Chapter 19

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Edward came out to dance with Rose a minute later leaving Jacob and Bella to dance by themselves. I took that as my cue to head to the back of the house I'm sure by the time we get there Jacob will have put his foot in his mouth. We were rounding the side of the house when the yelling started and Jacobs anger not only radiated off of himself but me as well. "Seth... go try to stop him please! Sam must not be here yet." I took a few deep breaths trying to calm the anger that belonged to my bone head brother, I'm not sure how his anger could affect the boys but I didn't want to find out now. I had almost mastered everything the book Sue had given me said except controlling the emotions I got from others and for whatever reason Jacobs got to me the worst. Before I knew it Edward had intervened and was now arguing with Jake, he had his hands on Bella's wrists shaking her. As Edward snarled at him to let her go. Behind us in the forest there was a growl as Seth tried to calm Jacob down to stop the phase, " Jake bro back away, you're losing it. you'll hurt her, let her go." It was to late to stop it though he was already shaking if he didn't drop Bella soon he would phase and hurt her. Edward was seething with anger as he yelled again for Jake to drop her hands. I don't think I've ever felt my brother this angry, he finally dropped her hands and a second later Edward had Bella half a dozen feet away. Embry Quil and Sam were between Jacob and Edward in wolf form. Seth was still trying to pull Jake away, "come on Jake lets go!" His eyes never dropped from Edward though they were filled with fury and pain. "I'll kill you! I'll kill you myself! I'll do it right now!!" He shook Seth off with a big convulsion, Im not sure how he hasn't phased yet. Seth got his arms around him again and pulled him a few feet. "Don't do it Jake. Walk away come on." Sam growled loudly and came to join Seth using his head to shove Jacob backwards. Embry and Quil took over and got him into the woods away from everyone else right as he phased. Seth turned to look at me with sad eyes, Sam started following the others and turned back to growl at us. I didn't have to be in the packs minds to know he was yelling at Seth and I to follow them. I sighed and walked to Seth following him into the woods. Sam's orders weren't as strong to me and I could disobey but this is one order I'm more than happy to follow, Embry took off with Jacob so I'd have to ride back with Seth.

We got out of the view of the house and Seth looked at me shyly, "oh right sorry Seth." I turned away so he could strip and once I heard his paws hit the ground I smiled and climbed carefully up his back. Before we could go anywhere the most heartbroken howl I've ever heard rang through my ears, I didn't even have to feel Jacobs emotions to know he was broken. Again. Once we started running I jumped into the mind link with the guys. Jacob had already phased back and was at Emily's arguing with Sam. Seth, Embry and Quil were the only ones still phased I figured the others were at the house trying to calm Jacob down before he ripped all of the trees out of the ground. We were almost to the others when Embry realized he left me behind, Oh my god Mia I'm so sorry! With trying to get Jacob out of there I completely forgot you were there. I smiled at his thoughts, It's okay I understand Seth has me though we're almost there. His head snapped up and he whined a little, Seth! You better be careful with her up there! She's got precious cargo! We both laughed as we crossed through the forests edge and I carefully climbed off of Seth's back. Before my feet hit the ground I felt two strong arms wrap around me. "Baby I'm so sorry I won't forget you again I swear." turning in his arms I placed my hands on either side of his face, "It's okay Embry I forgive you, Now where's my idiot brother?" He smiled and kissed my head before pointing inside, "He's in there. Emily is trying to get him to eat something." I sighed, "I really want to talk to him but I'm not going to be able to without explaining this." I rubbed my belly," and I just don't think he is in the right state of mind for that tonight. I think I should probably just head home." Embry took my hand in his and headed over to Jacobs car, I guess we should probably give it back now since he's home but one more night won't hurt. I grabbed the keys out of Embry's hand and got in the drivers seat. "You stay here babe they might need you. I'll be okay until you come home I'm sure my dad is back from the wedding by now." He ran his hand through his hair and sighed, "I know you're right but I just hate you going home without me." I couldn't help but to smile up at him, "I love you so much, take care of my brother please." Embry leaned down softly pressing his lips to mine, "I love you to baby girl, don't I always?" With that I started the car and headed home trying to prepare for the numerous conversations I needed to have with Jacob tomorrow.

The next morning I woke up with the worst feeling of dread. I sighed and sat up looking at Embry's sleeping body next to me. I'm not sure what time it was when he came to bed but I know it was late, Careful not to wake him up I climbed out of bed and threw on one of his shirts. They no longer hid my stomach like before but they made it a little less noticeable right off the bat. I made my way to the kitchen and found Jacob and Paul arguing while Paul was watching tv. Jacob punched Him in the face grabbing a bag of Doritos from behind his back. "You broke my nose, idiot!" "Just between us right Paul?" I chuckled and went to the fridge, "well between the three of us that is" Paul shook his head "you're such a pain Jacob. I swear, I'd rather hang out with Leah." "Ouch. Wow I bet Leah's really going to love to hear that you want to spend some quality time with her. It'll just warm the cockles of her heart."
"You're going to forget I said that."
"Of course. I'm sure it won't slip out." I chuckled at their argument Jacob really wanted to get a rise out of Paul but ever since Rachel got here he's been a lot calmer. "Jake come sit down leave Paul alone. What do you want to eat?" I had my back to him as I started cracking some eggs into a bowl. He grumpily came and sat down at the table. "So what now you're on Paul's side?" I rolled my eyes and started scrambling the eggs, "No, I just have had more time to get used to him being around than you have. It's not that bad, especially since Rachel moved in with him they aren't here as much as they were at first." He sighed and laid his head down on the table. It was quiet for a few minutes besides the sound of the food cooking in the pan. After it was done I put it onto four plates and set one in front of Jacob. "Paul come get your food." I sat down across from Jacob and poked his cheek. "Come on Jake you need to eat something, I know you're mad at the world but you still need food." He huffed and started shoveling food into his mouth. "Look there's something I need to tell you and I really wanted to wait until you were in a better mood but I don't see that happening anytime soon so I guess I should just tell you." He picked up his head and looked at me suspiciously. "what is it?" I took a deep breathe and stood up cradling my belly. "I'm pregnant. You're going to be an uncle." He stood there staring at me for a few seconds processing what I just said. Before I realized what was happening he was shaking, "I don't even know what to say to you right now." His eyes flashed to the bedroom figuring Embry was in there I ran and stood in the hall way. "Jacob you leave him alone! If you want to be mad at someone be mad at me." He stood in front of me shaking and trying to get around me before Paul grabbed him and took him outside, He didn't even really fight him. Paul came back in and shook his head at me, "you know you would think you'd know better by now not to be so close to a phasing wolf." I sighed and sat on the couch, "you would think but I just didn't want him to go ambush Embry. He's been through enough with his mom hating us. I want Jacob to calm down before he sees him. He doesn't need his best friend to hate him to."

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now