Chapter 8

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Things have gone pretty much back to normal since Quil phased, we also got two other new pups named Collin and Brady, Sam keeps them home studying with Seth for the most part though. The red haired leech is still running around causing trouble but luckily the guys aren't out on Bella patrol every single night anymore since her cult of leeches returned, sadly however she has been aloud to visit Jake. Not that I'm not completely happy to have Jake's whirl wind of emotions gone or anything but I still don't like the girl and having her around all the time is pretty annoying. It's not even so much as them hanging out, He is pretty much babysitting her while the leech goes out to feed. Disgusting. One pretty interesting thing that happened is Emily's 2 year old niece Claire came to visit us and loah and behold Quil imprinted on her! Making him the fourth behind Sam, Jared, and Embry. It took Sam and Quil quite awhile to convince Em that it wasn't what she thought, that he was just going to be there for here in any possible way she needed him. Now the two are inseparable though, Claire loves him to the point that she's over protective of him! Nobody can yell at him for anything with her around or she goes off, not counting herself of course because she makes fun of him pretty much any chance she gets.

Embry is still absolutely perfect, and still eternally grounded. I wish his mother could understand but he still feels that it's to important to tell her. So I'm still sneaking him out of the house every day. Luckily though his grounding has now been moved to my house as well so as long as Billy agrees to not let us leave, which he obviously has to. I feel bad that we are all lying to her and that I have my dad lying to her to, but he always assures me it's okay. Today Embry is out on patrol so I've just spent the day with Emily, it's been so long since we've had a day all alone together. I tried to get Leah to come but she refused, I didn't even tell Em that I invited her I didn't want to have to see that pained look in her eye when I told her Leah wouldn't come. Leah used to date Sam and well one day he met her cousin Emily and that was the end of everything right there. He hates himself for hurting Leah but Emily was his Imprint, his soulmate. It's especially worse since Leah has phased, now everyone has to live the Sam, Emily, Leah pain fest.

Just then Emily came in with a very hyper Claire on her hip, "Mia Mia Mia! Is muh Quilly hewe?"

I smiled the tiny girl and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "No sweetie he's out with Embry but you can help Aunt Emily and I bake him some cookies till he gets back how does that sound?"

She nodded her head and jumped down from Em's arms screaming "cookies!!" at the top of her lungs. I just chuckled and smiled at Emily, "don't you want one yet?" nodding to Claire. Her eyes got slightly big as she giggled, "of course I do, but I want to marry Sam first and make sure that LA Push is the safest it can be before I bring another life into it." Her eyes followed Claire's every move with so much love in them, I didn't say anything back just yet knowing she wasn't done. With a sad sigh her eyes came back and met mine, "plus... I'm scared. I don't want my child to hold the burden of the tribe. Before I was only scared for my sons, but now everything is different. Leah has phased, you're a seer. None of them are safe unless there are no Vampires around. Don't get me wrong, I love our tribe and everything but I just don't want to have to fear for my child every time they leave the house. It was bad enough with Claire being here, but at least now I know she has Quil."

My heart hurt for Emily, I knew exactly how she felt. The chances of our child holding the magic of the tribe was even greater because our spouses themselves held it. The Cullen's being here is what caused everything, once they move on everyone will slowly stop phasing and life with continue on. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed slightly.

"I know, I have the same fears, but even when the Cullen's do leave our children will still have the magic within them, it's apart of who they will be. It's scary to think about but I think our boys are doing a great job at utilizing it. I still remember the day I felt Sam phase for the first time. He was so angry and scared, he felt so lost and like an outcast. Until old Quil found him and got to explain everything to us both. From that day forward I watched my brothers emotions so much more than I did anything else. I waited for the day his phase would come but I hoped I would never have to feel it. But like everyone before him and everyone after him it is apart of who we all are and we just have to accept it."

Her eyes softened with the mention of Sam and she just nodded, "thank you Mia." Before I could respond Claire jumped between us, "Auwnt Emly cookies!" We grabbed her and set her on the counter making cookies.

It had been a few hours before the boys got back and Claire was asleep on the couch when they came in. Luckily that little girl could sleep through anything so they didn't wake her up. I smiled as my eyes caught Embry's as he made his way over to me, his arms snaking around my waist as he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and planted soft kisses on his lips. He kissed me back and chuckled, " did you miss me beautiful?" I couldn't help but smile, "of course I did, how did patrol go?"

He sighed and shook his head, "we were chasing the red head and she kept jumping between our land and the Cullen's, they were chasing her to. Well she jumped across back to our side and one of theirs tried to follow her onto our land! Paul snapped at him and was ready to fight right then and there but they called him off and Sam called Paul off, but we lost the Red head from there she must have jumped into the water."

my cheeks flared, "why would that leech even remotely think that he could jump over here! I don't care if we have to work them in the future or not, they don't know about that and they need to stay off of our land! And what the hell Paul! He should know that that's what the red head wanted! Now you have to track her all over again."

At that moment it clicked, The red head. She has to have something to do with the danger that's up ahead. Just as that clicked I got the most horrible feeling I have ever felt. My veins felt like they were boiling until they ran completely cold.The burning in my throat was enough to make me scream but I couldn't make any sound come out.  All I could feel was the burning, it felt like 1000 degree razor blades were running down my throat, all I could see was red. Then just as fast as it came it was gone. When I came to my senses Embry had me on the couch with tears in his eyes, "baby?? baby are you okay? What the hell just happened? You went completely limp and cold, then started scratching at your throat??" I could barely breath as I processed what I just felt. I felt like one of them, I just felt a humans emotions as it changed and became a leech. That must mean whatever is coming they are making more leeches. "wa...wat..water" was all I could get to come out of my mouth. If I was going to tell him what happened the thirst had to go away.

After I drank a few cups of water and I could no longer feel the burning in my throat I was ready to tell them what happened. Right as I was about to start Sam and the other boys came in laughing and joking until they saw the scene before them. Sam came rushing over to me and Emily followed by Jake and the others. Before I could speak Embry spoke for me, " I don't know what just happened, but she's about to explain it." they all nodded and signaled for me to go ahead.

" I.. I think I know part of what's coming, I was siting over there with Embry and he was telling me what happened today with the red head and it just clicked that she had to have something to do with the danger I've been feeling about what's coming. As soon as I had that thought, I felt my veins start to boil my blood felt like it was hot lava and then just as quickly as I felt that It went completely cold, every part of me. Except for my throat. My throat was burning like a thousand smoldering razor blades were going down it. All I could see was red, all I wanted was for the burning to stop. Then I came out of it, it took a few glasses of water but the burning went away. What I felt though.... that was the most awful thing, I felt a human turning into a leech. The burning in my throat was their thirst, I never want to feel that way again. It was horrifying, but I know now that whatever the red head Is planning she is making more leeches to come with her." They all sat in silence completely repulsed and confused by what I just said. Embry was the first to speak but it was to Sam not me.
"How is that even possible? How could she feel that?!" He was obviously angry but he shouldn't be yelling at Sam, he doesn't control the things I feel. Sam sat in silence for a moment and finally he answered, " I didn't think she could see things from people outside of the tribe, but since this is going to directly effect the tribe I guess thats the exception." His eyes fell on me and they were full of so much sympathy, "I'm sorry you had to feel that, but at least we now have a better idea of what's to come." His eyes shifted to Embry, "why don't you take her home and take the night off make sure she's okay." All I could manage was a small thank you to Sam as Embry picked me up bridal style and bolted out the door.

Mia Black - Quileute Tribe Seer- Embry Call ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now