Chapter 26

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In a movement that was to fast for my eyes to see Bella jumped off of the table and landed in the corner, her body crouched as a growl rumbled in her throat. In the same moment everyone else shifted, moving so Emmett and Jasper are positioned protectively between Bella, Alice and myself. Edward slowly advanced towards her, "Bella?" He asked in a low calm voice. "Bella love? I'm sorry I knows it's disorienting. But you're alright everything is fine." Bella stood staring at him for what seemed like only a moment but I'm sure for her it was longer. Edward reached his hand out and started to stroke her cheek trying his best to comfort his newborn wife. Before I could fully process what's happened, Bella's body language changes as she grabs Edward into a hug. Alice smiles and pushes Emmett and Jasper away, "see I told you both nothing would happen, everything is fine and Mia got to experience something wonderful." Both men roll their eyes at her and move to meet their newest family member but stop when they realize Edward and Bella are in a world all their own making out in the middle of the room. Emmett cleared his throat out of humor but also discomfort and annoyance. They break apart Bella clearly embarrassed I'm sure if she could blush she would be bright red. Carlisle started asking questions about her change wanting to know if the morphine made a good impact, my mind wandered to the room next door where my tiny boys slept. I just wanted to see Bella awake before we left but it's about time to finally go home. Carlisle's next assumption is what broke me out of my thoughts. "Oh, I'm so sorry Bella. Of course your thirst must be very uncomfortable. This conversation can wait." All in one motion I was pushed behind Emmett as Bella's hand came up and touched her throat and her eyes darted right in my direction. Edward dropped his arms to grab Bella's hand slowly tugging her towards the window. "Let's hunt Bella." I took this as my opportunity to slip out of the room and back into the room with the boys. I didn't doubt Alice's vision that Bella wouldn't hurt me but I figure giving her just a little more space would more than ensure it.

After a few more minutes a distinct thud echos throughout the house, most likely the newly weds finally heading off on Bella's first hunt. Alice came twirling through the door smiling at me, "Thank you for staying to see that, I know you guys aren't the best of friends but I'm hoping under these new circumstances you could at least understand each other better." I smiled and hugged Alice. "thank you for everything you've done for me and my children Alice, you are definitely the best friend I've ever had. I'll admit I wasn't to sure about watching her change but you were right, like always, it was an experience I'll never forget. Plus who knows now that my brother has his imprint and Bella is married maybe we can be friends. For now though I really just want to get the boys down to La Push to meet their new family." I watched the grin on Alice's face widen even more and I'm certain that if she could cry she would be right now, "You know I love those babies just as much as renesmee, you better come back and see us soon okay? Or you'll be getting some angry phone calls missy!" I couldn't help but to laugh as I held back my own tears, I was so excited to go home and finally get our lives back on track but leaving Alice is harder than I ever imagined it would be. "Babe! you ready to get going? I finally got their car seats figured out!" Embry came through the door smiling with a car seat on each arm ready for our tiny boys to be put in them. "Yeah Embry I'm ready let's get going." We carefully loaded both boys into their seats trying desperately not to wake them up as Alice kisses them both goodbye.

Everyone else said their goodbyes as we loaded them into the car, Embry drove while I sat in the backseat between Tuari and Takoda. "Let's go to Emily's first I'm sure everyone is probably there anyways." He nodded and smiled his eyes flicking between the road and my face in the rear view mirror every few minutes. "Mia, thank you. I never thought my live would be like this at 17 but I'm glad that it is. I love you and our boys more than anyone could ever know." I couldn't help the blush that filled my cheeks with every word he said, "I love you Embry, I never imagined my life like this either but I wouldn't change any of it. I'm glad I didn't see it coming." I don't think its physically possible for his smile to grow anymore but it does as he listens to my every word, The rest of the trip to Emily's is spent in comfortable silence.

