Chapter 20

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It's been about a month since the wedding, Bella still wasn't home and there hasn't been a word about her "death". We all figured they would have some kind of "accident" on their trip and that's how they would cover up her change. Jacob still hasn't accepted the fact that it's going to happen, he's convinced that she will choose him even though she already married the blood sucker. I keep trying to tell him his imprint is out there I've felt it but he doesn't care at this point. If she isn't Bella Swan he doesn't want her. Jake did however accept the fact that I was really pregnant and he would be an uncle in a few short weeks. He still wasn't happy about it but he knew there wasn't anything he could do about it. Embry and him fought a little bit before my dad separated them like five year olds, it's been almost back to normal since then.

The pack and imprints have been spending a lot of time at the Beach over the last month just trying to keep everyone relaxed and have some fun. I sat on a picnic blanket watching the boys and their girlfriends wrestling and playing soccer. I can't help but to smile as I watch Embry jump over a smitten Jared as Kim distracts him scoring her team a goal. Quil has Claire down at the water trying to find the prettiest rock, I love watching them together she has him wrapped her finger and she knows it. Down the beach Jacob, Seth, Leah and Collin are sitting on a log watching everyone. I can kind of hear part of their conversation, "Maybe they'll say she got into a car crash or tripped and fell off a cliff." Sam jumped up and stopped the ball from going across his goal line, Jake smirked his eyes getting a glossed look for a moment as he spoke. "at least I'll get one thing out of it." Sam's smile faded as he shook his head, "no you won't. The Cullens are not a danger to the town or the tribe." Jacob's head snapped up to meet Sam's, "Well he's either going to kill her or change her and the treaty says-" Sam cut him off giving him a disappointed look. "I say Jacob. I say." He came running back joining the others, Collin said something about Jake being alpha as I tried not to ease drop on anymore but it was just so temping ever since he got back Jake wont talk to me about how he's feeling. Seth gave him a sad look and asked, "Jake do you really think that you could kill Bella if she came back a vampire?" Leah scoffed, " No he'd make one of us do it and then hold a grudge fo-" "Oh shut up Leah!" "Would you just get over it! It's not like you imprinted on her." Thank you Leah!!!! I've been saying that since day one. Seth sighed and I tried to look anywhere but at them as they all looked in our direction, everyone had come back to sit on the blanket and were laughing about something I missed. "At least they seem happy." Collin agreed sounding equally as sad, "yeah some people are just lucky I guess." I didn't have to look up to notice the anger in Jacob's voice as he answered. "Lucky?! None of them belong to themselves anymore. The sickest part is their genes tell them they're happy about it. Look at Mia and Embry, they are having two kids at 16 and are happy?! They act like they are married adults with their lives together because their genes tell them to!" I sigh and try not to take it to heart, he's just upset right now. Eventually he will understand. Leah glanced back at everyone again her eyes lingering on Sam a second longer than anyone else. "At least if you imprinted you would finally forget about Bella, being any kind of happy is better than being miserable about someone you can't have."

I stopped listening after that, I don't want to hear anymore, I wasn't even supposed to hear what I did. Embry comes over and sits next to me pulling me onto his lap, "Hey there beautiful" I smile and kiss his cheek, "Hi handsome, did you get bored of winning already?" He chuckles shaking his head, "no I thoroughly enjoy kicking Jared ass but I just had a thought. Since we haven't decided on names for the boys yet we should both get to name one. You pick one name first and middle and I'll pick one name first and middle that way we both get a say?" I thought for a moment and looked at him with a smirk, "if I agree to this I'm not going to come out of the hospital with baby Megatron or something am I?" He started chuckling before he broke out into full on laughter he leaned back on the blanket still giggling to himself, "no I promise I am not going I'm to name our son Megatron or any of the other transformers. We both agreed we liked more traditional first names so I think that's what we should go with." "Good then yes I think that's a great idea." Seth came walking over smiling at us, "I still think you need to name one Seth! It's a great name and he will grow up to be awesome." Embry rolled his eyes and threw the soccer ball at him, "for the millionth time Seth there are only two babies if we named one after you we would have to name one after everyone else and we just aren't going to have that many. I don't need a pack of my own kid." He got up and ruffled Seths hair as everyone laughed and started playing soccer again, Embry and Seth wrestling from time to time. It's almost been an hour and Sam yelled for the guys to start packing up everything. Him and Jared have patrol and Embry needs to go to work. After the fight with his mom we both assumed that meant we weren't working for her anymore so he put applications in everywhere he could. Finally two weeks ago a mechanic shop in town called him back for an interview and he got the job! It's been a lot less stressful knowing we have some kind of income coming in, even though Alice offered to get anything and everything we could ever want or need we decided it would be better to work for the things our kids need rather than take hand outs from our friends. I'm supposed to have an appointment with Carlisle for the boys today, I was supposed to go a week ago but he said he was to busy at the hospital and had to reschedule. He hasn't called to cancel yet today but I have a feeling he probably will try to and it has more to it than being busy.

Embry came over and helped me up before we said bye to everyone else and started walking back to the car. The beach is only a few minutes away from the house but that's a lot of walking for being 30 weeks and huge. "Hey baby girl? Can you drop me off at work on your way to meet Dr. C please? I don't feel like running." I smiled as we got in the car and buckled up, "nope you have to walk." Embry glared at me and stuck his tongue out. "just drive you jerk." I laughed and headed towards the shop, I dropped him off and went to pull out of the parking lot when I no longer was seeing the road in front of me but instead Jacob running to the Cullen's house, then arguing his way into the door and then a very sickly looking Bella. Her stomach protruding as if she could be, no thats impossible. The vision kept coming though as Jacob took off, the pack plans to attack, Jacob returning and soon I felt the rip of Bella's spine snapping. Then there's lots of blood and tears before silence hits the room and Edward brings up a small baby whose cry ends the vision. I Take a deep breathe and try to analyze everything I just saw. Bella is pregnant, how that is even possible is beyond me. Sam wants the baby dead and is prepared to kill Bella and any other Cullens to do so. Jacob is standing with the Cullens, that's what they have been hiding, I have to get over there.

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now