Chapter Thirty Two

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Alex James

With time, I finally won the fight against Julian. I was sitting on a bench outside of the school in the courtyard, and Olivia was tending to my wounds. Bri was yelling at Cody, who was also yelling back at her just as angrily. When I got knocked out, Cody took my place for a while until I could get up again, so he had his own wounds. He wouldn't let Bri touch him, even though she was holding the bandages in her hands.

Those two used to be so compatible, but it was almost hilarious how the two were still even hanging out together. Bri somehow shoved him onto the bench and started wrapping his arms in bandages, so he couldn't move or else it would've hurt more than it already did. Olivia was quiet as she wrapped the bandages around my arm, moving towards my hand.

"You alright?" I asked, trying to break the silence.

She paused for a moment, her hand staying still with the bandage in her grasp. She didn't respond and decided to ignore me, pretending I didn't say anything. Her eyes were covered by her hair, so I didn't know what she was looking at to predict what she was thinking.

"Did I do something wrong?" I questioned.

Olivia then muttered, "Other than acting like a complete fool, no." She took a glance up at me, her sharp, green eyes gleaming with anger.

"You sure?" I asked. "Seems like I did something horrible to you."

She sighed and finished wrapping my bandages. "Bri told me why you started that fight." She put the roll away in Bri's backpack and sat next to me, looking at me with an eyebrow raised. My eyes widened. Oh fuck. "So, you apparently started a fight because someone had said I wasn't worth anything?"

My cheeks started heating up, and I averted my eyes from her curious gaze. "Y-Yeah, so what?"

She smiled, her cheeks flushed red. "I guess I should say thanks." She turned to look at me, and her hand reached out, holding my face and turning it towards her. She added in harshly, "You look at me when I talk."

"I'm glad to be of service," I chuckled.

She put her hand down and smiled slightly. "What about we go to the cafeteria and get you a drink? You're probably starving after that fight."

I stood up and brushed off the dirt from my jeans. "You're right. I didn't realize how hungry I was until now." I looked over at Bri and Cody. "Okay guys! Olivia and I are going to the cafeteria for food!"


Bri tightened the bandages a little more, making Cody yelp out. She turned back to us with an innocent smile. "Okay! Be careful!"


Olivia and I headed back into the building, snickering at the agonizing screams of Cody.


We sat down at the usual cafeteria table we used to sit at with Jen when we were in sophomore year. I was devouring food and drinking water as quickly as I could, my appetite doubling in size. Olivia was watching me, trying to hold in her laughter at how fast I was eating. She started to untie and tie her bandages over and over again, which made me think she was thinking of a few things. She zoned out more now. I lightly flicked her forehead, and she snapped out of her daze suddenly. I was sipping on a carton of orange juice and gave her a questioning look.

"It's nothing," she replied, but she sounded much more quiet than she usually was. "Just thinking of.. stuff..."

I couldn't help but think that she was thinking of when I had indirectly said I didn't like her, which was the most untruthful lie that had ever come out of my mouth. I regret it. I scooted my tray over to her and gestured towards my fries. She was confused at first, and blinked at me blankly.

"Have one," I clarified.

She reluctantly took one, eating it. After a few fries, she appeared to feel better, and I knew she would since food was technically half of her entire life. Again, she started to undo her bandages, and each time she did, it began ticking me off by the second. I grabbed her arm lightly, making her jump in confusion.

"Dammit, stop making me annoyed," I muttered. I wrapped the bandages around her arm and stuck it together with a paper clip that I found in my backpack. "Stop picking at it or else the bandages will spoil."

She smiled shyly, "Sorry."


School ended shortly, and we decided to go to basketball courts at the park after texting Bri and Cody to do so too. We found them playing a game, Bri trying to make a shot while Cody blocked her. She looked frustrated, since she was shorter, probably an inch shorter than Olivia. Cody's figure was lurching over her, laughing. Olivia ran up to them.

"Let's play a game!" She cheered.

"Cody is on my team!" Bri exclaimed quickly.

Cody looked at her, confused, "Wait, I am? What?"

Bri dragged him to the other side of the basketball court, and he reluctantly followed after her. The two began whispering quietly, and I walked beside Olivia, keeping my eyes on them.

Then, she stood on her toes and whispered in my ear, "Weren't they legit trying to kill each other an hour ago?"

I nodded. "Wonder what's with the sudden change."

Bri whispered something in Cody's ear, and Olivia tapped her elbow twice. After a few seconds, she tapped it twice again. She shook her head at me. She couldn't hear anything they said. We continued to wonder what they were talking about for hating each other's guts so much. Bri peered at us, and her eyes had a spark of Cupid in them. After a long whisper, Cody's eyes widened, and he nodded as if he understood what she said.

Bri clasped her hands together, "Let's get started!"


Olivia and I began to walk home after the game. We were still questioning why both Bri and Cody had cooperated well today.

"It's awkward," Olivia laughed, "They usually try to kill each other whenever they cross paths."

I nodded, "No shit."

We got home in time for dinner, and Jen and Kevin were there. They looked up and saw us joking around with each other, almost sighing in relief. Mom came in from the kitchen and saw the bandages wrapped around our arms. She put her hands on her hips, looking at the both of us for an answer to her silent question. I awkwardly shuffled my feet, and Olivia looked away from Mom's questioning stare.

"Well?" Mom asked, crossing her arms while tapping her foot.

I then said slowly, "I.. got into.. a.." I stopped abruptly and quickly grabbed Olivia's hand. "RUN!!!"

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!" She squealed as I pulled her with me.

We both began running up the stairs and laughing our asses off. Jen and Kevin chased us, trying to catch us while also laughing as well.

"Get back here!" Jen shouted.

"Fight me!" Olivia replied.

"Try and catch us!" I yelled back. I caught a glimpse of Mom smiling as we all ran up the stairs.

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