Chapter 32

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Everyone started heading back to the Cullen's house to celebrate our victory some more, The pack however was excited to get back to the reservation with our loved ones, My babies were safe and sound and still had both of their parents. There was just one thing I needed to do before I left, "Embry I know you want to get back to the boys just as much as I do but I need to talk to Alice first, wait for me okay?" He huffed a response as I climbed down and headed over to the others still in the clearing. "Alice!" I called as her family had her in a big hug. "Mia! Oh my friend I am so sorry I didn't leave you anything to go on but I knew Edward would see it and it could have ruined everything if we couldn't find Nahuel and everyone here was waiting for us to return with him. I was sure you would see us eventually but I don't think you did?"

I sighed in relief and hugged my friend, "No I only saw you once you were close, but I wasn't searching for you honestly. I knew if you left it had to be for good reason and so I didn't search. I'm just so glad you came back, I was so scared."

She squeezed me slightly, "You were right though they did plan on taking you, Caius was determined to. It was Aro's fear of the pack that kept you with us, at any mention of them taking you the growls scared him more than he would ever admit. Your family kept you safe my friend. But don't think we would have let them take you without a fight, you are just as much apart of our family as theirs. We would never let Tuari and Takoda grow up without you Mia, Now why don't you go see them? We will catch up later okay?" she smiled softly at me as we let go of each other. I let go of a breath I didn't realize I was holding,"Thank you Alice, for everything, yes we will catch up later. I have two little babies that miss their aunt Alice." With that I climbed back onto to Embry's back and we were off to see our boys.

When we got back to Sam and Emily's everyone else was already there celebrating. Embry shifted back and we headed inside I don't think I've ever been so excited to see my family. Emily ran down the stairs and engulfed me in a hug,

"oh Mia! I am so glad you are safe." Tears streamed down her cheeks as she hugged me, I smiled and hugged her back

"It's okay Em I'm here no need to cry." She chuckled softly and pulled away from me wiping her eyes, "I was just so worried, I knew you were coming home I just couldn't help but be scared." Before I could answer Paul came down the stairs with Tuari in one hand and Takoda in the other, "Mia I think I have two people that missed you slightly more than Emily did!" Now it was my turn to cry as my boys squealed and reached for me, "oh my babies come to mommy." I took them each from him and they cuddled into my neck for a second before squirming and reaching for Embry. I laughed and handed them over, "No fair I birthed them and they still love you more." Embry flashed me his perfect smile and kissed both of our children. "No no they don't love me more they just see you more." I rolled my eyes and went to hug the rest of my family but my eyes never wandered to far from Tuari and Takoda's faces.

It only took a minute before everything went back to normal, the boys all sat around the tv watching a game as the babies played on the floor in front of them. I sat in the kitchen watching my boys play with each other, I swear they grew two inches each in just a couple days. Emily came and sat with my grabbing my hand as she sat down.

"They missed you so much you know? Mama was all they could say while you were gone."

I laughed and squeezed Em's hand, "Mama is all they can say Em." She smiled and shook her head, "You know what I mean. They love you and so do we. I found something out yesterday morning I couldn't wait for you to come home so I could tell you!"

I smiled and looked questioningly at her, "What's that? It's not often you get to surprise the psychic." Emily chuckled and pulled me close to her, "We get to be mom friends."

My eyes widen as I looked from her face to her belly and she shushed me before I could scream, "shh Sam doesn't know yet." "Em are you pregnant??" She smiled and placed my hand on her belly. "Yes!" I couldn't help but smile as I whispered, "We get to be mom friends!" 

We decided to take the boys outside so they could play and Emily and I could talk freely without the pack hearing us. 

"But Em I thought you wanted to wait until after the wedding to decide if La Push was right for you to raise your family?" She watched the babies sit in the dirt playing happy as could be, "I did but you know just as well as I do that these things can just happen. Plus I decided from watching the pack grow and you grow as a mother that even if LA push isn't my ideal place to raise our kids, this is our family and I could never deprive us or my children of that. And it's like you said before even if there aren't vampires the magic of the tribe still runs through our child's veins no matter where we live."

I smiled, "Well I can't say that I'm upset with your decision, I want you to do whats right for your little family but we would be so sad, I don't know what I would do without you Em I love you."

She squeezed me and smiled, "I love you too Mia, now no more sappy stuff lets let these boys play and you can help me figure out a fun way to tell Sam."

A few hours passed and after the twins woke up from their nap we decided to take them over to the Cullen's, Alice has been dying to see them. We pulled up and before I could get out of the car Alice and Esme were at either side of the car getting the boys out of their seats. "Oh come here, Come see Auntie Alice, yes I missed you so much." Tuari smiled and touched his little hand to Alice's face as she talked. Esme came around and smiled at me as she took Takoda inside, Alice and Tuari right behind her. Embry laughed and smiled at me, "well I can tell who the favorites are." 

"obviously not us," I laugh as we head for the door. 

Jacob met us at the door and wrapped his arms around me, "I love you Mia, I don't think I've ever thanked you for all that you've done for me." I squeezed my brother and pulled away smiling, "What are sisters for?" 

Jake just chuckled and said hey to Embry as he moved passed us to go find Nessie. When we finally made it upstairs Alice and Esme had the boys giggling and smiling as everyone stared at them with smiles plastered on their faces, I couldn't help but smile myself. Embry leaned over to me and whispered, "You know if you would have told me a year ago this would be our family I would have thought you were insane." I chuckled and nodded "yeah I agree but I wouldn't change a thing." 

Alice looked up and smiled at us and handed Tuari to Rose and came over to us, "My friends." She embraced us both in a hug and went to sit on the couch motioning for me to follow. Embry went upstairs to find Emmett. "Oh Mia I missed you! I saw so much while we were away I think I might have driven Jasper insane telling him everything I wished to show you and Bella."  

"I missed you too Alice, I knew you would return but I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to be here when you got back." Alice sighed and nodded, "I was worried about that too, I kept watching but the future wasn't changing. You went willingly with Aro and it turned into a blood bath, he tried to turn you in the clearing but I never saw what happened after just a huge brawl. It wasn't until we found Nahuel that I saw the future change and Aro listened when I showed him his future if he didn't leave without taking you or Nessie." 

I didn't realize I had let a tear fall until Alice wiped it for me, " I'm glad it didn't come to that I'm not sure I could have handled being away from my family." My eyes shifted over to my handsome boys who have started to look identical to their daddy. 

"I know but we don't have to worry about that, as far as I can see Aro has gotten the message that you are very well protected. All you have to worry about now is raising those babies, They love you so much." 

We stayed with the Cullens for a few hours but as it was getting dark we decided to head home. We hadn't stayed at our own home in months and I haven't seen my dad in almost a week. As Embry pulled up to the house my dad wheeled himself out onto the porch. "Daddy!" I jumped out and ran over to him wrapping my arms around his neck as he lets tears fall down his cheeks. 

"Oh Mia I'm so glad you are home." 

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now