Chapter 13

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It's been about a month since the newborn fight and Jacob healed pretty quickly, well from his ribs at least. His heart is still very much broken no matter how much he tries to put on a front that he's okay. As far as I know he hasn't talked to Bella other than the few little notes she made Charlie and my dad pass back and forth. I would be proud of him for starting to move on if that were the case but he isn't, sadly Jake is just moping. He knows about the wedding and it's tearing him apart, I'm pretty sure he might be in denial about it because the second it's mentioned he brushes it off like nothing. But as much as I love him I have my own things going on, I turned 16 a few days after the fight and as promised Embry made it perfect. We had a big party just the pack and our families, much to my disapproval I got quite a bit of presents. The biggest surprise of all however came the next day from Alice, I opened the cutely wrapped box and stared down at the two small outfits confused at first and then it all clicked. The last couple of months being sick and tired, we had been so busy with the newborns and Victoria that I hadn't even noticed I was late. Very late. I'm not quite sure how I hadn't seen the bulge my once small stomach had started to grow but after that it felt like that's all I was was belly. That was almost a month ago so I'm almost 4 months now. I haven't brought myself to tell Embry yet I mean how do I tell my boyfriend that we are going to be parents at 16 and 17? It doesn't matter if we are soulmates it's still scary. I've done my best to not let his arms sit on my stomach and have made sure we haven't had time to do anything that required taking my shirt off. Alice and Carlisle are the only ones that I have told but I'm sure the rest of the Cullen's know with either their crazy hearing or Edwards ability to read minds I just hope he didn't tell Bella. I don't want my family to find out from her. I need to tell Embry soon although I'm not going to be able to hide it from anyone much longer. As if on cue Embry knocked on my bedroom door, I've been keeping it locked lately to make sure nobody walks in and sees me. "Baby are you in there? Come on everyone is at the beach already." I sighed and put on a baggy tank top and shorts, theres no way I can wear a bikini anymore, "I'm coming.. just getting dressed." I waited a few more seconds and examined myself in the mirror to make sure you couldn't see my belly. I opened my door and smiled at my boyfriend, the moment he saw me his eyes lit up. "You look so beautiful baby" "why thank you handsome! Let's go before Someone comes to drag us there." He chuckled as we walked down the hall. "Daddy we're going to the-" I stopped mid sentence when I saw the shiny envelope in his hands I knew exactly what it had to be but I still asked, " what is that?" My dad opened it slowly and read it with sad eyes "It's a it's an invitation to Bella's wedding" I was about to suggest hiding it from Jacob and telling Bella it never came but before I could say anything he came in the door, " Mia hurry the fu- what's that dad?" My dad looked between us with sad eyes unsure of what to do for a second and then handed Jake the invitation. He stared at it for what seemed like a very long time his eyes darting back and forth across the page as he read it over and over. "Jake.." but before I could finish my sentence my eyes shifted into a vision. Jacob stomped out of the house shifting as it started pouring out of nowhere soaking him. The invitation fluttering to the wet ground as he ran as fast he could in human form and then shifted. He is somewhere by the Canadian boarder before long and spends the next couple of months as a wolf phasing out the others pleading voices for him to come home I can feel how depressed and angry he is. I came out of it only to see Embry wheeling my very upset looking dad back inside, Jacob had bolted. "Sorry daddy I was hoping that I had that vision soon enough to change his mind but clearly I didn't, he's going to be gone for a couple of months at least. Somewhere in Canada and he figured out a way to cut off the mind link from everyone else." "He's gonna be okay... he just needs time. I don't understand the hold that girl has on him." Shaking his head he wheeled himself into his room to be alone leaving me with Embry. He smiled sympathetically at me and laced his fingers through mine, "well Since it's raining I guess that means no beach, we should probably go tell Sam what happened with Jacob though." We took Jacobs car since he wouldn't be needing it