Chapter 29

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Alice had already been gone two weeks and in those weeks vampires from all over the world started to show up at the Cullen household. Each more curious than the last about the half immortal girl. After the nomads with red eyes started showing up Embry and I decided it wasn't safe for the twins to be at the house anymore so Emily offered to babysit as long as we need her to. Thankfully we discovered that I don't smell appealing to them just like the wolves don't. Carlisle isn't sure if it's because I'm an imprint or a seer or both, but either way it makes planning things easier. Since we don't have Alice and her visions anymore I've been trying to trigger some of my own, without much luck.
"Mia honey come on I've made you some food."
I looked up from my spot on the floor and smiled at Esme, Her and Carlisle returned last night and she's already back to caring for everyone else.
"Thank you Esme, I'll come eat in a moment." She frowned and shook her head coming over to me.
"No no you need to eat you've been saying all morning that you will in a minute. If a vision comes it will still be there after a good meal."
I sighed and got up smiling as I followed her to the kitchen, "Thank you Esme."
She made enough food for the wolves too but they haven't had much time to be here. Jacob and Sam both have gotten quite a few new members with all the vampires around it keeps triggering their change. Embry hates leaving me here by myself but Jake needs him to help train the new kids.
While I ate I tried once more to trigger a feeling, a vision, anything. As I was about to give up Bella and Kate walked in talking about how to get Bella's shield to cover someone else too when my eyes shifted into a vision.

There we stood in the field, clearly outnumbered by the Volturi as they all stared at us. The one everyone described as Jane turned her gaze on Edward as he walked, he fell to the ground in pain for a moment before Bella covered not only him but all of us with her shield. They couldn't hurt us and by the look on all of their faces it royally pissed them off, Jane especially.

When I came back into the present Edward was next to me with a look of concern plastered to his face. "What is it? Wasn't that good? Bella will be able to shield us all."
He nodded, "yes that is a good thing. The concerning thing is that in your vision you were there." My eyes widened at his comment, I hadn't even realized I saw myself in the crowd.
"Edward why would I be there?? I've planned to stay as far away from the volturi as possible"

He shook his head just as bewildered as I was. "Carlisle!" As quickly as I yelled he was at my side, "yes Mia?"

"I just had a vision of the meeting with the volturi. I was there... why would I be there?! I haven't planned on being there and visions usually go off of your chosen path. My path is not there!"

Carlisle sat with a look of confusion on his face for what seemed like forever before he finally spoke. "Of course... that's why everyone is coming. Think about what Irina showed him, not only did we have Renesmee but we had what appeared to be a normal human with two small babies. They must think that we're keeping them until they hit a certain age and then we're going to change them too. Aro thinks that we are starting another immortal children uprising."

"Carlisle that's crazy. Irina saw me at the wedding pregnant with them! Seth said that she was even saying how upset she was that we were there and that we were breeding more wolves. She knew well and good that my boys weren't just human."

Edward spoke up for the first time since my vision. "Irina may have known but Aro is the one who saw her thoughts about Renesmee and probably just assumed. She wants us to be punished so I'm sure she didn't tell him otherwise."

"Carlisle what do we do?"

He sighed and gave me an apologetic look, "I don't think you can hide at this point, Aro is expecting to see you and if you aren't there he's going to send someone to find you. You might smell like the wolves but you still can be tracked and we don't want to risk whoever he sends finding Tuari and Takoda. We will come up with a plan and if anything is to happen you will be protected at all costs."

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now