Chapter 3

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Since the whole leaving Quill on the beach thing I've been trying my best to completely avoid talking to him again. He's been texting me everyday sometimes saying he understands and isn't mad at me, but other times saying how hurt and betrayed he feels. I hate it, I hate that I'm hurting him because of something we can't control. I've been going to Sam and Emily's house a lot lately to help her cook and just have someone, especially a girl, to hang out with. It's really strange how little the pack actually spends here, they come back to eat but that's about it. I've only met Jared so far and I haven't seen Embry at all on any of my adventures over there. I've tried asking Sam a few times if there was anyway we could just let Quill in on everything since I know he will be one of them. But he says it's to dangerous for him to know anything until it happens. I have so many thoughts running through my mind at all times I think any normal person would explode.

"Mia?.....Mia?... MIA!" I shook my head snapping out of my thoughts to see Emily standing there with the muffin tin that I was supposed to be watching in the oven.

"Oh Em I'm so sorry I was lost in my own head, did I ruin them??" looking to the ground with a guilty conscious, I swear I need to stop thinking so much.

"No no Sweetie they are fine, you just need to pay better attention to things." her soft hand went to my shoulder and I looked up at her smiling.

Emily is definitely the most beautiful girl I've ever seen even with the scratches down her face. I always feel bad about those, I had felt something bad was going to happen but it was a far away feeling so I didn't say anything to anyone and as far as I knew nothing bad ever happened. That theory was shattered when Emily first told me how she got her scars. The same day I had that feeling was the day she was to close to Sam when he got angry and phased. She obviously wasn't mad at me for it, she said there was absolutely no way for me to know that it would of been her because I hadn't met her yet. Which yeah she was right but maybe if I would've said something to someone I could have prevented it. It didn't matter though, Sam still looked at her as if she was the only girl in the world.

We started to put all the muffins out on the table when I heard a familiar old truck pulling up. There's no way, she couldn't be here. She doesn't even know about here! I looked out the window and yet there she was sitting in the passenger seat of her truck talking to Jared and I think Embry? I couldn't see his face to be sure.

"Uhh Em I'm gonna go upstairs for a bit, I suddenly don't feel that great."

"Oh, okay do you want me to take you anything?"

"No No really I'm Okay I'll be right down." I felt fine I just couldn't force myself to face the leech lover especially not after lying to her all this time. I sat at the top of the stairs out of sight and listened to the people coming in laughing and talking about Jake and Paul. From what it sounded like they must of gotten into some kind of fight. Paul is a hot head from what I've heard so it wouldn't surprise me. I heard a voice talk that I haven't Heard in a really long time, Embry was here! I didn't even realize how much I have actually missed him until I heard his voice. He's always been my friend just as much as Jake's or Quill's. Standing up I decided id have to face her eventually better now than later right? As my foot hit the bottom stair I felt a sudden tugging on my soul, But it was obvious from the start the feeling wasn't mine. This was weird though, usually I could sense what emotions I was feeling but this was different. It was the strongest emotion I have ever felt radiate off of someone, even stronger than the first shift. This was old magic I hadn't felt before. Trying to ignore the tugging I kept walking and went into the kitchen again.

"Oh Mia! Are you feeling better sweetheart?" Emily smiled at me with her motherly voice as everyone else turned I could feel their eyes on me, my own went to the floor.

"Uh yeah Em I'm good now thanks, I do want a muffin though!" Trying to Laugh off everyone's eyes I hurried over and grabbed a muffin off of the table and sat next to Jared. I looked up to see Bella still staring or was she glaring? At me.

"You've known all this time haven't you? And you lied to me about it to!" I could tell she was obviously angry but it's not like it was my secret to tell her.

"I've known for years Bella, but it was never my secret to tell anyone, especially not an outsider. Not trying to offend you or anything but most of our people don't know this secret and you are the only outsider to ever know. So yes I knew and no I didn't tell you and yes I lied about Jake being sick." I wasn't going to tell her I was sorry because I wasn't. She didn't actually love my brother anyways. The moment the leech shows her the slightest bit of attention again she's going to leave. I've felt it, but it doesn't take being a seer to know that. It's written all over her face. I've tried to tell Jake but this is the only thing he swears I don't know what I'm seeing, but in reality this weird tugging sensation is the only thing I've never been able to decipher.

Bella didn't say anything else she just sat there with her arms crossed till Jake and Paul came back in. Wow, Paul actually apologized to her, from what I've heard that's very out of character for him. Jacob took the leech lover somewhere so now I'm left here with all the guys and Em, but she has Sam back now so I'm pretty much alone. Great. I could still feel the weird tugging and it was only getting more intense the longer I sat here. Huh, weird.. I still felt eyes on me but everyone is talking and Bella left. Looking up from my muffin I caught Embry staring at me, I looked away quickly. I know I hadn't seen him in awhile but surely he would recognize me right ? I mean I thought we were good enough friends for that?

Paul's voice broke me out of my thoughts, "Hey Mia, Its Mia right?"

Still looking down being my awkward self I answered with a nod, "mhm"

"You know the beach is great this time of day, wanna take a walk with me?" I looked up quickly at this question, did he just ask me to do something with him? Before I could even answer there was a loud growl from the other end of the table. I turned quickly and saw Embry standing with his fists and jaw clenched.

"I KNEW IT!!!!" Paul screams through laughs. What the actual hell is going on right now?! I'm the one who's supposed to be able to know what happens before everyone else not the other way around! At this point everyone is staring between Paul, Embry and myself, Paul finally gets a grip on himself and shakes his head.  "Embry calm down I didn't mean it I just wanted to know if what I saw was right."

"What on earth is going on?!" I shouted slightly louder than I meant to.

"Oh well you see Embry here has Imp.. OUCH! What the hell Jared?!" In the middle of Paul's sentence Jared smacked him in the back of the head and whispered something to him to make him shut up.

"You know what even for werewolves you guys are being weird and I'm just gonna go home." I got up and left through the front door without another word.

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now