anytime soon and I didn't think getting a cold was worth walking in the rain. As I was driving I felt Embry's eyes on me as he examined me up and down, I was really hoping this shirt wasn't stuck to my belly or anything I'm not sure how he's going to take the news when I tell him let alone if he figures it out on his own. " that my tank top??" I just laughed feeling relief washing over me, " uhh yeah I may have stolen a few of your shirts the other day while you were on patrol with Jared..." He just shook his head at me and we sat in silence for a moment before he realized, "IS THAT WHERE MY BLACK AND RED TSHIRT WENT?!?" I may have stolen his absolute favorite shirt in the whole wide world... but I mean he wears it so much it smells like him even after it's been washed I couldn't help myself! "I uh whaaaatttt meeee??? Steal your favorite shirt??? Nooooo never! Nope doesn't sound like me" I smiled sweetly at him and before he could scold me more we pulled up to Emily's. " BAB-" "Look were here!!" I jumped out and ran inside hiding behind Emily at the stove. She giggled and rolled her eyes at me. "What on earth did you do to that boy this time?" Embry came through the door and crossed his arms glaring at me, "she not only stole my shirts but she stole my favorite one! And it's cheating to hide behind Emily!" She just scoffed and set the food down on the counter leaving me exposed, "I swear sometimes you two act like children! Now stop messing around and come eat, Embry go outback and get your brothers please" He grumbled but knew better than to sass Emily so he went outside. I took my seat at the table and sighed thinking about what Emily said. We do act like children sometimes but we are going to have our own children to worry about soon and he doesn't even know yet! Ugh I need to tell him tonight. As if to agree with me I felt the smallest little flutter in my stomach. "Woah" my hand instantly went to my belly without thinking and Emily's eyes quickly followed. "Mia... are you..." my head snapped up and I dropped my hand from my belly before I could say anything the guys all came in and sat down. Emily sat down next to Sam and joined in the conversation about Jacob leaving but I could see her eyes flicker to where my belly would be under the table every few minutes. After everyone had finished eating Emily stood up and smiled at her fiancé "I'm going to grab the pies I made for dessert, Mia why don't you help me?" I tried to hide my panic and quickly stood to follow her, " uh yeah.. of course Em" Once we were out of earshot she softly whispered so even the packs super hearing couldn't hear her, "Mia are you pregnant??" I felt a lump in my throat, not trusting my voice I just nodded and quickly flattened my shirt so she could see my very prominent bump. She stared at it for awhile before she looked at me with glossy eyes as she pulled me into a hug. " oh sweetheart it's gonna be okay. Okay? Don't worry we are gonna be here to help you." I couldn't help but to be a bit taken back I really thought Emily would be mad at me for being so careless. "Em... aren't... aren't you mad?" She pulled back and gave me a stern look, "a baby is nothing to be mad over, a bit shocked that you weren't more careful but there isn't anything we can about it now other than love that little baby of yours. How far along are you?" "Almost 4 months now, I uh-" before I could finish my sentence Sam called for Emily. "Em! Did you guys forget about us??" She just rolled her eyes and whispered " we will talk more later I'm guessing Embry doesn't know so you better tell him soon." And with that she grabbed a pie and handed one to me and motioned for me to follow her back to dinner. She was right though I have to tell him. I set the pie down on the table and wrap my arms around embrys neck. " babe can we uh can we go talk for a minute?" "Oooooo someone's in the dog house!!" I sent a glare at Paul but luckily Rachel already smacked him for me. "Yeah sure sweetheart lets go" he grabbed my hand and we walked outside. He had wanted to stop on the porch but that was to close the boys would still be able to hear us so I pulled him to the edge of the tree line just like I did the night before the fight. "Baby is everything okay? You usually don't bring me out this far unless it's something serious." Yeah serious indeed. "Well uh it is pretty serious actually... do you remember the night we stayed at my house and uh.. " he blushed a bit and nodded "yeah of course I do." I tried to swallow the lump in my throat and looked up at him, "I'm.... Embry I'm pregnant."

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now