Chapter Thirty Seven

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Alex James

It's been two weeks since I had kissed Olivia. She was always, and still was, flustered whenever I was around her. She was getting used to the change, and I could tell she had so many questions. We'd gotten comfortable after the kiss, which was unusual since books usually said something about some "big time change". I think both Olivia and I have already gotten our big time change.

On the other hand, school was almost ending, which was a relief. I was walking down the halls of school, occasionally having to say hello to random groups of girls. They knew that I liked Olivia more than them, but they were so persistent that it hurt. After getting my books, I waited by Olivia's locker, leaning on it. She usually came out later, unless my class was rowdy before dismissal.

Kevin and Jen were going on a double date with Kevin's friend, so it was just Cody, Bri, Olivia and me. Mom was back home, but she had gotten sick after the business trip, so Olivia and Bri decided to take care of her. That meant both Cody and I had to watch them, or play basketball outside. But I'd rather much watch Olivia. I don't know why, but when I confessed, it made me feel as if my feelings for her were no longer trapped.

"I'll see you later!" I heard Bri's voice yell to her friend over the crowd of students in the hallway. She walked over. Ever since Bri learned that Olivia and I had kissed before, she was hung over on it. As she caught up to me, she stated, "Waiting for Olivia, as per usual."

I nodded, "Going to Cody's locker?"

Bri shook her head. "Told Cody and Olivia to walk to her locker together. One, because then I wouldn't have to go as far. And two, because the boys are getting pumped up to ask her to prom two months prior to the actual event." She rolled her eyes with annoyance.

"Geez, can they get anymore desperate?" I muttered.

"Good afternoon!" I heard Olivia's voice call to a few students in her Math period. I instantly perked up, standing up straight, and she waved with Cody trailing behind her like a zombie. "Hello!"

"God.. dammit.." Cody gasped for air, and fell on the lockers with a crash. "This.. woman.. is fucking... crazy.."

Olivia rolled her eyes as she opened her locker. She handed me a few books, and I put them in her backpack as she closed her locker. "Oh please Cody. That was three flights of stairs. I just had to get something."

"Three?!" Cody exclaimed, looking at Olivia with disbelief. He sighed dramatically and shifted, leaning on Bri. "Bee, carry me." If I remembered, Bee was the nickname Cody had for Bri when they were dating.

Bri instantly tried to push Cody to his feet, her weight shifting into all that power. "No!" She whined. "You're too heavy, Cody! STAAAAAAAHP!!"

"Nuuuuuuu," he complained.

Olivia laughed. "Let's go! Felicity isn't going to make chicken soup herself!"


We got back home, and Mom was in her room, on the bed while watching the Titanic movie. Cody and I were sat at the counter while Bri and Olivia began making soup. Bri, who didn't know how to cook, was being taught by Olivia, who made the best chicken soup ever. Trust me on this one; it was like a bowl of heaven. As they did their own thing, Cody and I made some small talk.

"So," I said, "What d'you think about Bri?"

Cody looked at the brunette, who was trying so hard not to burn herself. "She's alright. Relationship wise, okay."

"I mean, how did you guys break up?"

Cody shrugged, "At first, I thought she was the one who was flirting with my brother. But I learned that her twin sister, who, by the way, went to a private school somewhere on the other side of the world, was the one who was flirting with my brother. I thought Bri was the one who did, so I broke up with her. She acted like she didn't care." I could see Cody smile as he continued staring at her, "She was always a bad liar."

"So does she know you know?" I asked.

Cody shook his head, "Not that I know of." He turned to look at me, "What about you and Olivia? I heard from Bri that you two kissed earlier this month."

"I think we actually got closer," I replied honestly. "She seems more comfortable around me now. Maybe still a little flustered, but over all, she's more comfortable." I grinned towards Cody and added, "Well, we're both cornered by girls."

"Damn," Cody said, smiling himself. "That's true."

A pair of hands suddenly put a bowl of soup in front of us with two spoons in it. I looked up and saw Bri in front of us. Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked like she was nervous. "Please try it!" She squeaked quietly. Olivia giggled behind her. "I don't want to taste it!"

Olivia smiled, "It's okay, Bri. I'm pretty sure it's good."

Just then, we heard a clang. "Bleh!" Cody exclaimed, putting the spoon on the table after tasting a spoonful. He wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his hoodie. "Add a little salt; it's bitter."

Instead of feeling down, Bri jolted up at the feedback. "Y-Yes! Okay!"

She rushed over to the kitchen again, and Cody sighed. "I better help her before she makes the pot explode.."

He walked behind Bri and grabbed her hand (as to which she blushed), guiding her on how to make her soup taste better instead of putting a cup of salt in it like an idiot.

Olivia took Cody's seat and smiled, looking at me. "I think they look cute together."


She turned towards me and asked, "Hey, can I tell you something?"

"Sure," I replied. I faced my body towards her, "What's up?"

She gestured at me, as if telling me to come closer. I leaned forward, and instead of whispering in my ear like I thought she would, she leaned forward and planted a small and delicate kiss on my cheek. I suddenly pulled back with my face most likely red from embarrassment. She smiled innocently, but still cheekily, at me, a light pink brushed across her cheeks. Her hands were on her lap, and she tried to hide the fact that she was playing with her fingers.

"W-What was that for?" I asked, stuttering.

Her green eyes veered off to the side, avoiding my gaze. "Well, you kissed me before, so I wanted to return it." She looked at me and giggled, "Looks like your cheeks are about to explode."

I smiled, "Sure, sure, whatever." I pulled her towards me and hugged her. "You're just fucking adorable that it hurts to look at you sometimes."

She laughed and wrapped her arms around me, saying, "Is that a compliment, or should I feel offended?"

I was right.

We're still closer then ever before.

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