Chapter 21

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I pulled up to the house just as Jacob was coming back from telling the pack. I could feel all of their anger boiling under the surface, before one very strong emotion made itself known, concern. Embry must of left work to meet the others and as far as he knows I'm heading into a battle unknowingly. As I get out of the car my phone starts ringing and Jake's head snaps over looking at me, "Mia what are you doing here? You need to go home!" I shook my head and glanced at my phone Embry's name popping up. I know I shouldn't be here and I should be home with him but I just I can't. I may not like Bella but I can't sit back and let them kill an innocent baby. Taking a deep breath I answered the call, "Hey.." "Oh Mia thank god, you have to leave now! Bella's pregnant and Sam is going to attack she's caring a mons-" I cut him off before he could finish his rant. "Embry I love you but I can't go home. I can't just sit back and Let Sam kill this baby, because that's what it is an innocent baby! I've seen it being born it's just a little baby like the two I'm carrying of our own. It's wrong to not even give it a chance at life. Do what you have to do but I-I'm staying here. I love you." My voice stuttered as I hung up a single tear falling down my face. I couldn't wait for his response or I might of left and went straight home to him but this is just something I have to do. Jacob came and wrapped his arms around me helping me inside without a word. I'm sure the look on my face was enough for him to know how broken I felt. I'm not sure whose pain I was feeling the most mine or Embry's but I couldn't think about that now.

Carlisle came down the stairs and gave me a sympathetic smile, "Mia thank you for what you're doing, Edward informed us. Come up to my office so we can check on the babies for you and then I'm sure all of us especially Bella would love to hear more about your vision." I just nodded not trusting my own voice as we went up to his office. With Jacob's help I got up on the exam table and laid down as Carlisle got his ultrasound machine ready and squeezed the cold gel onto my ever growing stomach. After a moment two heartbeats fluttered into the silent room and I sighed releasing a breathe I didn't realize I was holding. "They are looking wonderful Mia, both perfect size for 30 weeks, You'll be 31 in just a few days right?" I nodded again and stared back at the screen at my two boys as they wiggled and moved."They have at a little over a month left and they will be ready to come. Look!" Carlisle pointed to the screen showing the boys were cuddling, I'm sure probably not by choice but it was still adorable. "oh my gosh that's the sweetest thing I've ever seen." He printed me out a picture and wiped my belly off for me, before we went to the living room I snapped a picture of the ultrasound and sent it to Embry.

I know you're super upset with me, but I don't want you to miss anything <3 I love you and I hope you'll forgive me eventually.

I know you're super upset with me, but I don't want you to miss anything <3 I love you and I hope you'll forgive me eventually

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I turned off my phone and followed Carlisle into the living room where everyone was sitting surrounding what is left of Bella. She looks awful, her face is sunken in and she looks frail like she could fall apart at any moment. The worst was her stomach though, at most she could only be a few weeks pregnant and she was almost as big as I am.She shifted uncomfortably under my gaze before I looked away not meaning to offend her. Alice was the first to speak as she walked over and embraced me in a hug. "Mia I'm so glad you have decided to help our family, but you shouldn't be here. Stress isn't good for you this far along and being away from Embry especially with him upset at you is going to put a strain on your body. Please just tell us what you saw and then go back home, none of us want to see you hurt." I smiled sympathetically at her words, I knew she was right but I couldn't just sit back and let this happen. "Alice I know what you're saying is true but I can't. I can't go home and sit there knowing what Sam is planning to do. I saw it all, Jacob went back and they saw it in his mind, I'm sure he already informed you of that though. But I saw this baby being born, just a tiny innocent little baby and I can't sit back and let it be murdered because of what it could be. It needs a chance to just be! I could be carrying little wolves and nobody is waiting to hunt me down and kill me and my babies so why should I sit back and let that happen to Bella and her baby?" Bella's face looked shocked as she listened to my words, I mean it's no secret that I don't like her but nobody deserved that."thank you Mia.. I don't know how I could ever repay you."  smiled at her and went to sit by Esme on the other couch. Alice looked at me with fear in her eyes, "Mia you need to go home! You told us what you know and what you saw now please don't put your self in anymore danger for us." Before I could speak Rosalie did,"Enough Alice! We need her, you can't see the baby and she has! You can't see what the muts are doing and she can! We need her here to help!" "Rosalie that is her family! And who knows if the fetus is even going to be good! She saw it being born not it's life so maybe that means it's not supposed to have one!" It was Esme who interrupted their argument now, "Girls! Enough! Mia can make her own decisions and if she chooses to stay here and help us than we shall support her. And vise versa I don't want to hear anymore about it! All of this stress isn't good for Bella, or Mia!" Alice rolled her eyes, "the fetus isn't good for Bella!" "say it Alice baby!It's just a little baby!" Jasper moved in front of his wife and growled at Rose, "possibly!" "ENOUGH I SAID!!" Esme got up and walked out of the room and the girls didn't say another word.

