Chapter 23

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***Mia's POV***

Bed rest, My worst enemy this pregnancy. I woke up yesterday after 3 full days of sleep and Carlisle informed me that my boys are okay and willing to stay in a little longer. I however am back on mandatory bed rest. He said that he thinks it was the stress that put me into labor so I have to lay here and try not to stress about the impending attack that is awaiting the birth of Bella's baby. Carlisle gave me the steroid shot to hopefully make the boy's lungs develop faster, I'm almost 33 weeks and he doesn't think I'll make it to 35. Everyone has been getting the house prepared for three babies, with Carlisle being the doctor that he is he has been able to get all of the thing we will need for preemies. In case either of the boys or Bella's baby need it they've set up our own personal NICU. Bella is going to pop any day now, she's more belly than anything else. The baby has pretty much been breaking a rib a day and she can hardly stand on her own anymore. There's no way to tell how big it's going to be other than my vision and it wasn't clear enough for me to tell them exactly what to expect. I've been trying super hard to see or feel anything else but nothing has come to me and Carlisle told me to stop trying so I don't cause any unnecessary stress to myself. The only good thing about being on bed rest here is I am in a house full of super strong immortals who can carry me gently from room to room so I don't have to strictly be in mine.

Esme snapped me out of my thought, "Mia sweetheart you really should eat something tonight, are you sure I can't get you anything?" I half smiled and shook my head, "no thank you Esme really I just feel to nauseous to eat right now." She smiled sweetly as my attention turned back to the giant window, I've been sitting in the living room staring out of the window pretty much since I woke up. The same tugging feeling from when Embry first imprinted on me has been pulling me outside all day. I know he has to be out there Jacob said Sam has the pack on patrol outside the house waiting for any of the Cullen's to leave to hunt. I miss him so much. I've turned my phone on a few times but I can never bring myself to call him, I can hear them all out there though howling every few minutes trying to keep the Cullens on their toes. I'm honestly not sure how Bella is asleep right now, between the howling and the babies constantly moving I can't lay down at all without one of them being in my ribs.

Jacob has Seth and Leah patrolling around the Cullen's side of this new unspoken boarder. So far none of the wolves have tried to cross and none of the Cullen's have tried to leave. Jake walked in right then breaking my gaze out the window. Everyone silently looked at each other until Esme spoke up, "Rose why don't you get Jacob something from the kitchen." Rosalie scoffed but before she could answer Jacob declined, "thanks but no thanks I'd rather not eat anything with blondies spit in it." Esme looked appalled and gave Rosalie a stern look, " she would never embarrass me with such a lack of hospitality." Jacob just nodded his head and Rose plastered a fake smile on her face as she closed her book and got up, "of course not." Jake looked at Edward a little wary, "you'd tell me if she poisoned it right?" Edward gave him a half smile and a nod never taking his eyes off of Bella. "It broke another one of her ribs today." He sounds so broken talking about her.
My eyes drift to the kitchen as Rosalie is banging what sounds like metal around, she quickly walks back in unable to hide her smirk as she sets a mixing bowl now shaped like a dog bowl down in front of Jacob with the name Fido engraved on it. "Enjoy mongrel" She started walking away before she turned around and added," and don't make such a big deal out of it. Even normal human babies have been known to break a rib or two." Jacob huffed and grabbed the bowl taking a bit out of the hotdog she left in it and chucked it food splattered across the back of her head as the bowl bounced off. Edward, Emmett and I couldn't help but to burst out with laughter which earned each of us a glare from Rose. "You. Got. Food. In. My. Hair!!!" Jacob joined in chuckling and sat back down as she stomped away. "Jacob can't you get along with anyone I swear." I chuckled and returned my eyes back to the window. I heard him sigh and a few seconds later the seat next to me sunk in as his arms wrapped around me. "If it makes you feel any better I'm sure he's missing you as much as you miss him." I leaned back into my brother and sighed. "It doesn't, I honestly feel so guilty for leaving him but I couldn't just stay home and let them harm that baby. I did the right thing didn't I?" Jake kissed my forehead and sighed, "Yeah I think we both are by being here. You just worry about growing my nephews and we will handle everything else. I need to go talk to Carlisle and Esme about something I'll be back. Why don't you have Emmett take you up to bed okay? You need to try to sleep." I sighed and nodded, "thank you Jake, Emmett what do you say? Wanna take me to bed please?" Emmett came over and smiled his eyes darker than I've ever seen them "sure thing preggo lets go." He carefully wrapped me up in arms and took me up to my room. "Thank you Emmett I know it's not easy for you, I can see how dark all of your eyes have gotten." He sighed and laid me down gently, "it's okay It's easier to be around you then to be down there with Bella's cup of Blood." I chuckled a bit and nodded, "yeah I can see that but thanks again. Goodnight!" He smiled as he walked out of the room, "no problem Preggo!"


