Chapter 25

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33 weeks and 6 days pregnant

"It's okay Mia just breathe, Carlisle is gonna make sure everything is fine." I stare up at Embry trying to listen through the pain but it was coming fast now. Last night I started having contractions again but they weren't very painful and weren't that close together. Sometime this morning my water broke and the contractions got closer and closer and equally more painful every time. Carlisle hooked me up to all of the monitors to make sure the babies hearts weren't under any stress and most of the day they have been fine but in the last hour every contraction one of their heart rates has dropped a small bit and then gone back up once the contraction is over. Carlisle said that it wasn't dropping enough to need to do anything right away but he gave me a little over an hour to get to 10cm dilated or I would have to have an emergency C section. Last time he checked me I was only at 6cm My contractions have been really strong though so I'm hoping I can get there on my own.

"Mia you are at a 9 I'm going to try to help stretch your cervix during your next contraction but if we can't get you to a 10 within the next 15 minutes or his heart rate drops more than it has been then we are going to have to do the C section." I squeezed Embry's hand as tears start to well up in my eyes. "Okay," is all I could manage. Before I can think to much the next contraction hits me and all I can focus on is remembering to breathe, I really wish my family was here with me. "Embry.. I want Emi-" I don't have time to finish my sentence when the most overwhelming feeling of pressure hits me. "Carlisle... I.. I think I need to push!" I guess he got me to a 10 because before I know it I'm pushing. I can faintly hear Someone talking next to me but I'm so exhausted everything sounds muffled. After what seems like forever the room erupted with the most beautiful cry I have ever heard as our first baby came out. Embry cut his cord and Alice laid him on my chest for just a moment before she took him to clean him up.

"He's so beautiful babe" I can barley keep my eyes open but I can hear the love in Embry's voice as he stares at our son. "Embry, what's his name?" His head snaps to me as a huge smile erupts on his face, "His name is Tuari Elias Call" Tuari.. it's such a traditional name, it fits so well. "That's perfect Embry, I love it." It isn't long before the next contraction hits and it's right back to pushing. "Come on Mia just a couple more strong pushes and he will be here." Carlisle sounds so far away but I do what he says and almost 20 minutes later I feel my son come out but the room is silent. "Why..Why isn't he crying?!" Nobody answers me though as they break into hospital mode taking him away to another room. "Carlisle! What's going on?!" I hadn't noticed I was crying until my voice broke. In the calmest voice he could manage Carlisle answers, "Mia his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he wasn't breathing but Rosalie knows what to do and she is taking care of him. We need to finish up here and then I'm going to go help her okay?" I can't move, I just feel numb. My body does everything while my mind is numb. My only thought is my tiny boy fighting for his life in the next room. Embry left to be with him as soon as he knew what was happening.

It seems like time is moving in slow motion, my brain isn't processing anything right. After what feels like forever Alice finally comes in holding a tiny blue bundle. She smiles and hands him down to me, "He's beautiful Mia. Carlisle is doing everything he can to make sure his brother is safe and healthy." As I stare down at the bundle in my arms the tears just start to pour out of my eyes he has the most beautiful features. I can see so much of Embry in him, but also myself. My perfect little Tuari, I didn't think it was possible to love something so much so quickly but he has completely captured my heart. I need to his brother, feel him and know that he's okay. I think it's only been a few minutes but it feels like so much longer when Carlisle finally comes back in with a look of relief on his face. "Mia, we managed to get him breathing and from what I can see there is no damage from lack of oxygen. My guess is that on his way out the cord got tangled around his neck and the further he came through the birth canal the more it tightened. Luckily it had only just completely cut off his oxygen supply as he came out so we were able to get him breathing rather quickly with no sign of damage." Tears start rolling down my face as I snuggle my tiny boy in my arms thinking of his brother struggling. "Thank you for everything Carlisle, can I see him now?" He gives me a sympathetic look and smiles, "yes of course, Embry has him now." A smile spread across my lips as Embry came in rolling a clear baby bed in front of him. Inside is our tiny boy identical to his brother in my arms, Embry moves to sit next to me on the bed. "He's going to be okay Mia, he's so strong already. How are you feeling? You look exhausted." I can't help but chuckle, "oh thanks, but yeah I'm pretty exhausted I did just push two tiny humans out of my body." He smiles and runs his finger down our son's face. "We have two beautiful little boys, Tuari Elias Call and would you please tell me what our little fighters name is?" I smile and hand Tuari over to Embry and lean over the side of the bed grabbing up my other son, "This beautiful little boys name is Takoda Elliot Call." Somehow Embry's smile grows even bigger as he stares at both of our boys, "They both have the initials TEC, thank you baby. Thank you for going through everything you have to bring our amazing little boys into this world." I leaned over and kissed him softly, "When I first laid eyes on Tuari I couldn't see how my heart could grow anymore until I put Takoda in my arms and got to really see him for the first time. They look identical but are so different already, I love them both more than I could have ever thought possible. Thank you Embry Call for giving me this amazing gift neither one of us knew we needed." We both just laid back in the bed cuddling our boys between us smiling uncontrollably at each other and them no other words needing to be said as we just sat in our own little bubble forgetting the rest of the world for awhile.

