Chapter 11

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After leaving the party last night Embry and I headed back to his house to rest since I was still feeling sick for some unknown reason, while Quil and Jake went to tell Sam and the others the plan. They of course already knew that they would be fighting with the bloodsuckers but I'm sure most of them were hoping that my vision had been false. Later this afternoon in the forest somewhere the pack and Cullens are supposed to meet for training. I guess Alice's mate has experience with these newborns I think is what they called them. As much as I don't like the leeches I want to make sure my pack doesn't get hurt so after a lot of persuading I finally got Sam to let me go with them. I may not phase into a wolf but I still have the gene and Quileute blood in my veins so he is still the Alpha, his commands don't affect me as much as they do the boys I still pretty much have free will to do as I please.

I've spent all morning on patrol with Embry and Paul practicing the mind link which I can finally do. It isn't perfect but I can finally come in and out when i please and they can actually hear me to. Sam wasn't super happy about my idea to ride on Embry's back while they were supposed to be on duty but it was definitely worth it. Now I'll be able to keep the pack updated on any new visions I have and check in on them during the fight. Embry, Sam and Jake refuse to let me anywhere near the clearing on fight day, which I didn't put up to much of a fight about. I would much rather stay home with Emily and check in with them than be the only vulnerable one with a beating heart in the midst of a vampire invasion. I snapped out of my thoughts when two warm arms wrapped around my waist and engulfed me in a woodsy smell I couldn't help but smile, "hi babe"

I felt his warm breathe against my neck as he trailed kisses up to my ear, "Hi beautiful, how are you feeling?" I sighed, " ehh still the same I'm sure it will go away soon I'm fine though" Embry just shook his head at me and leaned back down to whisper in my ear, "okay well don't think I forgot what's in a few days. I promise we will do something special after all of this leech stuff." I giggled and turned in his arms wrapping mine around his neck, "we don't have to do anything big babe its just my 16th birthday it's not a huge thing." He pulled back from me a little bit and gave me a stern look, "celebrating the 16th anniversary of the day the love of my life was born is extremely huge so shh. Plus Emily makes the best birthday cake ever." I couldn't help but smile like an idiot, I love this man. " I love you so much Embry Call, I am so very thankful that you are mine." This time it was him who was left smiling like an idiot. " and I love you Mia Black now as much as I would love to just keep standing here confessing my love for you we have a training session to get to or we are going to have a very angry alpha on our hands." I nodded in response, "whelp lets get going then!" and with that we were outside with me on his furry back within a few seconds.

We've been here for ages and they are still training and talking, well the leeches are talking while Edward translates for the pack. Sam didn't want them to come in their human form for protection reasons. I've been sitting on Embry's back since we got here but Alice just finished with her mate and I know she's been wanting to talk to me. Embry whined a bit as I got off of him and started walking over to forests edge where she was standing. I linked into the packs mind for a second just to reassure him that I would be okay. It's okay Embry she wouldn't hurt me, she just wants to talk remember?

He thought back to last night and sighed nudging me forward with his nose.

Yeah just hurry please? I'll keep an eye on you. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes as I walked over to her, he's so overprotective sometimes. A smile spread across Alice's lips as I walked closer to her. " I was hoping we could talk today come on!" she linked her arm with mine dragging me to the other end of the small clearing we were in. Not that it mattered we were surrounded by supernatural beings they would still be able to hear us. We spent the next few hours talking about our lives, Alice didn't remember anything of her human life but her immortal life was pretty extraordinary. She's 105, which is insane to me, I thought being alive 16 years has been forever but she has almost lived two lifetimes. She told me about waking up in an insane asylum and finding Jasper, though she had seen him coming years before she found him. They went to the Cullens shortly after, which she had seen already to. I told her all about my life and my visions, how they've evolved over my life and that the first one I ever felt was Sam phasing when they moved back into town. Alice was so easy to talk to, I think maybe it's because we understand each other in a way nobody else can. Whatever it is we became fast friends, I still don't like the others but I would put up with them for Alice. She loves the strange nature in which my visions occur, with her visions it's like she's watching a movie but with mine it's like I'm living it and I feel everything. A howl broke us out of our deep conversation, I guess we had missed the rest of training since when I looked up the wolves were pretty much gone except for Jake and Embry. "ah sorry Alice I have to go, but I promise I'll be back soon!" she smiled and pulled me into a hard hug, " you better be!" she held me for a second longer before pulling away and giving me a puzzled look. " have you been feeling okay?" Embry howled at me again signaling it was really time to go. "oh I've just been feeling a bit nauseous but I'm okay, I have to go before he starts freaking out, bye!" I gave her one last smile which she returned seeming a bit happier than usual. I had to run to catch up to my wolves, not that Embry would actually leave me behind. Finally! What happened to the mutual hate for the leeches that we had? I smacked the back of his wolf head softly chuckling as I climbed onto his back. We can hate all of the others together but Alice understands me and we are friends. Now come on I can't hear the others anymore so they must be back at Em's house already. Embry took off towards the house shaking his head slightly, thinking more to himself than to me, I don't understand you women.

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now