When we pull up to the house the whole pack, minus Jake, Seth and Leah, come shuffling out of the house running full speed at the car. "Hey! they have newborns in there probably trying to sleep and you heathens being crazy isn't going to do anything but wake them up. Now calm down and wait for them to get out of the car at least geez." I chuckle at Emily mothering the pack like always, I didn't realize how much I actually missed her until now. The pack settles down and waits patiently for us to get out of the car, Embry comes around and grabs Takoda's car seat allowing me to get out and grab Tuari's. As soon as were out of the car everyone surrounds us with hugs and smiles, thankfully none of them seem mad for my stance against them. Finally we manage to get inside and before their car seats are even sat down Emily and Sam have already claimed getting to hold the boys first. "Oh Mia they are beautiful! I'm so proud of you both, what are their names?" Embry and I smile at each other before handing Emily Tuari, "this is Tuari Elias Call." Embry hands Sam Takoda smiling at him the whole time, "and this little guy is Takoda Elliot Call." Paul walks over and hugs us both before playfully smacking my arm, "if you ever take off like that again, huge and pregnant I might add, I will kick your butt! I was worried!" "Awe Paul you do care!" He crossed his arms pouting, " I was just worried about the pups okay? sheesh try and show a little emotion around here!" I chuckled and hugged him again, "I promise Paul I won't ever take off like that again." A small smile formed on his lips even though he was still trying to pout, "okay good!"

After visiting with everyone for a little while, Emily and Sam finally gave everyone else a turn with the boys and passed them to Paul and Jared. Embry looked at me and smiled motioning at Emily, "Hey Em, Sam come up stairs for a minute we wanna talk to you guys please?" They both looked at each other a little confused but followed us upstairs none the less. Once in the privacy of the guest room we sat them down on the bed, "Emily, you know I lost my mom when I was pretty young and my sisters left not to long after that so I've never really had that motherly relationship. Until I met you and became part of the pack that is." She had a small smile forming on her lips and I could see her eyes filling with tears already, "You've shown me nothing but love even when I was being a grouchy teenager or burning your pies, I'm so thankful that you are in my life and honestly I wished more than anything that you could be there with me while I had the babies. We aren't sure if Embry's mom is even going to be in the boys lives, and we know you are no where near old enough to be a grandma but we would love for you, if you want to that is, to fill that roll and be Tuari and Takoda's Godmother." As soon as the words left my mouth Emily covered hers tears streaming down her face as she jumped up and wrapped me in a hug, "Oh sweetie of course!! Thank you so much for trusting me with your children enough to let me be this in their lives, I promise I will do the best I can for them." We stood there hugging as Embry turned to Sam a bit nervous about his own Question. "Sam, god where do I even begin! I've never had a Dad, not even really a fatherly figure to look up to. Once I shifted I had no idea what was going to happen to me but you took me in and showed me what this life is all about. You taught me a lot more than you know you did and I know I still have so much more to learn, while my mom was grounding me for sneaking out and "hanging with a bad crowd" you were showing me how life really was and how to make a difference in this world. Our babies are going to have a grandfather with Billy, but we would absolutely love for you to be that for them to and be their godfather." I have never in my life seen Sam chocked up but that's exactly what happened. He stood up obviously holding back tears with all his might and grabbed Embry into a hug, "I didn't know you looked up to me that much, but I would love to be their godfather." We all sat in silence just hugging and crying for a few more minutes before Emily smiled and chuckled, "How is it that I get to be a nana, because I am not being called grandma, Before I even have my own kids? The world is a crazy place, but I am so thankful for it." The four of us laughed and headed down stairs still chuckling to ourselves. Tuari started to squirm and whine in Kim's arms, "Mia... what's wrong? Did I break him?!" Paul snickered at her before full out laughing, "Kim you can't break a baby!" Emily moved in and quickly took him from Kim, "Come to nana baby I'll take care of you." Everyone looked confused for a moment then brushed it off, I think it's the common unspoken knowledge that Em is the mother to our crazy family, And I don't think anyone would have it any other way.


I am so sorry this chapter has taken almost two months to get out but life is finally getting back to normal, another update should be coming out soon. Thank you all for waiting so patiently through this rough time! I am incredibly gratefully!

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now