Chapter 22

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***Embry's POV***

I jumped out of Jacob's car and waved to Mia as I went into the shop for work, I hate having to be away from her even more now since I started working and I still have patrols with the pack, but it's for our family. Luckily Sam is understanding and tries to not have me run patrol on my days off so I can get full days home with Mia. I clocked in and went to my stall to start working on the car I didn't finish yesterday when my boss Frank yelled from his office, "Hey Embry good to see you. We aren't to busy today so get that car done and you can probably head out for the day. Give my Hello to the Mrs!" I chuckled and waved him off, the guys in the shop always give me a hard time because they think I'm to young to be pretty much married with a family, If they only knew.

I just finished the car when my phone started ringing and a howl echoed through the forest. Shit it's gotta be important, good thing Frank said I could go. "Hey Frank I'm heading out I'll see you on Monday!" As I answered my phone I ran to the tree line and started stripping, "Hello?" "Embry man can you get off of work? Sam's calling everyone I don't know whats going on but he keeps howling." "I'm already off and heading into the forest Seth I'll meet you guys right now." The phase started right as I hung up and before I knew it my paws were hitting the forest floor as Jacob's thoughts started going through my head. Bella's pregnant. Holy shit she's pregnant! Everyone else's thoughts were clustering together as we started to process everything.

How can this be? What does it mean? What will it be?

Not safe. Not right. Dangerous.

Unnatural. Monstrous. An abomination

We can't allow it.

I looked around at my pack as our thoughts all shadowed each others. We walked in a synchronized circle trying to figure out what is going on.

The treaty doesn't cover this.

This puts everyone in danger.

Jacobs thoughts from before were swirling around everyone's minds now. Bella's bruised stomach and sunken in face. Edward as he allowed Jacob to kill him.

They fear it too.

But they won't do anything about it.

Always protecting Bella Swan!

We can't let that influence us.

The safety of our families, of everyone here, is more important than one human.

If they won't kill it, we have to.

Protect the tribe.

Protect our families.

We have to kill it before it's to late.

Edward's voiced played through everyone's heads as the next memory came through, The thing is growing swiftly. Everyone's thoughts started to separate as we formed a plan.

No time to waste, Jared thought.

It will mean a fight though, I cautioned. A bad one.

We're ready, Paul insisted.

We'll need surprise on our side, Sam thought.

If we catch them divided, we can take them down separately. It will increase our chances of victory, Jared thought, starting to strategize now.

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now