I used to think pulling all nighters with my friends were fun. Oh how much you take for granted sleep while you are still getting it. The Last two nights have been tough the boys slept really well while they did sleep but I never really anticipated exactly how much they would wake up, Especially with there being two of them. They would be sound asleep and one would wake up and cry waking his brother up in the process. I honestly couldn't be happier though, they are both beautiful healthy baby boys and I'm so glad that I get to be their mother. Alice and Rose offered to help and I let them a little bit but I have to get used to caring for the both of them on my own. Everyone has fallen completely in love with not only Renesmee but also Tuari and Takoda, The three of them get passed around like little footballs I can't wait for my family to meet them.

There's a soft knock at the door, "Mia? Are you awake?"
"Yes Alice, is it happening finally? I don't think renesemee can wait much longer." None of us are quite sure whats happening with Nessie but she is growing fast and is way smarter than the age she portrays. She has been going crazy the last few days waiting for Bella to wake up, every time someone holds her her little hand comes up showing pictures of Bella, her own way of asking for her mother.
"Yes she's going to wake up in less than an hour and Carlisle wants you up and moving. You are allowed to go home today as long as the boys tests come back good, if you're ready that is?" A smile crept it's way onto my face as I quickly but carefully got out of bed. "Don't get me wrong Alice I love you but I can't wait to get out of here!" She just chuckles and rolls her eyes, "come on it's gonna be any minute now and I'm sure you'll want to pack while the twins are napping."
I quietly moved around the room grabbing all of my stuff up that has accumulated over the last month and the twins things that Alice has refused to let me complain about her buying. Both boys are sleeping silently and Embry is downstairs learning how to install their car seats. Another extravagant gift that Alice insisted on buying us, Two matching blue car seats and a double stroller to put them in.
"Okay I think that's everything." Leaving the bags at the end of the bed I quietly sneak out of the room and into the office next door where everyone else is eagerly waiting for Bella to wake up.
"Carlisle are you sure it's safe for Mia to be in here when Bella first wakes up?" Edward was extremely worried not only for my safety but for Bella's well being. If she lost control and killed me she would feel horrible once she realized what she had done. "Edward I told you I've seen it everything is going to be fine." Alice came over and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze as she tried to calm her brother. I have to admit I myself was a bit worried when Alice first asked if I wanted to be in here but she has assured me numerous times that nothing bad is going to happen. Plus it's not everyday you get to watch a vampire complete their change, it seems kind of cool to watch. "Look it's happening." Before our eyes Bella started to change, first her hair got its color and shine back then her face and body started to fill back out and regain a beautiful pale color matching the rest of her new family. It's crazy how life changes so quickly just a month ago this woman was the bane of my existence and now I'm watching her blossom and become her true self with a possible friendship looming. Just then her chest stopped rising and her eyes snapped opened, they no longer were the dull brown color but blood red. This is the start of a new beginning.


I know this chapter is super late and I'm so sorry :( life has been super busy lately and I have had the absolute worst writers block I think I got over it for the time being though. Again thank you so much for taking the time to read my story I appreciate it so much! Oh and Tuari is pronounced it's like it's written Two-Ari. It means young eagle and Takoda means friend to everyone. I have searched for names for the twins since I decided on their gender and these are the two that I fell the most in love with I really hope you all like them to but if not feel free to add your own choices in while reading it. I'm hoping to have the next update up within the next few days but I'm going to be moving this weekend so I am not entirely sure if that will happen but I'm gonna try, Thanks for reading!

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now