

"Why?" Esme echoed.

"When?' Jasper asked in a icy tone.

"Not long, there was snow in the forest, snow on the town. Just a little more than a month."

"Why?" Carlisle was the one to ask this time.

Esme answered in a hushed tone, "They must have a reason. Maybe to see..."

"No this isn't about Bella," Alice answered Hollowly. "They're all coming- Aro, Caius, Marcus, every member of the guard, even he wives."

"But why? We've done nothing! And if we had, what could possibly warrant them to bring this down upon us?"

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now