Epilogue (The End)

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Olivia Hernandez (Age: 30)

"Hurry up, Mommy!" Rachel giggled. She pulled on my hand as we walked to the park. I had a basket hanging on my arm, and Alex was behind us.

"Dear, you know I'm old," I said to my four year old daughter.

She pouted and looked at me with her green eyes, "Mommy! You know that's a really bad lie! You can't be old if you look so young!"

Jen laughed beside me, "She's right, Olivia!"

"Jen, you monster!" I whined. "I don't want to run!"

We heard squealing and saw Cody running with Bri slung over his shoulder, who was screaming for help, shouting, "I CALL HARASSMENT UPON YOU, CODY!! STOP TOUCHING MY ASS AND LET GO OF ME THIS INSTANT!!"

"IN YOUR DREAMS, SWEETHEART," he yelled back in return.

Bri and Cody didn't have a child, but as 30-year olds, they were both still freaking insane. Alex walked up to my left and put the 6-month old twins, Lukas and Lyra, in my arms, "Your turn. I'll play with Rachel."

"Thanks, Alex," I laughed.

He saluted, kissed my cheek, and ran off towards Rachel, who was trying to catch up to Cody and Bri as Cody ran off, Bri screaming at him.

"Me too, me too, Uncle Cody!" Rachel cheered, making Cody and Alex laugh.

Sam, who was behind me, rolled his eyes. "How childish." He had remained single, but I totally shipped him with one of the daily customers at the cafe he worked at, Rebecca. She accompanied him here as well, and was also super sweet. It would balance out how salty- I mean, unamused- he was.

I gave him a look and faced Lyra towards him. His eyes widened at the sleeping burrito. "Hold her for me, will ya?" I asked innocently. Lyra was his weakness, since she was so small and cute. He held her in his arms, and his eyes were practically glowing as he mumbled something about her being so tiny and cute.

Kevin walked beside Jen and kissed her cheek. "Well, aren't they childish?"

"Exactly what I said!" Sam exclaimed, snapping out of his amazed faze.

We all began talking, and somehow, I remained to remember the years that had flown by. I had a degree in music, but stayed as a home mother. Alex worked his ass off and got a good payment for us. We lived in the same house I used to live in, the pink one-story house. Sam lived with us as well and also helped pay for the bills. Felicity had also stayed with us, helping me with the children.

Jen and Kevin had two children, who were currently sleeping in the stroller Kevin was pushing. The sister, Kayla, was the eldest, and had her younger brother Liam beside her. Alex and I had our three children, Rachel, the eldest, and a pair of twins, Lukas and Lyra. Of course, I already told you Bri and Cody were married without children, but they thought of adopting a child from an orphanage or adoption center.

Sam was still as single as ever, being my brother and all (but I'm so sure of him keeping a secret relationship with Rebecca, his best friend). Mom and Dad occasionally chatted with us and were very proud of our success. They spent their time traveling the world, which was my mother's dream. Dad, Cody, and Sam all threatened to chop off Alex's head when he proposed to me. They said if he hurt me one bit, his head would be hanging on our wall.

We reached the park, and across from it were the gates of my old high school. As the children began playing with each other, Alex sat down next to me and saw me staring at the school.

"Memories?" He asked.

I turned to look at him and smiled, hugging his arm, "Memories."

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