Chapter 17

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Two months, that's how long it took my body to heal completely. Two extremely long months of monitors and needles and bandages, but two amazingly short months with Embry home. Sam was very understanding with letting Embry be home with me, he only ever called to check on me and the boys and wouldn't mention work unless Embry did first. Which he did often, I know he loves me and I am so grateful for him taking care of me but he was going insane not being with the pack and truth be told I was going insane having him home 24/7. Some separation is healthy so this morning when Carlisle said I was finally healed and cleared to leave the house we both were ecstatic. Embry left about an hour ago to go on his first patrol since the accident, I've never seen someone so happy about working. Emily, Kim and Rachel should be almost here for a "girls" day on the beach. It was starting to get pretty chilly but I opted for wearing a longer crop top, a gray long sleeve cover and high waist maternity shorts, I'm not sure if it was just being pregnant or if it was that I was a Quileute carrying two more Quileutes that I felt hotter all the time but I did. It's actually pretty nice being able to wear outfits I didn't get to wear at the beginning of my pregnancy for fear that someone would see my belly. Now at 25 weeks along my belly has yet to get any horrible stretch marks just some small ones on my hips, but I now had four long scars running from side to side forming a perfect claw mark. As far as anyone else knows I got attacked by a bear while we were hiking. Embry hated seeing it for so long he would hardly touch my stomach for the first month but after some persuading he finally came around just in time for the boys to start kicking. We haven't decided on names for them yet so for now they just get called the boys, the twins or Paul's personal favorite the pups.
As far as I know Embry still hasn't spoken to his mom, Sam and Jared went back to her house the day after everything happened and got his things for him. Luckily we both had some money saved up from working at her store for the last few summers but buying double the baby stuff has really been putting a dent in our savings. My dad has been wonderful about it all, he even let Embry move in with us after his mom kicked him out. All of our friends have been helping to, Alice especially. She has been giving gifts to Sam at the treaty line to drop off at the house randomly. Let's just say our boys will be the most stylish babies around.
Before long three giggles rang through the house signaling the girls were here. Rachel's voice came booming down the hall "Mia you better be ready!!! We have to get you back by 5 to get ready for the leeches wedding!" ugh I completely forgot that was tonight! "I'm coming I'm coming! If it wasn't one of my best friends brothers getting married I wouldn't be going at all. I would much rather go through another month of needles then have to watch the girl who broke Jake's heart get married." I came down the hall to Emily and Kim smiling still holding in some giggles, while Rach rolled her eyes, "yeah yeah we know Alice is making you go now get your butt outside before we loose precious day light!" "I wish Alice would let me skip it I keep telling her I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen but nobody listens to the girl who can feel and see the future!" Emily laughed and linked arms with me as we went out the door, " but can't Alice see the future to? So shouldn't she know if something were to happen to?" I nodded, "yeah she can see the future and has been doing it way longer than I have, but she usually can't see something that has to do with the pack so just with Seth being there it could block any vision from happening." They all shrugged and pulled me to the path, " I'm sure everything will be fine Mia now come on."
We spent hours at the beach just relaxing and catching up, I hadn't really got to spend much time with my sister since she has been home so it was nice for everyone to be able to just talk. We talked about life and what everyone wanted to do with theirs before imprinting. Rachel had originally moved back home after she got her Bachelors degree but after imprinting with Paul and finding out about the twins she decided to move in with him. Dad was pretty upset to hear about her decision not to go back to school for her masters but he accepted it, she had gotten her degree and that was all that mattered. Kim had wanted to leave La Push eventually and explore more of the country but again imprinting changes your whole world and once she saw Jared life in La Push looked pretty great. Emily and I had similar plans in the aspect that we didn't have any idea what we wanted before the imprint. She was young just like I was and Imprinting on Sam hit her out of nowhere. I however had the advantage of knowing it could happen to me one day, I never expected it to let alone for it to catch me so off guard but I couldn't be happier.

We were walking back to my house with about an hour and a half before the wedding when I was pulled into a different moment. Jacob and Bella slow dancing, Bella and Jacob arguing, Jake and her leech arguing then Embry and Quil pulling Him back into the forest. There's so much anger boiling from my brother it feels like my blood is boiling burning me from the inside out then the rip of the shift. When I came out of it everyone was staring at me, especially Rachel she hadn't ever seen me have a vision. Emily squeezed my hand calming me down a bit, "it's okay sweetie, what did you see?"  I took a few deep breaths letting the anger flow out of me, "Jacob shows up tonight and dances with Bella but they start arguing about something and then her leech steps in and starts arguing with Jake then Embry and Quil came out of the woods and took Jake before he shifted. I knew I had a bad feeling about tonight, will you tell Sam please so they can be ready? It looked like it happened behind the Cullen house during the reception. I've got to go get ready but thank you guys for a great day."

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now