Bella stands up talking to Jacob and Edward as Alice and Rosalie stand at her side the three of them smirking about something but I can't make out any words. There is just a loud buzzing sound around everyone as it seems time stands still before moving all to quickly. Bella dropped her cup and before anyone else can react she bent down to get it herself her spine cracking in the process. Carlisle isn't here, Edward and Rosalie are fighting over something before long the baby is out, a girl. And Bella is dying she's slipping further out of consciousness I can feel the blackness surrounding me. It feels like I'm drowning before long the venom starts to burn my veins. Soon the dream shifts and the burning is gone. Jacob is crying and then the world shifts, it feels like I'm back with Embry again only it isn't my own imprint this time.
I sit up gasping for air, omg it's happening. "Alice! Alice come here!" Within a few seconds Alice is in front of me, "Mia what is it??" She sits on the edge of my bed a look of concern across her face. "It's Bella. It's happening... I-I just saw it. We need Carlisle he can't leave tonight. It could be any second now." A look of horror crosses her face as she stands up. "Mia they already left I have to get down to Bella and try to get Carlisle home." She's gone before I can blink and only seconds pass before Bella's screams echo through the house.

By the time I made it down the stairs into the living room Rose already had the baby girl cleaning her up and cuddling her not a care in the world that her mother was upstairs fighting for her life. Jacob moved past me crying as he made his way outside to sit on the step. This is it, Bella didn't make it and now the pack is going to be coming for us. Our family is going to come destroy this tiny half human who inadvertently killed her mother. An overwhelming pulling sensation comes over me as Jacob rises from his spot on the steps, oh god this is it. He imprints on the baby! That's how it all connects. As Jacob makes eye contact with the beautiful brown eyed girl Edward comes down seeing my visions play in his own head as well as Jacobs feelings as they happen in front of us. Jacob imprinted on Bella's daughter. He looks at me and sighs as we hear the wolves howl outside. Edwards eyes go wide frantic almost. "Mia go with Rosalie and take the baby go up to the office. That's where Bella is." I nod and follow Rose as quickly as my feet can carry me up the stairs but before I make it halfway she's back baby-less to carry me the rest of the way. My last look downstairs was Edward throwing my brother against the wall and heading outside. I can't fault him for that I mean he did just imprint on his newborn.

Once we're safely upstairs and sat in the office I can't help but to stare at Bella, she looks so lifeless but I know Edward got to her in time I can feel it. I have to keep my attention everywhere but the window, for my own sanity. If I look out the window I'll want nothing more than to go stand between my family and stop this fight. Our only hope now is that Sam stays true to the pack law that no imprint can be harmed. "Rose what's happening down there?" She smirks a little before answering, "Emmett and the others got back a minute ago but Jacob just came out. The mutts are backing down something about a law? But Edward says they can't hurt her." I release a breathe I didn't realize I was holding as tears fall from eyes. "It's finally over. I can go home."

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now