Sam hasn't attacked yet since he lost the element of surprise between and Jacob and I both being here he knew there was no way for them to sneak up on us. Jake thinks that they are hiding out in the woods waiting for the Cullen's to go hunt so none of them have in the week that we've been here. Seth and Leah followed Jake from Sam's pack so now I guess they are their own, I hate how divided our family feels now. In a way I blame Bella since like I've said the last few years everything that seems to go wrong usually has to do with her. I know it was my own idea to be here but still being locked in my own head sometimes I can't help it. I sighed as I tried to search for Embry's thoughts but I haven't been able to find them since we've been here.The others said that they can't here Sam's pack anymore either, it's weird to call it that. Sam's pack. Alice was right about being apart from Embry putting a lot of stress on my body though, I haven't really gotten out of bed since the second day of being here. I can't find his thoughts but I can feel how broken he is, I'm not sure if it's the imprint or my gift but feeling both of our pain is a million times worse. I've thought about leaving a few times but I can never bring myself to actually do it. Rose was right they need me Alice can't see the baby or the pack and I can. Bella has gotten so much worse, she is quite literally wasting away in front of our eyes. She can't keep anything down and the baby keeps breaking her ribs, I feel so bad for her. Jacob had an idea in his thoughts yesterday that Edward caught, maybe the baby is thirsty. Well it was a snide comment but everyone is choosing to think Jake was actually trying to be helpful. They had her start drinking the blood Carlisle had put aside for her once she turned and it's helping but she's going through it pretty quick. 

A sharp cramping like pain pulled me out of my thoughts. It came out of nowhere and was gone within a few minutes but it left me feeling breathless. I waited a few more minutes and another one hit this one just as sharp and fast as the last one. "Carlisle!" I tried to yell but it came out barley louder than a whisper, he heard me regardless and was there in a flash. "Mia? What is it whats wrong?"I looked up at him scared, " I- I don't know! A few minutes ago I got a sharp cramping like pain in my stomach and it went away in less than a minute, then right before I called you in here I got another one just like the first." I watched an emotion flash in his eyes,fear I think? But it was gone before I could determine it. "It's probably just false labor a lot of women start feeling at around the end of their pregnancy. Lets get you up to the exam room just to make sure okay?" I nodded and got up following him into his office and getting on the table. As soon as I sat down another one hit this time stronger than the first. "Ahh.... Carl-" I was cut off by the pain and just tried to focus on breathing. Carlisle rushed into action hooking me up the machines, "Mia I don't want to startle you but I think you are going into early labor, at about 32 weeks the boys are still to small so I'm going to give you a shot to try and stop it okay? If it works then I'm going to give you a steroid shot into your stomach okay? It will help the boys lungs to develop and open early so we can get them out of there sooner. If I can't stop your labor I'm going to have to deliver them early. Do you understand?" I nodded barley listening anymore as I tried to comprehend what he said as he started preparing the shots. Tears started pouring down my cheeks as I realized the one person I needed more than anyone else might not be here for the birth of his own sons. Jacob came up once Edward informed him on what was happening. "Mia it's okay Uncle Jake to the rescue what can I do?" It was then that he noticed the tears running down my cheeks and he cradled me into his arms. "Hey shhh it's gonna be okay, the pups are gonna be just fine Doc here is gonna make sure of it okay?" I nodded tears still flowing, "I need Embry..." Jacob sighed and held me closer to his chest not knowing the words to comfort me. "I... I know Mia but we might just have to do this without him okay? but be strong we got this!" Carlisle came over with the shot as he stuck it in my arm and turned into Jacobs chest more. I whispered more to myself than anyone else, "He has to be here.... I don't even know one of their names without him...I need Embry.." 

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now