Chapter Four

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I opened my eyes as the harsh sunlight flowed in through my window. Ugh.. school again... I sat up straight and felt someone tugging on my shirt. What the fuck? Turning over to my side, it struck me that Alex was the one pulling on my shirt, sound asleep. Drool was falling out the side of his open mouth, and for a second, everything felt fine. I blinked. Wait.. Realization then took over.


I slapped my hands over my mouth, silencing myself. That's right... I dragged him into my room so that he could sleep. I took his hand and unraveled his fingers from the cloth of my t-shirt. Well.. uh, that's awkward. Not to mention he's on my bed. I slowly slipped out of bed and grabbed some clothes from my closet, walking into the bathroom.

After taking a warm shower and dressing up, while I was brushing my hair, I heard a thump. What the hell? I peeked outside the bathroom door to see the blankets. Alex was nowhere to be seen. I finished brushing my hair and opened the door, only to see the aforementioned boy on the floor, entangled in blankets. A small smile appeared on my face.

What a dumbass.

When I walked outside the bedroom door, the smell of pancakes, bacon and eggs, and toast hit me. Well, Dad can't cook to save his life, so I guess it's Felicity. My hunch was right as I exited the hall, whereas Felicity was in the kitchen, cooking like crazy.

"Good morning, Felicity!" I greeted happily. She glanced at me for a moment. "You're still here?"

Felicity nodded, "Alex was nowhere to be found, and I have a score to settle with your damned father." I laughed. Felicity put a plate of pancakes down in front of me, turning off the stove. I wolfed down on two, and she let out a few light giggles. "You're definitely Meladia's daughter. You have her stomach."

I smiled innocently and continued eating. "I mean, eating is just a pleasure!" I exclaimed, trying to justify my reasoning for scarfing down my breakfast.

Felicity smiled. "That's the same excuse Meladia always told me. God, you two really will be the death of me." As she moved to the counter, she informed, "By the way, I still don't trust you coming home to your father, so last night, we both agreed that you would move in with me. That won't affect you too much, will it?"

Move in with Felicity and Alex?

Gulping down my food, I shook my head. "Oh. I don't think so." I gobbled down another pancake, saying with my mouth full, "As long as I can just live, I'm fine with anything."

Alex James

I woke up after suddenly feeling sore everywhere. Shit. I groaned and sat up, realizing I was in Olivia's room. I looked up at her bed, only to see wrinkled sheets. The blankets were wrapped around me instead. Did Olivia sleep without blankets last night? I stood up and rubbed my eyes. I walked down the hall slowly, just remembering I was in Olivia's house. The realization had barely hit me, but I rolled with it, sighing.

Mom and Olivia were in the kitchen and the dining room. Their voices were barely heard as I tried to let go of the numb feeling in my ears. Before I could say anything, Mom walked out of the kitchen to put down a plate of food and was the first to acknowledge my presence.

"Alex! I brought some clothes; they're in my bag somewhere in the living room."

She hurled herself back into the kitchen and continued cooking for my portion of breakfast. It was just Olivia and me sitting at the table now. I glanced at the girl, who stopped mid-chew upon noticing. Her cheeks flared pink suddenly, and her eyes became wide as she stared back. Then that reminded me..

"Hey, Olivia?"

"Y-Yeah?" She squeaked, gulping down her food.

I looked at the floor and scratched the back of my neck. Agh, how do I say this without making it awkward? "Where did I sleep..? Like I-I know I slept in your room, but like, where.. uh, exactly?"

This is getting very awkward, very quickly.

Olivia's cheeks turned redder. She bit into her lip, stuttering out quietly, "Y-You fell asleep when I opened my door. So I dragged you inside and put my blankets on the floor for you. And then I dragged you on them." She looked away from me and stared at her fork instead.

A damn fork beat me at talking to someone with eye contact. Great.

"Okay. J-Just tryna clarify something."

Olivia Hernandez

Oh my god, that was so freaking awkward..! I was walking to the school, trying not to look back at what had happened. Quickly, I rushed into the building before the door could close. I was feeling a little better, but the only thing holding me back was when people were staring at me, whispering things. Every time I looked at someone, they turned away and kept their eyes preying on me. It didn't bother me until I walked to my first class and noticed a group of guys laughing at me while pointing.

One threw a paper ball at my head while I was writing in my notebook, preparing for my lecture. I stopped writing for a second, my hand pausing in midair. Ignore them. Don't let them know that it bothers you. When I continued writing, not even a minute passed until someone launched another paper ball at me. The sound of their laughter pissed me off. Not today, fuckers. My grip tightened on my pen, and I suddenly slammed it onto my notebook.

People began staring as I stood up. Rushing up to the one who threw the papers at me, I grabbed a fistful of his shirt, startling him. His eyes widened as I glared at him.

"Do you really want to start something with me, you douchebag?" I asked, my tone menacing towards him. "I'm in a bad mood today, so if you dare to throw another paper ball at me, you won't be able to even wave or move your arm."

He gulped visibly.

"What are you? A fucking toddler?"

The boy shook his head vigorously, denying it. "I-I'm a junior," he stuttered.

"Then act like it, punk."

I let go of his shirt and pushed him back roughly. His crowd of friends caught him before he could fall over and make a fool of himself. Stomping back to my seat, I sat down with an annoyed huff and waited for the teacher to arrive.

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