Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*** MIA'S POV****

It's been a few days since the guys were being weird at Emily's, I still can't figure out what this soul tugging feeling means and it's driving me insane! This is the longest I have ever felt something and it's getting worse every day. I feel so sad and depressed like my soul is completely missing and the tugging is trying to lead me back to it. I thought about asking the Elders for help but something about this whole situation just feels way to personal, like I must figure it out for myself. I've been locked up in my room the last couple of days I'm too sad to want to go anywhere, Jacob keeps trying to get me to go hang out with him and the pack which always makes the tugging worse. I wish he would just leave me alone to figure this out.

As if on cue,

*knock knock*

"Mia! Come on please come out we're going to go to the beach" Gah I swear he's never going to stop! I don't even know how he has time to bug me this much! They are all supposed to be on Bella patrol because of some crazy blood sucker is trying to kill her.

*knock knock*

"Come on Mia if you don't come out I'm coming in after you!!" ugh I guess one day wouldn't kill me, who knows maybe I'll find the answer to this awful feeling being out.

"Alright I'm coming in! 3....2..."

"Woah whoa I'm coming don't break my door down!!" He chuckled from the other side of the door and opened it slowly.

"Really? You'll come?!"

"Yeah yeah don't make a big deal out of it Jake okay?"

"Oh, mhm I won't just get dressed and meet me out front" sighing I went to my closet trying to find something I felt like wearing. Finally settling for a Sunset Bikini top and jean shorts I went to meet Jacob. Why he's forcing me to come with him is still a mystery but it's obviously for a good reason, he's usually never this persistent when I don't want to do something.

"Hey kid there you are," He smiled at me but it faded a bit once he looked at me. "Mia, can't you like idk not show off so much?"

I laughed and grabbed his arm pulling him towards the beach, "awe what's wrong Jake? Afraid I might put a spell on one of your wolves?" He didn't say anything to that which is weird for him, but I don't care right now. The tugging is getting stronger the closer we get to the beach and I'm getting happier every step we take. I'm not sure what could be at the beach making me feel like this but I hope it's the answer to making it stop.

Once we got to the sand I could see the guys and Emily down the beach a little way all laughing and having a good time like always. The closer I got to them the happier I got! Maybe I just missed my friends? Yeah that could be it, I just missed my friends.

"Hey guys!" I smiled at them

"Mia!" Emily came up and hugged me, "I missed you so much girl where have you been?!"

"I missed you to Em, I was just feeling a bit down but it's so much better now." They all took turns hugging me and saying hi.

After hugging everyone we just sat there catching up for a while till I decided I was bored, "Okay enough mushy stuff let's go in the water!"

After about an hour in the water I was freezing and decided it was time to just sit in the sand and watch the guys attempt to play water football. The cold didn't even phase them anymore, their bodies might as well of been heaters with the amount of warmth that they gave off. Soon Embry came and sat with me, "Hey beauty need some heat? you look like a popsicle." He flashed his famous grin and my heart felt like it was about to leap out of its chest. I don't understand why my emotions are going so crazy I've been around Embry my whole life, yeah, I may have had a crush on him at one point in my childhood but nothing that ever felt so intense. It felt like my whole reason for existing was sitting right next to me.

Embry wrapped his arm around my shoulder shaking me out of my thoughts, "hey are you okay? You look like your feeling sick."

"....N.. No.. not sick. I just, Embry does this feel different to you? Us I mean?" He sighs softly and looks away from me. "you know I always forget you have that extra sense, but yeah... that's kind of why I've had Jake trying to get you out of the house so much..."

"wait that, was you? I wondered why he's been trying so hard... what is it?" He keeps staring off into the sky for a few more moments then sighing he turns to me, "I hadn't seen you at all since I phased till the other night at Emily's... well the moment our eyes locked my whole world shifted. Suddenly it wasn't gravity holding me to the earth anymore it was you. I needed to protect you, be anything and everything you could ever need. When our eyes met Mia, I... I imprinted on you."

It took a moment for the words to sink in. IMPRINT. Embry Call imprinted on me. The tugging and soul aching feeling I've had was the pain of being away from my imprint. My soulmate. How could I, especially me, not know what these feelings were. After what felt like forever I decided I should probably say something so he doesn't think he lost me forever.

"Imprint... Of course, that explains everything... Embry..." I looked up to his face staring back at me with so many emotions playing across it, excitement, fear, love, worry, compassion. But mostly he seemed scared.

"Look Mia... I know this is a lot to take in and I understand if you need some time, but I love you, I don't expect you to say it back until you're ready if you are ever ready. I just need you to know I'm here for whatever you need me to be. I'm not going anywhere." He loves me. Embry Loves me!!

I smiled up at him and softly kissed his cheek, "I'm not entirely sure what is going to happen from here, but all I know is there isn't anyone else I would want by my side more than you Embry Call" With that I got up and went home peaking back behind me to see him standing there confused but happy. And the one thing I knew for sure was that whatever happens he's mine.



I'm gonna try to upload as much as possible thank you for reading <3  

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now